Wednesday 31 October 2012


Pastor J.D.Farag from the Calvary Chapel Kaneohe in Hawaii delivers his latest Mid-East Prophecy update from his church on Sunday 28th October in the middle of Super Storm Sandy!

Pastor Farag is a converted muslim from Lebanon, and is one of the best prophetic teachers in the world today, as he vehemently holds to the imminent Rapture of the Church to Glory, and the pre-mil Rapture position.

Just open the link below for another great teaching.


Israel Rattled By Rise In Anti-Semitic Rhetoric From Egypt


The new tone coming out of Egypt - punctuated by President Mohammed Morsi mouthing "Amen" to an Imam's call for the destruction of Israel - is rattling residents of the Jewish state, who claim the Obama administration isn't taking the ratcheted-up rhetoric seriously.

Lip reading by the Anti Defamation League and the Middle East Media Research Institute confirmed Morsi's approval of a prayer delivered by influential Imam Futouh Abd Al-Nabi Mansour last Friday, in which he stated, “Oh Allah ... grant us victory over the infidels. Oh Allah, destroy the Jews and their supporters.” Israelis already nervous by the rise of Morsi's Muslim Brotherhood say it is the latest example of a disturbing trend.

“There is no question that the rise to power of the Muslim Brotherhood has prompted open expressions of anti-Semitism in ways that were never publicly expressed during the Mubarak period," Efraim Zuroff of the Simon Wiesenthal Center’s Israel office told Fox "The Obama administration is treating this far less seriously than it should be.”

The rise to power this summer of Morsi’s Muslim Brotherhood prompted fears that the anti-Israeli, and anti-Semitic party, would be set on a collision course with its near neighbor, jeopardizing the peace treaty which has held firm between the previously warring nations since 1979. But while the rhetoric has been heated, the new Egyptian leader has also proven to be more pragmatic than some expected, thus far placing the national interest ahead of his own and his party’s religious ideology.

The party that propelled Morsi to power, however, has made no secret of its contempt for Judaism and Christianity. When Mohammed Badie in 2010 became leader of the Muslim Brotherhood - and consequently President Morsi’s spiritual guide - he stepped up his attacks on Israel even while Hosni Mubarak still held an iron grip on power in Egypt.

Determined to recapture Jerusalem and the Al Aqsa (Golden Dome) Mosque, Badie told his followers, “Every Muslim is obliged to wage Jihad in order to restore it (Jerusalem) to Muslim rule”. Of the Jews he added, “Allah would free the world of their filth and corruption...Jerusalem will be regained only through Jihad, not through negotiations.”

Badie’s continued use of inflammatory and racist language against Jews recently prompted the Wiesenthal Center, an internationally renowned human rights organization, to insist that President Obama condemn the Supreme Guide of the Muslim Brotherhood and, if necessary, cut off ties with the organization, until he withdraws his comments. No clear condemnation of the organization has yet been issued by the U.S. administration.

"They are giving Egypt’s new leadership tremendous latitude when it comes to things like this, despite the fact that these are the type of issues on which they should be held accountable,” Zuroff said. “It was hoped that the Arab spring would bring about a rise in democracy, but that simply hasn’t been the case. The undercurrent of Islamism from people who down the line would want to apply Sharia law in its most fundamental sense is a serious cause for concern.”

In Jerusalem, the Israeli government is without doubt monitoring developments in Egypt very closely.

“We have no illusions about the Muslim Brotherhood ideology," a senior Israeli diplomatic source told "There is a sense of wariness here and an additional injection of uncertainty, but there have been a number of indications since the election that are positive. On security issues there has been co-operation and dialogue, and of course, President Morsi’s letter to President Shimon Peres - which they originally denied sending but have recently admitted they did send – is another positive sign.”

Morsi's letter, which introduced the new Egyptian ambassador to Israel, referred to Peres as “a great and good friend” and has been ridiculed by some members of the Muslim Brotherhood as a sell-out by their leader. A senior figure in the Brotherhood, Ahmed el-Hamrawi, reportedly resigned earlier this week in protest at Morsi’s cordial communication with the Israeli president.

On Thursday, Egyptian intervention was credited with persuading militants in Hamas-controlled Gaza to cease a barrage of rockets into Israel that numbered more than 80 the previous day, striking eight houses and causing injuries to Israel civilians. Israel responded with targeted airstrikes that killed two Palestinian militants. The Muslim Brotherhood is acknowledged as the parent organization and spiritual base from which the radical Hamas movement originally sprang.

“We see the rise of Islamism, but so far it is the Egyptian flag and not the Muslim Brotherhood flag that is noted next to the new president," the Israeli source said. "The impression, so far, is that Morsi is placing Egypt’s national interest ahead of an Islamist agenda and seeking to do what is best for his country, a nation with serious economic challenges and security concerns, as was clearly demonstrated by the murder of 16 Egyptian soldiers on the Sinai border this summer by Islamic militants with strong Palestinian/Gaza connections.”

But in a related point, on Thursday Israeli Vice Prime Minister Moshe Yaalon, speaking on Israel radio, voiced rare recent criticism of Egypt’s efforts to rein in Jihadists in Sinai, saying, “It’s a question of Egypt deciding to assert its sovereignty against terrorists... It hasn’t happened yet.”

Tuesday 30 October 2012


As Hurricane Sandy wreaks havoc along the eastern seaboard of the USA, many Christians are asking if this is judgment from the Almighty, and a warning from the Lord to the Americans to turn from their sinful ways?

The mighty New York City has been brought to its knees by a superstorm nicknamed "Frankenstorm" to coincide with the occultic practice of haloween! The city of sin which boasts that it never closes with its halls and shows of debauchery, has seen at least sixteen people killed to date, many more injured or taken ill, homes wrecked, streets flooded, the Wall Street Stock Exchange closed for at least two days, the subway and all transport systems closed, buildings savaged, the "bright lights" of Broadway darkened, and much, much more!

One resident told the media that New York thought it was so great, it was beyond such humiliation, because it has turned its back on God and did not need Him anymore! The Islamic enemies of "their great Satan" must be drooling with delight and planning their next steps to bring further calamity upon this nation as they seek to emulate 9/11 and other atrocities!

Even the mighty powers of the USA election campaiging has been severely hit, and who can wonder when all the most powerful country on earth has to offer is a choice between a lying muslim who has led them to economic distress, and a deceived multi-millionaire Mormon who is out of touch with reality!

As America turns its back on Israel more and more, and treats its Prime Minister Netanyahu with contempt, what can one expect? Gay marriage and sodomy is now accepted "as normal" by both political parties, Christians are persecuted under the guise "of hatred and free speech", the Muslim Islamic faith is highlighted and encouraged more and more, prayers and Bible readings are being removed from schools and all forms of education, and gradually this once mighty nation has deteriorated so much, because the Lord has taken His hand of protection from it (as He has done in the UK), and more and more judgments will continue to come from Him as His patience wears out with this once friend of Israel and Yeshua.

Even So, Lord Jesus, Come Quickly.


The Ordinances of the Amorites/Americans                               
 Genesis 15:16 But in the fourth generation they shall come hither again: for the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet full.


Hurricane Sandy’s Field of Damage
God called me into the ministry on October 19, 1987. This was the day of the massive stock market crash of 508 points. The LORD showed me on that day that I did not fear Him, and the church had lost God’s holiness along with the fear of God. One of the aims of my ministry is to present the true fear of God to believers.
This election is a perfect picture of how the church has lost the fear of God. It is so clear and obvious.
I spoke out on the blog about Romney being a Mormon and pro-homosexual. Yes, he is a big time pro-homosexual supporter to the point he will keep open homosexuality in the military; he wants homosexuals in the Boy Scouts; and he wants more open homosexuals in the Republican Party. I have reported on this blog Romney’s pro-homosexual positions as he made them.
Why a Romney White House May Not Be Unfriendly to Gays 10/27/12 This article lays out just what Romney intends to do with the homosexual agenda: Promote it!!!
“It was also reported that Romney said he would not overturn or support several laws such as the “Don’t Ask, Don’ Tell” repeal or hospital visitation rights for couples, which the Obama administration has put into place as a condition of hospitals receiving Medicare funds. And according to Cooper, Romney indicated he would not advocate a federal marriage amendment.”
He is a fully committed to the Mormon church. At one time he was a missionary and pastor. He gives large sums of money to this church. As a Mormon, he believes that the Lord Jesus Christ was brothers with satan. He also believes that Jesus Christ was born from physical relations between “elohim god” and Mary. He denies the blessed holy Trinity and has a pantheistic view of God in that there are multiple gods.
I warned and warned of the danger of this election, if the church did not repent before the Lord. America is under political judgment, and God’s people are looking for a political savior rather than crying out to God in repentance. Is a pro-homosexual Mormon going to save the nation?
I hold a Thursday night blog talk radio prayer show called Praying with One Accord in One Place. During this prayer, we have been crying out to the Lord to save us, and we repent of the sin of America and for the politicians running for president. How many are doing this across the nation? How many pastors are calling for prayer, fasting and mourning that God raised up Obama and Romney? I think not many.
The church has lost the fear of the Lord. The church wants an easy political solution and not prayer, fasting and crying out to the Lord for deliverance.
This monster storm aimed at America and ready to inflict severe damage during election week is not a coincidence. Hurricane Sandy may flood Washington, DC on election day! It is like the hurricane is a huge bucket of vomit in America’s face during the election. What a sign from the holy God of Israel that American politics is an abomination to Him. A pro-homosexual Mormon along with a pro-abortion/homosexual, Muslim Brotherhood promoter, Hard Left Fascist are running for president. And there is no cry of repentance from God’s people! I see this storm as a warning from the LORD to call His church to repentance, This might be the last call from the Holy God of Israel.
I have documented in my books and on this blog that the largest disasters occurred during overlapping national sinful events. The best example is Hurricane Katrina which hit New Orleans during the week of Southern Decadence and President Bush strong arming Israel to pull out of Gaza. It is possible that such events might occur next week, but right now the clear sign from God is that America is under political judgment. The church is on the sidelines with no fear of the LORD.
Sunday night I have a blog talk radio show called. Looking For the Blessed Hope In light of Hurricane Sandy, I am changing the show to a two-hour old fashion prayer and repentance meeting, with crying out to God for mercy and to save us. All are welcome. It starts at 9:00 PM EST and is called Looking for the Blessed Hope. There is not much time left: it is either now or never. The sin of America has reached heaven.
Malachi 3:16 Then they that feared the LORD spake often one to another: and the LORD hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the LORD, and that thought upon his name. (17)  And they shall be mine, saith the LORD of hosts, in that day when I make up my jewels; and I will spare them, as a man spareth his own son that serveth him.
Hurricane Sandy Will Affect Millions and Cost Billions 10/27/12 The entire northeast is going to be impacted by this hurricane. There is the possibility that multitudes will not be able to vote. Could the election be postponed?
“An extremely rare and dangerous storm will turn in from the Atlantic, putting 60 million people in its path and could lead to billions of dollars in damage. Hurricane Sandy is expected to slam into central or southern New Jersey Monday evening, but severe and catastrophic impacts will threaten the mid-Atlantic and southern New England much sooner.
Storm surge flooding will occur over a much larger area, when compared to a hurricane and more severe than a typical nor’easter. It is likely to be more than just a few waves over washing the seawall in the hardest-hit areas. Sandy has the potential to bring historic storm surge flooding near and north of the center. It is possible areas from New Jersey to New York City and Long Island have some of their worst coastal flooding on record with Sandy tracking into New Jersey.”
Obama endorses same-sex marriage initiatives in three states 10/25/12 The President is promoting sodomite marriage and is the church repenting of this? Romney is also pro-homosexual, except for now he stops at sodomite marriage. He wants open homosexuality in the military and the Boy Scouts. Both of these candidates offend the Holy God of Israel by promoting the homosexual agenda. Does the church have clue of how the Lord is offended or do the vast majority even care? One of the states promoting homosexual “marriage” is Maryland, and the storm is heading directly toward this state.
“President Barack Obama on Thursday endorsed state ballot initiatives to legalize same-sex marriage in Washington state, Maryland and Maine as he sought to galvanize gay and lesbian enthusiasm for his re-election bid. Statements issued by the Obama campaign in those three states urging voters to approve the gay-marriage measures on their respective November 6 ballots came five months after Obama became the first U.S. president to express support for the right of same-sex couples to wed.
The state goes on to explicitly urge a yes vote for Washington state Referendum 74, which would allow same-sex couples to marry. Nearly identical endorsement statements were issued in support of similar initiatives on the November 6 ballot in Maine and Maryland.”
East Coast braces for monster ‘Frankenstorm’ 10/26/12 This storm is going to inflict horrific damage on many states. God has now “upped the ante” with the sin of America. The massive disasters are now coming with no letup. What will it take to awaken God’s people? America is under judgment for its sin!
“Sandy is “looking like a very serious storm that could be historic,” said Jeff Masters, meteorology director of the forecasting service Weather Underground. “Mother Nature is not saying, ‘Trick or treat.’ It’s just going to give tricks.”
When Hurricane Sandy becomes a hybrid weather monster some call “Frankenstorm” it will smack the East Coast harder and wider than last year’s damaging Irene, forecasters said Friday.
The brunt of the weather mayhem will be concentrated where the hurricane comes ashore early Tuesday, but there will be hundreds of miles of steady, strong and damaging winds and rain for the entire Eastern region for several days, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
“It’s going to be a long-lasting event, two to three days of impact for a lot of people,” Franklin said. “Wind damage, widespread power outages, heavy rainfall, inland flooding and somebody is going to get a significant surge event.”
That storm surge will only be magnified by the full moon this weekend to make it a “dangerous period,” Uccellini said.
Obama campaign ad hits Romney on abortion 10/25/12 Obama is promoting unfettered abortion across America, and tens of millions are going to vote for him! Huge numbers of Americans could care less that Obama is pro homosexual and pro-abortion along with what he has done to Israel. They have lost the fear of the LORD.
N.Y. appeals court nixes Defense of Marriage Act 10/18/12 As this storm heads for New York keep this is mind.
A divided federal appeals court in Manhattan struck down the Defense of Marriage Act Thursday as unconstitutional, joining an appeals court in Boston in rejecting the law that defines marriage as between a man and a woman. The Supreme Court is expected to take up the case in the next year.
The following is my teaching about what triggers God’s judgment on a nation. It is when a nation makes sin an ordinance:

        The Ordinances of the Amorites

Genesis 15:16 But in the fourth generation they shall come hither again: for the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet full.
God told Abraham that his descendants were going to leave the land of Canaan for 400 years because the iniquity of the people living in the land was not complete. There is a process for a society to be taken over by iniquity. In the case of the Canaanites, God gave these people 400 years to stop iniquity. God knew that after 400 years the iniquity of the people would reach its peak. The people would not turn from sin, but they would completely embrace it.
When studying Genesis 15:16 there is a key word in this verse. It is the Hebrew word translated full. This word is directly connected with the idea of friendly or friendship. The concept of this word is that when a society is friendly with iniquity at that point it is subject to judgment from God. Iniquity is no longer shameful or a disgraceful. It is not hidden or done in the dark. The people are friendly with it. They are accustomed to it. In Genesis 15:16, the Bible does not define iniquity: it simply states that there is a time for it to mature in a society and become full.
After the 400 years, the Jews left Egypt and came back to the land of Canaan . Today it is called the land of Israel . At this time, the Bible identifies what is iniquity. In Leviticus 18, God warned the Jews not to follow the ordinances of the Canaanites who lived in the land. The Canaanites and Amorites blended into one people; therefore it is also the ordinances of the Amorites that are mentioned in Genesis 15:16.
Leviticus 18:3 After the doings of the land of Egypt , wherein ye dwelt, shall ye not do: and after the doings of the land of Canaan , whither I bring you, shall ye not do: neither shall ye walk in their ordinances.
In the above verse, the key word is ordinances. The Hebrew word means an enactment and is also translated custom, manner, and statute. By using the word ordinance the Bible is describing a society that is “friendly” with iniquity. Iniquity has become ingrained in the Canaanites by both customs and laws which makes it a way of life. For this reason, God is about to judge the Canaanites and drive them off the land. The judgment comes because iniquity is an ordinance of the society and not because individuals are committing iniquity. When a society makes iniquity an ordinance, this is extremely serious with God.
Later in chapter 18, the Bible defines iniquity. It includes such acts as: adultery, child sacrifice, homosexuality and bestiality. Homosexuality is singled out from this group and described as an abomination. Without any doubt, God strongly condemns the homosexual act as iniquity. There is no section in the Old Testament where God approves or condones homosexuality. The homosexual act is a very serious offense to God. It is linked with child sacrifice and bestiality. The Scriptures to show this follow:
Leviticus 18:20 Moreover thou shalt not lie carnally with thy neighbour’s wife, to defile thyself with her. (Adultery)
(21) And thou shalt not let any of thy seed pass through the fire to Molech, neither shalt thou profane the name of thy God: I am the LORD. (Child sacrifice)
(22) Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination. (Homosexuality)
(23) Neither shalt thou lie with any beast to defile thyself therewith: neither shall any woman stand before a beast to lie down thereto: it is confusion. (Bestiality)
The Bible warns that when homosexuality becomes an ordinance, social custom or norm, it will bring God’s judgment on that nation. When the Bible defines iniquity, the homosexual act would automatically fall under the description of this word. In the strongest language possible, the Bible says because of iniquity the land will vomit out its inhabitants. The Scriptures to show this follows:
Leviticus 18:24 Defile not ye yourselves in any of these things: for in all these the nations are defiled which I cast out before you:
(25) And the land is defiled: therefore I do visit the iniquity thereof upon it, and the land itself vomiteth out her inhabitants.
(26) Ye shall therefore keep my statutes and my judgments, and shall not commit any of these abominations; neither any of your own nation, nor any stranger that sojourneth among you:
(27) (For all these abominations have the men of the land done, which were before you, and the land is defiled;)
The United States now is enacting, by both custom and law, the Ordinances of the Amorites; therefore the nation is defiled before the holy God of Israel and faces His judgment. By promoting homosexuality, America has become like the ancient pagan Amorites and has now come under the judgment of God.
America promotes homosexuality by custom with events such as Gay Pride Day, Gay Awareness Month (June), Gay day at Disney land, Gay Day at sporting events and events like Southern Decadence in New Orleans . There are gay clubs in high school and colleges. The political parties are pandering to the homosexuals for their votes. By custom, homosexuality has woven into the fabric of America .
America is continually making ordinances to advance the homosexual agenda. Sodomites can legally marry in California and Massachusetts while many states recognize civil unions. Homosexuals are now able to adopt children and gain custody of children during a divorce. There are now numerous hate speech laws which are being used to silence opposition to the homosexual agenda. America is a long way down the road to enacting all the Ordinances of the Amorites.
The Bible warns of God judging a nation that walks in these ordinances. When the corporate attitude of a nation is friendly toward homosexuality then at this point the iniquity is full. It is apparent that “the cup” of America ’s sin is rapidly filling up. Americans hardly blush anymore at fornication and adultery. The nation kills over one million babies a year with up to 50 million killed since 1973. The legalizing of abortion was an additional Ordinance of the Amorites. Homosexuality is fast becoming a constitutional right. The only ordinance left to fulfill Leviticus 18 is bestiality. This is probably next on line to become an ordinance!  
The following is a quote from a proclamation that President Obama made on June 1, 2012, outlining all the Ordinances of the Amorites he created.  He is proud of this! and right in God’s face with this. No nation can go this far down this road and not expect judgment. It has to come because God is holy. and in the Bible the judgments are decreed on a people who do this.
“Since I took office, my Administration has worked to broaden opportunity, advance equality, and level the playing field for LGBT people and communities. We have fought to secure justice for all under the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr., Hate Crimes Prevention Act, and we have taken action to end housing discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. We expanded hospital visitation rights for LGBT patients and their loved ones, and under the Affordable Care Act, we ensured that insurance companies will no longer be able to deny coverage to someone just because they are lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender. Because we understand that LGBT rights are human rights, we continue to engage with the international community in promoting and protecting the rights of LGBT persons around the world.
Because we repealed “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” gay, lesbian, and bisexual Americans can serve their country openly, honestly, and without fear of losing their jobs because of whom they love. And because we must treat others the way we want to be treated, I personally believe in marriage equality for same-sex couples.”

Notice in the next quote from Obama’s proclamation as he is promoting homosexuality, it ends with “in the year of our Lord”.
By using the term “our Lord” he connects the Holy God of Israel with sodomy, and the LORD will have none of it. He will not allow His holy name to be associated with the Ordinances of the Amorites! This action by America demands judgment.
“NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim June 2012 as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Pride Month. I call upon the people of the United States to eliminate prejudice everywhere it exists, and to celebrate the great diversity of the American people.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this first day of June, in the year of our Lord two thousand twelve, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-sixth”
America is continually making ordinances to advance the homosexual agenda. Homosexuals can legally marry in California, Massachusetts and New York, while many states recognize civil unions. Homosexuals are now able to adopt children and gain custody of children during a divorce. There are now numerous hate speech laws which are being used to silence opposition to the homosexual agenda. America is a long way down the road to enacting all the Ordinances of the Amorites.
The Bible warns of the Holy God of Israel judging a nation that walks in these ordinances. When the corporate attitude of a nation embraces homosexuality then, at this point, the iniquity is full. It is apparent that “the cup” of America’s sin is rapidly filling up and overflowing. Americans hardly blush anymore at fornication and adultery.
The nation kills over one million babies a year with up to 55 million killed since 1973. The legalizing of abortion was an additional Ordinance of the Amorites.
Homosexuality is fast becoming a constitutional right. The only ordinance left to fulfill Leviticus 18 is bestiality. This is probably next on line to become an ordinance!  
Jude 1:7 Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.

Friday 26 October 2012


     Psalm 9:17 
The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.


Me, on the Sid Roth Show
Recently, Sid Roth interviewed me on his show It’s Supernatural. The show is running this week on TV stations.
If you would like to watch the interview, go to John McTernan Interview.
Sid interviewed me about the updated information from my book As America Has Done to Israel.
The update was only about 25 pages but it was power packed with vital information and a key picture of President Roosevelt. I updated chapters five, nine and added an Epilogue.
The information is so powerful, that even if you have read the book, I suggest that you get the update. The updated information is simply astonishing.
Sid also produced a four-hour teaching of mine. It is in three DVDs and called America’s Fatal Mistake. I do suggest that you obtain this DVD series, as I go into teaching about what is in the book. You get to see the documentation that I used in my book. I was very satisfied with the teaching.
It is my heart’s desire that my book and teachings would win many to the Lord Jesus and cause God’s people to live with the Blessed Hope. There is nothing else to live for in the world but the Blessed Hope.
I do not have the update of my book! My publisher had a large printing and sent it right to Sid for his show. I have to wait and was told the books should come next week. I suggest that if you want the book or DVD right now, order it from Sid’s ministry.
When I have the updated book and DVD teaching series, I will let you know.


More Brits Believe In Aliens Than In God, Survey Claims


The number of those who believe in extraterrestrial life is significantly higher than those who believe in God in the United Kingdom, a survey commissioned by a new alien-themed video game claims.

The survey, for which the "XCOM: Enemy Unknown" videogame hired market research agency Opinion Matters to conduct, suggests that 52 percent of U.K. adults believe UFO evidence has been covered up because widespread knowledge of their existence would threaten government stability, as opposed to 44 percent who say they believe in God.

Around 10 percent of the country also claims to have seen a UFO, with almost a quarter more men claiming to have done so than women, the survey indicated. It also suggested that about 20 percent of the country believes UFOs have landed, while over 5 million U.K. residents believe the Moon landings were faked.

Opinion Matters, which surveyed 1,359 U.K. adults, says the results are representative of the population in the U.K.

"Yes, it has been done with an independent panel through a bonafide research company," says Karen Brooks, managing director of Opinion Matters. "Surveys can be done face-to-face, over the telephone and online. This one was a U.K. adult sample, which is quite broad, and doing it online is a quick, effective way of getting to that audience," she continued. "We make sure that all of the questions are compliant from a research perspective."

Nick Pope, formerly of the British Government's Ministry of Defense UFO Project, said he believes the survey results. "Just 20 years ago, religion was a huge part of life in the U.K., and this shows just how much attitudes have changed," he told "Belief in the alien phenomenon is now more widespread than ever, with many wondering how we and our governments would react to the news that aliens existed."

However, Alistair Macdonald-Radcliff, an Anglican priest, told Huffington Post that he is "inherently skeptical about what these statistics tell you, and particularly if there's a narrow, selective base."

Macdonald-Radcliff, director general of the World Dialogue Council and who has worked with statistics on religion, added that "the failure to define what they're asking people to believe here is a fairly critical failure for the survey.

Because you've already set out quite a variety of possibilities as to what they might or might not suppose UFOs to be. I certainly think sliding extraterrestrial and UFO together is a particularly messy thing to do."

Tuesday 23 October 2012


The Armageddon Virus: Experts Fear A Disease That Leaps From Animals To Humans Could Devastate Mankind In The Next Five Years


The symptoms appear suddenly with a headache, high fever, joint pain, stomach pain and vomiting.

As the illness progresses, patients can develop large areas of bruising and uncontrolled bleeding. In at least 30  per cent of cases, Crimean-Congo Viral Hemorrhagic Fever is fatal.

And so it proved this month when a 38-year-old garage owner from Glasgow, who had been to his brother’s wedding in Afghanistan, became the UK’s first confirmed victim of the tick-borne viral illness when he died at the high-security infectious disease unit at London’s Royal Free Hospital.

It is a disease widespread in domestic and wild animals in Africa and Asia — and one that has jumped the species barrier to infect humans with deadly effect.

But the unnamed man’s death was not the only time recently a foreign virus had struck in this country for the first time.

Last month, a 49-year-old man entered London’s St Thomas’ hospital with a raging fever, severe cough and desperate difficulty in breathing.

He bore all the hallmarks of the deadly Sars virus that killed nearly 1,000 people in 2003 — but blood tests quickly showed that this terrifyingly virulent infection was not Sars. Nor was it any other virus yet known to medical science.

Worse still, the gasping, sweating patient was rapidly succumbing to kidney failure, a potentially lethal complication that had never before been seen in such a case.

As medical staff quarantined their critically-ill patient, fearful questions began to mount. The stricken man had recently come from Qatar in the Middle East. What on earth had he picked up there? Had he already infected others with it?

Using the latest high-tech gene-scanning technique, scientists at the Health Protection Agency started to piece together clues from tissue samples taken from the Qatari patient, who was now hooked up to a life-support machine.

The results were extraordinary. Yes, the virus is from the same family as Sars. But its make-up is completely new. It has come not from humans, but from animals. Its closest known relatives have been found in Asiatic bats.

The investigators also discovered that the virus has already killed someone. Searches of global medical databases revealed the same mysterious virus lurking in samples taken from a 60-year-old man who had died in Saudi Arabia in July.

When the Health Protection Agency warned the world of this newly- emerging virus last month, it ignited a stark fear among medical experts.

In all these outbreaks, the virus responsible came from an animal. Analysts now believe that the Spanish flu pandemic originated from a wild aquatic bird.

The terrifying fact is that viruses that manage to jump to us from animals — called zoonoses — can wreak havoc because of their astonishing ability to catch us on the hop and spread rapidly through the population when we least expect it.

The virus's power and fatality rates are terrifying One leading British virologist, Professor John Oxford at Queen Mary Hospital, University of London, and a world authority on epidemics, warns that we must expect an animal-originated pandemic to hit the world within the next five years, with potentially cataclysmic effects on the human race.

Such a contagion, he believes, will be a new strain of super-flu, a highly infectious virus that may originate in some far-flung backwater of Asia or Africa, and be contracted by one person from a wild animal or domestic beast, such as a chicken or pig.

By the time the first victim has succumbed to this unknown, unsuspected new illness, they will have spread it by coughs and sneezes to family, friends, and all those gathered anxiously around them.

Thanks to our crowded, hyper-connected world, this doomsday virus will already have begun crossing the globe by air, rail, road and sea before even the best brains in medicine have begun to chisel at its genetic secrets. Before it even has a name, it will have started to cut its lethal swathe through the world’s population.

If this new virus follows the pattern of the pandemic of 1918-1919, it will cruelly reap mass harvests of young and fit people.

They die because of something called a ‘cytokine storm’ — a vast overreaction of their strong and efficient immune systems that is prompted by the virus.

This uncontrolled response burns them with a fever and wracks their bodies with nausea and massive fatigue. The hyper-activated immune system actually kills the person, rather than killing the super-virus.

Professor Oxford bases his prediction on historical patterns.

The past century has certainly provided us with many disturbing precedents. For example, the 2003 global outbreak of Sars, the severe acute respiratory syndrome that killed nearly 1,000 people, was transmitted to humans from Asian civet cats in China.

In November 2002, it first spread among people working at a live animal market in the southern Guangdong province, where civets were being sold.

Nowadays, the threat from such zoonoses is far greater than ever, thanks to modern technology and human population growth. Mass transport such as airliners can quickly fan outbreaks of newly- emerging zoonoses into deadly global wildfires.

The Sars virus was spread when a Chinese professor of respiratory medicine treating people with the syndrome fell ill when he travelled to Hong Kong, carrying the virus with him.

By February 2003, it had covered the world by hitching easy lifts with airline passengers. Between March and July 2003, some 8,400 probable cases of Sars had been reported in 32 countries.

It is a similar story with H1N1 swine flu, the 2009 influenza pandemic that infected hundreds of millions throughout the world. It is now believed to have originated in herds of pigs in Mexico before infecting humans who boarded flights to myriad destinations.

Once these stowaway viruses get off the plane, they don’t have to learn a new language or new local customs.

Genetically, we humans are not very diverse; an epidemic that can kill people in one part of the world can kill them in any other just as easily.

On top of this, our risk of catching such deadly contagions from wild animals is growing massively, thanks to humankind’s relentless encroachment into the world’s jungles and rainforests, where we increasingly come into contact for the first time with unknown viral killers that have been evolving and incubating in wild creatures for millennia.

This month, an international research team announced it had identified an entirely new African virus that killed two teenagers in the Democratic Republic of the Congo in 2009.

The virus induced acute hemorrhagic fever, which causes catastrophic widespread bleeding from the eyes, ears, nose and mouth, and can kill in days.

A 15-year-old boy and a 13-year-old girl who attended the same school both fell ill suddenly and succumbed rapidly. A week after the girl’s death, a nurse who cared for her developed similar symptoms. He only narrowly survived.

The new microbe is named Bas-Congo virus (BASV), after the province where its three victims lived. It belongs to a family of viruses known as rhabdoviruses, which includes rabies.

A report in the journal PLoS Pathogens says the virus probably originated in local wildlife and was passed to humans through insect bites or some other as-yet unidentified means.

There are plenty of other new viral candidates waiting in the wings, guts, breath and blood of animals around us. You can, for example, catch leprosy from armadillos, which carry the virus in their shells and are responsible for a third of leprosy cases in the U.S.

Horses can transmit the Hendra virus, which can cause lethal respiratory and neurological disease in people.

In a new book that should give us all pause for thought, award-winning U.S. natural history writer David Quammen points to a host of animal-derived infections that now claim lives with unprecedented regularity. The trend can only get worse, he warns.

Quammen highlights the Ebola fever virus, which first struck in Zaire in 1976. The virus’s power is terrifying, with fatality rates as high as 90 per cent. The latest mass outbreak of the virus, in the Congo last month, is reported to have killed 36 people out of 81 suspected cases.

According to Quammen, Ebola probably originated in bats. The bats then infected African apes, quite probably through the apes coming into contact with bat droppings. The virus then infected local hunters who had eaten the apes as bushmeat.

Quammen believes a similar pattern occurred with the HIV virus, which probably originated in a single chimpanzee in Cameroon.

'It is inevitable we will have a global outbreak' Studies of the virus’s genes suggest it may have first evolved as early as 1908. It was not until the Sixties that it appeared in humans, in big African cities. By the Eighties, it was spreading by airlines to America. Since then, Aids has killed around 30 million people and infected another 33 million.

There is one mercy with Ebola and HIV. They cannot be transmitted by coughs and sneezes. ‘Ebola is transmissible from human to human through direct contact with bodily fluids. It can be stopped by preventing such contact,’ Quammen explains.

‘If HIV could be transmitted by air, you and I might already be dead. If the rabies virus — another zoonosis — could be transmitted by air, it would be the most horrific pathogen on the planet.’

Viruses such as Ebola have another limitation, on top of their method of transmission. They kill and incapacitate people too quickly. In order to spread into pandemics, zoonoses need their human hosts to be both infectious and alive for as long as possible, so that the virus can keep casting its deadly tentacles across the world’s population.

But there is one zoonosis that can do all the right (or wrong) things. It is our old adversary, flu. It is easily transmitted through the air, via sneezes and coughs.

Sars can do this, too. But flu has a further advantage. As Quammen points out: ‘With Sars, symptoms tend to appear in a person before, rather than after, that person becomes highly infectious.

‘That allowed many Sars cases to be recognised, hospitalised and placed in isolation before they hit their peak of infectivity. But with influenza and many other diseases, the order is reversed.’

Someone who has an infectious case of a new and potentially lethal strain of flu can be walking about innocently spluttering it over everyone around them for days before they become incapacitated.

Such reasons lead Professor Oxford, a world authority on epidemics, to warn that a new global pandemic of animal-derived flu is inevitable. And, he says, the clock is ticking fast.

Professor Oxford’s warning is as stark as it is certain: ‘I think it is inevitable that we will have another big global outbreak of flu,’ he says. ‘We should plan for one emerging in 2017-2018.’

But are we adequately prepared to cope?

Professor Oxford warns that vigilant surveillance is the only real answer that we have.

‘New flu strains are a day-to-day problem and we have to be very careful to keep on top of them,’ he says.

‘We now have scientific processes enabling us to quickly identify the genome of the virus behind a new illness, so that we know what we are dealing with. The best we can do after that is to develop and stockpile vaccines and antiviral drugs that can fight new strains that we see emerging.’

But the Professor is worried our politicians are not taking this certainty of mass death seriously enough.

Such laxity could come at a human cost so unprecedentedly high that it would amount to criminal negligence. The race against newly-emerging animal-derived diseases is one that we have to win every time. A pandemic virus needs to win only once and it could be the end of humankind.


Rebuffing EU, Netanyahu says ‘no limits’ on Jerusalem construction

                              Verse of the Day

Zechariah 12:6 In that day will I make the governors of Judah like an hearth of fire among the wood, and like a torch of fire in a sheaf; and they shall devour all the people round about, on the right hand and on the left: and Jerusalem shall be inhabited again in her own place, even in Jerusalem.


I had a wonderful time speaking at the SW Radio Church conference in Gettysburg, PA. It was put on by Noah Hutchings who is a very good friend of mine. My topic was my book As America Has Done to Israel. I met many people who follow the blog and was overwhelmed about how blessed they are. My speaking has wound down for the year and now I’ll be spending time researching and writing my latest book.
Speaking of books, the update to As America Has Done to Israel is now printed. My publisher has it and will release it soon. When I have it, I’ll let you know in case you want to order it. I added only about 25 pages but it is crammed with incredible information.
Suspect in Libya Attack, in Plain Sight, Scoffs at U.S. 10/18/12 It does appear that the LORD is going to remove Obama from office. Like many of the presidents before him, he tampered with Israel and now is under the curse. He publicly humiliated Prime Minister Netanyahu and only seven days later he was humiliated during the debate. His presidency is downhill since. Then came the crisis in Libya which he and his administration lied about. He is caught, out in the open, with the lies. This greatly added to his collapsing of this presidency.
The Muslim terrorists who killed Ambassador Stevens are bold about what they did and moving throughout Libya without any fear. Remember, Obama started the Libyan war, and now it has come full circle to tear at his reelection. What irony that he started a war that could directly lead to his removal from office.
“Witnesses and the authorities have called Ahmed Abu Khattala one of the ringleaders of the Sept. 11 attack on the American diplomatic mission here. But just days after President Obama reasserted his vow to bring those responsible to justice, Mr. Abu Khattala spent two leisurely hours on Thursday evening at a crowded luxury hotel, sipping a strawberry frappe on a patio and scoffing at the threats coming from the American and Libyan governments.”
May the Holy God of Israel bless and protect you.
Zechariah 12:10 And I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of supplications: and they shall look upon me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for him, as one mourneth for his only son, and shall be in bitterness for him, as one that is in bitterness for his firstborn.

Israel and the Middle East War

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu continues to press forward with building in Jerusalem
Rebuffing EU, Netanyahu says ‘no limits’ on Jerusalem construction 10/21/12 The European Union is once again after Israel for building homes in Jerusalem. The world cannot stand Israel doing anything in Jerusalem. This is going to escalate until the entire world is drawn into the final battle that triggers the Second Coming of Jesus Christ with His church. The cry of the Islamic caliphate when it attacks Israel will be Jerusalem. They do not survive this battle.
“There will be “no limits” to construction in Jerusalem, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said during a cabinet meeting on Sunday. His comments come two days after the European Union, Britain and France condemned the Interior Ministry’s approval of a plan to build almost 800 new housing units in Gilo, a southern Jerusalem neighborhood beyond the 1967 Green Line.
“We are not imposing any restrictions on construction in Jerusalem. It is our capital,” Netanyahu said. He added Israel has a connection to Jerusalem as “ancient and powerful” as other states do to their capital.”
Egypt’s Islamists play to anti-Israel sentiment 10/13/12 Egypt is under the control of the Muslim Brotherhood, so it is impossible for this nation to remain in its treaty with Israel. As the Brotherhood gains more power, it will turn the nation against Israel. Notice how the focus is on Jerusalem. This is why I always watch what is happening with Jerusalem, as I believe it will be the catalyst for this all-out war between Israel and the Arabs.
“The Brotherhood’s supreme leader Mohammed Badie called on Muslims worldwide this week to defend Jerusalem, saying “Zionists only know the way of force.” He said that Jews were spreading “corruption,” had slaughtered Muslims and desecrated holy sites.
“It is time for the Muslim … to unite for the sake of Jerusalem and Palestine after the Jews have increased the corruption in the world, and shed the blood of (Muslims),” Badie said.”
Hezbollah, Lebanon’s Baath call for eradication of Israel 10/19/12 I have said this over and over that Lebanon is not going to survive this war. The prophet Obadiah is clear that Israel is going to move its border north into Lebanon after the all-out war.
Major US, Israeli air defense exercise begins 10/21/12
Turkey and Egypt Seek Alliance Amid Region’s Upheaval 10/18/12 This could be part of the building Sunni Muslim caliphate against Israel.
IDF Boards Gaza-Bound MV Estelle 10/21/12
Iran-UAE Island Dispute Could Escalate 10/18/12

Islam and IslamoFascism/Jihad

New FJP leader in Egypt calls for Sharia law 10/20/12 There was never any doubt that Egypt would turn to Sharia law. It is soon going to be the law of Egypt.
France as a Palestinian Camp – Old Fuhrer, New Furors 10/12/15 This is exactly the way it was in Nazi Germany during the mid-1930s.
“In France almost every week synagogues are firebombed, kosher butchers are attacked, Jewish men are assaulted by youths taunting “Palestine kills the Jews”, Jewish schoolgirls are beaten by criminals jeering “Jews must die”, Jews are stoned leaving Sabbath worship and Molotov cocktails are hurled at Jewish cultural centers. Sometimes Jews are also gunned down in broad daylight.”
Muslims enraged by cross on Swiss flag: “Many Muslims feel this Christian slogan is a provocation and an assault against Islam”  10/16/12 The Muslims cannot stand the cross, and this shows how they want to dominate any society that they are in.
Shocking Video: Muslim Women Drinking Camel Urine for ‘Good Health’ 10/17/12 Muhammad said that camel urine was good for your health so the Muslims drink it!
UN Official: Islamists in Mali Are Targeting Women 10/11/12 Whenever the Muslims come to power they go after the women and other religions.
Muslims kill 30 in latest attack on Nigerian Christians 10/18/12 The continual never ending murdering of Christians by Muslims.
The Rape and Murder of Pakistan’s Christian Children 10/19/12 Pakistan is turning into an Islamic “hell on earth”.






Israel and The End Times. Mohammed Morsi Asks Allah To Kill The Jews! REALLY..... - Rapture Watch

Sunday 21 October 2012


The Climax of the Covenant [Video]

This message is from the recent Olivet Convocation in Madison, Ohio. Reggie spoke from Matthew 24, Daniel and other passages. Travis Bennett is also heard in this message as well as questions and comments from various attendees of the conference. The following is a quote from the message:
“Get ready for our own humblings. God is not going to send a stuffy, ‘we were right,’ ‘told you so,’ Church to Israel. He’s going to send a people who are like blinded Samson, who recover strength by the grace of God, having been deeply humbled.” – Reggie Kelly

[For PC & Mac: On the lower right of the player above there is a control to the left of the YouTube logo and the "Watch Later" button. This button is the "Playlist" button and will show all the parts of this particular playlist (in our case all the parts of the "session") for the convenience of switching from one part to another. For mobile devices (iPad, iPhone, etc.), only Part 1 will play above: Visit our YouTube Channel to view Parts 1-9]


Why the World Won’t End Until at Least 2024!

This article was written for Jewish Voice Magazine’s January – February 2013 edition.
Fortunately astute Bible prophecy believers weren’t surprised when they woke up on December 22, 2012 and discovered that the Mayan Mesoamerican Long Count calendar was inaccurate. All the hype about the end of the world occurring on December 21, 2012 was baseless to them because they recognized that this present world wouldn’t end until seven-years of tribulation passed upon the earth.
The seven-year “Tribulation Period,” as it is commonly referred to in many Christian circles, is a major eschatological theme in the Bible. Other associated biblical tags for this period are, “Daniel’s Seventieth Week,” “The Day of the Lord,” “The Time of Jacob’s Trouble,” and several more. According to Daniel 9:26-27 this period commences when the Antichrist confirms a seven–year covenant with “many,” including the nation of Israel. We recognize Israel’s participation in this treaty from Isaiah 28:15 and 18, and Daniel 9:24.
Isaiah’s verses inform us that Israel at the time is extremely concerned about some “overflowing scourge” that is sweeping through the world. The Israeli leadership believes that by partaking of this future treaty, which Isaiah calls a “covenant with death,” enables the Jewish state to avert destruction. Daniel 9:24 clarifies that seventy weeks of years are determined for the Jews and the holy city of Jerusalem to accomplish seven important spiritual feats.
There are many portions of scripture that split this seven-year period of tribulation into two-parts. It is commonly taught among Bible prophecy teachers that the first three and one-half years present Israel with a period of peace, but that peace is abruptly interrupted at the mid-point when the Antichrist enters into the coming third Jewish temple, and fulfills the Daniel 11:31 and 12:11 prophecies Christ warned about in Matthew 24:15.
This abominable act of the Antichrist is commonly called the “Abomination of Desolation.” From that point forward the Antichrist attempts a final genocidal attempt of the Jews during the last three and one-half years of tribulation, which is often referred to as the “Great Tribulation” period. During the Great Tribulation Zechariah 13:8-9 warns that two-thirds of the Israelis will be killed, but fortunately the other third will survive and become a faithful believing remnant.
The glaring point of all this mind-boggling prophetic information above is that the Antichrist has not confirmed this seven-year covenant with Israel yet. Therefore the end of this present world can’t come for at least seven more years. In fact, I explain in my book, Revelation Road, Hope Beyond the Horizon, why there is probably a minimum of eleven and one-half years remaining on the end time’s clock. Below is a quote from the pertinent section of Revelation Road, but first here is an important preface.
In fifty-two highly descriptive passages the prophet Ezekiel predicts that nine sizable populations will invade Israel in the “latter years.” This is a prophecy that many Bible prophecy teachers are expecting to find final fulfillment in the near future. The image identifies the consensus among many scholars of who these ancient populations represent on a modern day map. (1) (The arrows point from Gomer, Meshech, Tubal, Persia, Magog, Togarmah, Put, Libya, and Cush)
Fortunately, the Lord intervenes on Israel’s behalf and divinely defeats this formidable Gog of Magog coalition according to Ezekiel 38:18-39:6. Subsequently, the nation of Israel embarks upon a national campaign to harness the energy from the weapons of these defeated enemies. With this in mind the quote from Revelation Road reads as follows;
Ezekiel 39:9-10 suggests Israel will possess the know-how to convert the weapons of mass destruction possessed by the Ezekiel 38 invaders into fuel. Israel appears to utilize these weapons for fuel and energy consumption for a period of seven-years. This will be no problem during the peaceful first half of the tribulation, but not likely during the perilous second half, because Jews will be fleeing for their lives, rather than harnessing this energy.
Therefore, many scholars suggest that Ezekiel 38 must conclude, not commence, no later than three and one-half years before the seven-years of tribulation even begins. This allows the Jews seven full years to burn the weapons before they begin fleeing for their lives. Realistically, it will probably take approximately a year to even collect, dismantle, and covert the weapons cache prior to that.
Here’s how this could break down incrementally in real time. Allow about one year for the Ezekiel 38 battle to occur and the weapons to be converted. Remember, assembling a coalition and mobilizing an invasion of the scope described in Ezekiel 38 is no twenty-four hour undertaking. Then consider an additional seven-year span to burn the weapons. And lastly, add in the final three and one-half years of Great Tribulation, for a total of eleven and one-half years.
If this hypothesis is correct, this means that at least (underscore at least because it’s probably going to be longer) that from the time the Ezekiel 38 invasion begins until the second coming of Christ to set up His kingdom, there will exist approximately eleven and one-half years. I could be more technical on the timing, because Daniel 12:11-12 adds an additional seventy-five days to the equation. His infamous ‘Seventieth Week’ ends, and then the two and one-half month interval kicks in, at which time the sheep and goat judgment of Matthew 25:32-46 seemingly takes place.” (2)
Revelation Road, Hope Beyond The HorizonIn conclusion; according to the Bible prophecies listed in this article, it appears that the present world appears to survive at least until the year 2024! This is not a prediction, but rather an educated prophetic observation.
Some scholars teach that little or no time separates the Gog of Magog invasion from the Tribulation period, and others believe the invasion actually occurs during the Tribulation. I agree with those that teach the Ezekiel 38 invasion must conclude at least three and one-half years before the seven-years of tribulation commences. After the Ezekiel invasion Israel may have more than seven-years of weapons supply for energy consumption. They could have ten or more years for all we know. But one thing seems almost certain, that at the mid-point of the Tribulation period when the genocidal campaign of the Antichrist is in full swing, Israelis appear to be fleeing for their lives rather than converting enemy weapons into sources of energy.
(1) Map taken from the images section of Revelation Road, Hope Beyond the Horizon, page 425.
(2) Quote taken from Revelation Road, Hope Beyond the Horizon, page 248 under the subtitle of “Why Ezekiel 38 is Probably Pre-Trib.”

Friday 19 October 2012


B&B ruling: Discrimination a right - Nick Griffin

John Morgan (left) and Michael Black John Morgan (left) and Michael Black were awarded £1,800 each for "injury to feelings"

Related Stories

BNP leader Nick Griffin has said people have the "right to discriminate", after he put the address of a gay couple who won a landmark court ruling on Twitter.
A court ruled a guest house owner had discriminated against Michael Black and John Morgan when she turned them away.
Mr Griffin said the men had "abused the system to persecute" the Christian owner, after earlier urging Twitter followers to hold a demonstration.
The couple, from Cambridgeshire, said any demo would be a "damp squib".
Mr Griffin is being investigated by police over the tweets published on the @nickgriffinmep account.
'Shocked to hear'
Two of the posts read: "So Messrs Black & Morgan, at [their address]. A British Justice team will come up to Huntington & give you a..." then "...bit of drama by way of reminding you that an English couple's home is their castle. Say No to heterophobia!."
An earlier tweet on the North West region MEP's account had asked for the couple's address and then said: "We'll hold demo... for rights of all home owners, gays included, to rent or not rent rooms to whomsoever they wish."
Mr Griffin told BBC 5 live he believed discrimination was a "fundamental human right".
"Mr Black and Mr Morgan have the right to decide who enters their home and who doesn't, as do Christians, and that's what they are taking away," he said.

Start Quote

The more we read about it the more incoherent they seemed - we don't really know what Nick Griffin was getting at”
End Quote Michael Black
"Those two gentlemen placed themselves in the public eye and they asked for it when they used and abused the legal system to persecute an innocent Christian couple.
"It's time that the silent majority had people standing up for them so that this relentless bullying of ordinary people by activists and the left-wing judiciary stopped.
"The liberal elite simply won't listen to reasoned argument, so we have to be slightly more forceful. I believe in peaceful direct action."
Mr Black told BBC Breakfast he was baffled by Mr Griffin's tweets.
He said: "We were shocked to hear about it, of course. The more we read about it the more incoherent they seemed. We don't really know what Nick Griffin was getting at.
"He accuses us of being heterophobic, which is far from the truth, and he's accused us of trying to outlaw Christianity, which is not true either.
"The finding of discrimination protects Christians from being discriminated against as well as people who are gay or of different races or different religions."
Asked about the possibility of demonstrations, Mr Morgan said police were keeping an eye on their home.
The couple said they would give the damages they received - £1,800 each - to charity.
'Bit of drama'
Mr Griffin said: "I said we will be holding a demonstration in Huntingdon. It doesn't necessarily mean outside their house."
He claimed that the reference "give you a bit of drama" in his tweet was commenting on the fact the couple were involved in amateur dramatics, and he had only wanted a "peaceful" demonstration.
Mr Black, 64, and Mr Morgan, 59, from Brampton, near Huntingdon, went to court after they were refused a double room at Swiss Bed and Breakfast, Berkshire, by its owner.
When they arrived in March 2010, Susanne Wilkinson, who is a Christian, would not let them stay in a room with a double bed.
On Thursday, recorder Claire Moulder said that by refusing the couple access to a double room, Mrs Wilkinson had "treated them less favourably than she would treat unmarried heterosexual couples in the same circumstances".
However, the recorder accepted that Mrs Wilkinson was genuine about her Christian beliefs and had also stopped unmarried heterosexual couples from sharing a double bed.
"It was an alarming decision and that couple must have been deeply distressed by it."
Cambridgeshire Police are investigating the Twitter incident in liaison with Dyfed-Powys Police, the force where Mr Griffin lives.

Thursday 18 October 2012








Wednesday 17 October 2012


An Electromagnetic Pulse Attack — The ‘Other’ Iranian Nuclear Threat


Just what might happen if the Iranians got their hands on a nuclear weapon? Would they fire it at an Israeli city, causing tens or hundreds of thousands of casualties?

Or would they use it as a geopolitical weapon, seeking to dominate the Middle East and forcing the hand of Western powers, either subtly or by overtly threatening death and destruction to those who fail to heed their dictates?

While political scientists and world leaders have debated the likelihood of those two possibilities, there is a third plausible scenario: The use of a nuclear weapon by Iran to carry out an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attack against Israel, the US, or Europe.

Such an attack could cause severe damage to the electrical grid in the targeted nations, to the extent that the routines of daily life — centered around the use of electrical power — could be halted, for a short or even long period of time.

An EMP is an above-atmosphere level detonation of a nuclear device that produces enough radiation to wreak havoc with electrical systems. The blast produces a very brief but intense electromagnetic field that can quickly induce very high currents in electrical devices, shorting them out.

The stronger the electromagnetic field — the “pulse” — the stronger the current, and the more likely electrical devices are to “blow out.” It’s akin to a power surge that shorts out your refrigerator or TV when too much voltage surges through the electrical outlet… on a whole other scale.

While there is much speculation as to what exactly an EMP would do to electrical appliances and digital devices — scientists have differences of opinion over how badly they would be affected (the world hasn’t really experienced a direct EMP blast yet, so much of the speculation is based on educated guesses) — the far-greater concern is what an attack would do to the electrical infrastructure in a targeted area.

If an EMP strike is large enough, or there are enough such strikes, the blasts could knock out power plants, electrical substations, and other sensitive equipment, causing a massive power failure that may take weeks or months to overcome. Data centers housing servers would likely be badly damaged as well, as would be communications systems.

The EMP issue is hardly being discussed in Israel, said Dr. Emily Landau, director of the Arms Control and Regional Security Program at Israel’s Institute for National Security Studies and a lecturer at Tel Aviv University.

“There isn’t much discussion of it right now, but when the discussion does begin, there is no doubt that it will focus on the balance between how much it will cost to deal with, versus how likely such an attack may be,” she said.

Landau, an expert on Iran’s nuclear program, believes that Iran could very well be planning an EMP attack on Israel, based on statements the Iranian regime has made, and actions it has taken. And, she said, Iran would be capable of delivering an EMP attack if it acquired a nuclear weapon.

“Some are skeptical that Iran would use a nuclear bomb just for an EMP attack,” said Landau. “If they already have a nuclear weapon, why not use it for the main purpose for which it was designed? But while a nuclear bomb targeting an Israeli city would cause mass destruction on a local or regional basis, an EMP attack could cause even more lasting damage, destroying Israel’s electrical grid.”

If Iran did opt for an EMP attack, the damage to Israel would be very high, she said. “Iran doesn’t have a nuclear bomb yet, and hopefully they won’t have one, but if they do manage to build a bomb, an EMP attack is a real possibility,” Landau added.

“Many people in the US are concerned about EMP now, and although the public discussion hasn’t begun in Israel yet, I expect that it will in the near future.”

The US Congress in 2000 established the Congressional Commission to Assess the Threat to the United States from Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Attack. In 2004, the committee produced a 70-page executive summary on the EMP threat, and it issued a final report on the matter in 2008.

According to the report, “several potential adversaries have or can acquire the capability to attack the United States with a high-altitude nuclear weapon-generated electromagnetic pulse (EMP). A determined adversary can achieve an EMP attack capability without having a high level of sophistication.”

The impact would be devastating, the report said. “EMP is one of a small number of threats that can hold our society at risk of catastrophic consequences. EMP will cover the wide geographic region within line of sight to the nuclear weapon.

It has the capability to produce significant damage to critical infrastructures and thus to the very fabric of US society, as well as to the ability of the United States and Western nations to project influence and military power,” it said.

Dr. Peter Vincent Pry was lead staffer for the Congressional committee, and he, too, is worried that Iran could use a nuclear bomb to carry out an EMP attack — on Israel and/or the US.

“Iran openly talks about using an EMP to attack Israel or the US,” said Pry, who is currently executive director of the Task Force on National and Homeland Security, a privately funded US group that seeks to educate the public and government leaders about the EMP threat to the US.

According to Pry, Iran is actively preparing for an EMP attack. “Tehran has undertaken offshore exercises using Scud missiles fired and positioned in such a way that they exploded in the atmosphere — exactly the method you would use for an EMP attack,” he said.

Iran’s arsenal of atomic bombs would be no match for the US, which could obliterate any memory of Islamist Iran in a matter of minutes. But, Pry told The Times of Israel, he believes that Iran could get the most leverage out of a nuclear bomb by using it to trash large parts of the electrical grid in the US, making it easy for the Islamist regime to swoop in and act as it wishes on the world stage.

“They could even marshal a major Islamic invasion of Israel, massacring the Jews and ushering in the era of the 12th Imam, the Islamic messiah, whose arrival Iran’s leadership believe is imminent,” Pry suggested grimly.

While EMP is a serious threat, there are steps governments can take to protect their electrical systems, according to Avi Schnurr, chairman and CEO of the Electric Infrastructure Security (EIS) Council, which works with government agencies and power companies worldwide to help coordinate international efforts on electric infrastructure protection.

“In the US, the estimate is that it would cost on the order of $1 billion to make the changes that would protect the power grid against EMP,” he told The Times of Israel. “I don’t have an estimate for Israel, but given the enormous difference in the sizes of the two countries and their power grids, it should be extremely affordable — no more than a fraction of a percent of Israel’s annual electric bill.”

“Hardening” electrical infrastructure against EMP attack would entail making some gradual changes to the power grid, such as the installation of devices like GIC (geomagnetically induced current) blockers.

Even if Iran were not developing a nuclear weapon, protecting the power grid in this manner would be a good idea, said Pry. “You don’t need a nuclear weapon to set off an EMP. You can also easily get a non-nuclear pulse generator,” he said. “They’re perfectly legal.

A terrorist could detonate one next to an electrical station and effectively black out a city or region. Such weapons don’t do as much damage as a nuclear pulse does, but they are effective enough.”

In fact, when it comes to EMP, nature itself can be an enemy. “An EMP can be caused by an event like a severe solar storm,” said Pry. Such events have occurred on at least two previous occasions – including in 1859, when the largest recorded geomagnetic storm ever was recorded.

British astronomer Richard Carrington observed the storm’s largest flare, which caused a major coronal mass ejection (CME) to travel directly toward the Earth — leading telegraph systems all over Europe and North America to fail, in some cases shocking telegraph operators before blowing out because of the overload of electricity in the wires. (The phenomenon is named the Carrington effect, after the astronomer.)

It takes political will to do what is necessary to protect the grid, said Schnurr, and that will is beginning to show itself in Western countries, including in Israel, which, Schnurr claims, is more aware, and more active in the hardening of its grid, than most countries.

“Work is going on associated with protecting the grid,” continued Schnurr. There is a greater degree and breadth of awareness on this issue, which is part of the reason why efforts have been made.”

Cost need not be a barrier, Schnurr stressed. Relatively speaking, “the cost associated with hardening the grid is quite small,” he said. Getting it done, he said, is of the utmost priority, and that will be the great challenge of governments — from Israel to the US, and many others — in the coming period.

Tuesday 16 October 2012


Egypt: Hardline Islamists Sanction Violent Jihad And Bloodshed To Impose Sharia Law Upon Egypt


Isaiah 19:2,4, “‘I will set Egyptians against Egyptians; Everyone will fight against his brother, And everyone against his neighbor, City against city, kingdom against kingdom… And the Egyptians I will give Into the hand of a cruel master, And a fierce king will rule over them,’ Says the Lord, the LORD of hosts.”
By Al-Masry Al-Youm, Egypt Independent – “Jama’a al-Islamiya hinted Friday that it may be willing to resort to violence in order to see Sharia adopted in the latest draft of the constitution from the Constituent Assembly.
The group called on Egyptians to collect funds for what it described as a battle against ‘secularists and liberals.’
Jama’a al-Islamiya leader Mohamed Salah is a member of the Jurisprudence Commission for Rights and Reform, which is comprised of a number of Islamist figures, including Khairat al-Shater, deputy supreme guide of the Muslim Brotherhood.
Salah said during a conference in the Ain Shams neighborhood that Egyptians should ‘support Islamic Sharia in the Egyptian constitution,’ and that ‘Jama’a al-Islamiya will fight for the application of God’s law, even if that requires bloodshed.’
He called on Islamist movements to organize mass demonstrations to ‘trap secularists inside the place where the Constituent Assembly holds its meetings, so that everyone knows that the people want an Islamist [state].’
He also demanded that President Mohamed Morsy issue a decree to ‘defeat the schemes of liberals to reject the law of God.’
He stressed that the referendum on the constitution in its current form is forbidden by Islam, calling on the Egyptian people to ‘[wage] jihad and fight in support of Sharia.’” Read more.

Monday 15 October 2012



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