Tuesday 30 April 2013


The Israeli Air Force this week shot down a Hezbollah drone off the coast of Haifa. Added to the drama was the fact that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s helicopter (in the north to visit a Druze village) had to put down when the drone was discovered.
The most interesting feature of the Hezbolla drone strike, though, is the realization that terrorists have a global reach. A drone means an escalation of technology and innovation. And when one considers that the Europeans now believe Hezbollah was behind a 2012 bombing in Bulgaria, we can see that Israel deals with a dizzying array of security issues each second of each day.
From a Jerusalem Post report:
“The Bulgarian probe led to renewed calls for the European Union to join the United States, Israel, the Netherlands, Canada, Australia and New Zealand in classifying Hezbollah as a terrorist group. According to various insider accounts, some EU countries including Germany and France are reluctant to take this step because it may harm their relations with Lebanon, where Hezbollah is part of the government.”
This reluctance from too many at the leadership to stand up to terrorists presents a very troubling outlook. The Israelis seem almost unruffled by it all, even as they deal with drone and terrorist strikes, and a hostile American government.
John Kerry has asked Israel to release terrorist prisoners, and Barack Obama’s empty “promise” to deal with Syria should Bashar Assad use chemical weapons—he called the bluff—has left a new threat on Israel’s northern border.
As we’ve said before in this space, the Iranian threat will be neutralized in some way, and we look for something unusual. Bottom line: Israel will win and Iran will lose.
A perhaps greater concern is the entrance of accelerated technology (drones) to invade a very tiny country. Certainly, Hezbollah’s missile arsenals are also troublesome. Not to mention the fellows on the southern border.
I remember a friend told me 20 years ago that Hosni Mubarak would one day break the treaty with Israel and invade. That was obviously a failed prediction, as Mubarak’s own comforts and ultimate survival were more important than bringing a new caliphate to Jerusalem.
However, the Muslim Brotherhood will have no such restrictions and will surely at some point seek to do battle with the Israelis once again. The old, old struggle with Egypt is still a reality for Israel.
There are other threats that drone on, as well. This week (April 22), on her blog, Lynne Hybels recommended a new book by Dale Hanson Bourke, The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, that will no doubt be another leftist view of said conflict. As I’ve said for some time, I consider the propaganda war over Israel, raging in the American Church, to be a very serious threat not only to Israel, but to her supporters.
At the upcoming Catalyst conference in Dallas, among the speakers will be Mark Driscoll and Lynne Hybels. Although Driscoll usually doesn’t address the Israel issue (but is Reformed theology tells me where he lands on it), he recently blogged about the critics of Rick Warren, even calling discernment ministries “extremist.”
That kind of outrageous, hateful, and unacceptable language I mention because it is representative of the tone used to defame and marginalize Bible-believing Christians, many of whom love and defend Israel.
This is the culture being cultivated at Catalyst, a mainstream evangelical leadership think-tank and network. There are leftist views of Israel within this kind of community that is identical to the Europeans who can’t muster up the moral courage to recognize Hezbollah for what it is.
Israel’s enemies drone on.

April 22, 2013
Well, in the wake of the Boston jihad, it seems we are all locked-in to a period of extreme danger. Societal structure is coming apart faster than a Bill Clinton intern story.
Which brings me to a background story that explains much of what we are experiencing today.
When tiny Israel defended herself in June, 1967, a newspaper editorial put it this way:
“If that [moderation from the radicalized Arab states] happens the way could be cleared for a political settlement that eventually could bring peace to the Middle East and a greater measure of security for the world.”
We were naïve then, too.
Few can argue that the jihadists’ top two targets are the Jewish state and her friend, the U.S. Whether jihadists are motivated by political power or religious fervor, the fact remains that when a cold-blooded killer looks at a child he’s about to blow up, we are faced with an existential threat the likes of which the world has rarely if ever known.
And the media spin and Muslim apologists have kicked in to high gear. We will hear a lot in the coming weeks about the “why” along with soul-searching as we try to “understand” why Muslims hate us. As Frank Gaffney said recently (I’m paraphrasing), if so many rank-and-file Muslims don’t support terrorism…where are they? The silence is deafening, and the jihadists are also helped immeasurably by dupes in the West.
I am struck by the fact that two Southern Baptist presidents, Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton, were among the worst offenders in refusing to see Islam for what it is. They threw Israel under the bus and endangered the rest of us in the process. Clinton knew what Yasser Arafat was (serial killer/mass murderer) yet invited him to the White House 13 times and empowered the PLO.
Before the Boy from Hope, though, we had the Man from Plains. In his odious 2006 book, Palestine Peace Not Apartheid, the mendacious Carter makes the following startling statement:
“The PLO was out of diplomatic bounds for me, still officially classified by the United States as a terrorist organization. Despite this restraint, I sought through unofficial channels to induce Arafat to accept the key U.N. resolutions so that the PLO could join in peace efforts, but he refused.”
A page later, Carter—astoundingly—discusses the threats to Egypt’s Anwar Sadat, who determined for pragmatic reasons to engage the Israelis in peace negotiations:
“High officials in Damascus, Baghdad, Tripoli, and the PLO called for Sadat’s assassination.”
You see, don’t you?
Carter’s new best friend Arafat was trying to kill the only Muslim leader in the world willing to sit down with the Israelis. And Carter hugged Arafat until the day he died.
Does this strike anyone as outrageous? Do you see how dangerous Carter’s worldview was and is? He still thinks Israel is the bad guy and his personal dislike of Jews is almost unfathomable, given his Christian upbringing.
For some time, I’ve been investigating at the leadership level the worldview regarding both Israel and the Arab world. I can say unequivocally that American evangelical leadership is mainstreaming some of the world’s most dangerous people.
Almost as an aside, I can assure you that the vast majority of the “New Evangelicals” do not remotely have a biblical view of Israel and the Jews. That is a key element in the unfolding drama.
No sooner had the child-killer from Boston been nabbed by authorities than evangelical leaders began a social media campaign to advocate for Islam. Kirsten Powers, a FOX news analyst and friend to Millennial evangelical leaders (like Jonathan Merritt) tweeted this week:
“Just b/c the bombing suspects were Muslim, that doesn’t make it ‘terrorism’ any more than a crazy abortion clinic bomber is a terrorist.’”
As a matter of fact, Kirsten, yes it does.
I want you to think about this, in light of what Powers’ tweet stated: the bombing suspects are Muslim, and they committed an act of terror. This makes it terrorism.
What we have here is a dangerous debate of the obvious. In the world inhabited by Kirsten Powers, if I say, “The sky is blue,” she might respond that no, it isn’t blue and in fact, we can’t be sure that’s the sky.
This mindset, in the context of the global jihad war, is problematic.
And when you couple this with the fact that evangelical leadership is being flooded with leftist thinkers, I must settle on warning those who have ears to hear.
While authorities were combing Boston for a jihadist child killer, Bob Roberts Jr. tweeted the following:
“Google MUSLIMS CONDEMN BOSTON BOMBINGS – 15 pages & counting – couldn’t be more clear than that”
That was followed by:
You are building an impression of what a Jesus follower is to Arabs, Muslims, immigrants right now - be driven by his love & not your fear”
Now, not surprisingly, Ed Stetzer (lead pastor of Grace Church in Hendersonville, TN, and President of the SBC’s LifeWay Research) tweeted:
Saddened by anti-Muslim hate spewed by some self-identified Xians online. Jesus told us NOT to respond like the world.”
A friend of Roberts is John Esposito, professor of International Affairs and Islamic Studies at Georgetown University. This particular Middle East studies program, like most, is funded by the Saudis. Esposito will be a headline speaker at Roberts’ Global Faith Forum in November. If you care to check out the lineup of speakers Roberts has invited (www.globalfaithforum.com), prepare to be scared.
But then, of course, Roberts and his friend Stetzer claim that many of us are motivated by fear, right?
When one considers that a dangerously myopic view about jihad now lies at the very heart of evangelicalism in America, one can see how many gains the jihadists have made. For example, Roberts touts that “Muslims condemn” bombings. Yet he seems clueless that the Koran (and the Muslim Brotherhood uses this tactic, along with an insidious plan to “build bridges” through interfaith dialogue, wishing only to capture new converts) actively encourages Muslims to lie when it serves a tactical purpose.
It might interest you to know, too, that both Roberts and Stetzer (along with Rick Warren) have blocked me from their Twitter accounts. I suppose because I ask questions they don’t want to answer. So much for tolerance from these tie-dyed peaceniks. I’ve discovered that they are very friendly to anyone who isn’t a conservative Christian who questions their various initiatives.
Now, one more thing that is relevant to this discussion.
Growing up in the SBC, I assumed the denomination was largely “pro Israel.” Certainly, even now, there are many local congregations and pastors who are just that, genuinely.
However, the gatekeepers at all levels of the (still) largest Protestant denomination are not that.
For example, a trip to any LifeWay Christian bookstore reveals a diverse stew of authors and themes. From a map of “Palestine in the time of Jesus” (even though “Palestine” didn’t exist in the first century), to books by change agents like Margaret Feinberg and, yes, Jimmy Carter, you can be crystal clear that a genuine, biblical (and otherwise) understanding of Israel will be missing.
Feinberg, a rapidly rising star among authors, wrote a piece for Catalyst Space, in which she followed the leftist line about Israel (http://juicyecumenism.com/2013/02/18/evangelical-left-voices-and-israel/).
(By the way, after I reported this story, which appeared on the Catalyst website, the Feinberg piece disappeared. Perhaps it is still there, but the website has undergone a facelift.)
The thing is, the radicalized Arab states are not going to become moderate. Yet our leftist thinkers in the Evangelical world—who have already permanently hijacked the movement—think accommodation can be made with Muslims. They also think the Arab-Israeli conflict is Israel’s fault.
Before we leave this topic, I also need to alert you to the sad news that the Assemblies of God also has this same strain of Israelphobia, coupled with a disturbing form of leftist ideology that would make a 60s prof at Berkeley clap and blush.
A few days ago, Jeff Walton of the Institute on Religion & Democracy (www.ird.org) broke a huge story, detailing remarks by Dr. Paul Alexander (out-going president of the Society for Pentecostal Studies) at a meeting at Seattle Pacific University.
You can read the account here (http://juicyecumenism.com/2013/04/08/race-sex-and-liberation-pentecostal-studies-president-steers-society-in-new-direction/) and please notice the photo used with the story; it shows Alexander at some sort of pro Palestinian demonstration, and he is flanked by Israeli soldiers. Alexander is a leading Palestinian apologist among those who identify as evangelicals. The above-mentioned story covers much more than his pro Palestinian activism, and represents a shocking shift in ideology, deep within the AG.
I will be reporting much more on that story in the coming weeks.
Suffice to say that if our current religious leaders are taking left turns this extreme, it remains for the rank-and-file to educate themselves and resolve to tough-it-out in a shifting religious-culture climate.
I urge readers to avail themselves of the following information and button-up as the Church unravels.


By Pastor Mike Taylor of "Before It's News.com" – CLICK HERE TO VISIT
“Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: as soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out, you know that summer is near. Even so, when you see all these things, you know that it is near, right at the door.”
Look at the world around us. Are not the signs of the soon return of our Lord and Savior not displayed according to God‘s Holy Word on the condition of this world? What are those signs? Let’s list just a few:
1.the moral decay of this world,. The USA is the last nation to expound Godly principles, unfortunately its star is fading as the last great hope of the world. It was likened unto a shining city on a hill, but moral decay will bring her to the pit.
2.the death of 50 million individuals upon the altar of convenience through abortion, or a whole generation in our nation alone, not counting international. This is synonymous with passing the children through the fires of Molech in land of Canaan and ancient Israel. A practice God says He loathes.
3.the decay of the foundation of the nation, the family. Homosexuality, same sex marriage, civil unions, and adoption of children into these families, (sic) and whole generation void of the teachings of the Word of God that’s found in your bible.
4.The push recently for a One World government based on climate change? Who really buys this scientific (sic) junk? Catholicism wanting all religions to unite (One World Religion)?
5.the removal by legislation of God from all aspects of legal and civil proceedings, from our schools, from our courts, and from our lives.
6.the removal of our basic freedoms in the USA and a socialist agenda to match Europe and the rest of the world.
These are just a few, and we could name many more of the symptoms of a world ripe for judgment and the return of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
As Christians we should be cultivating fruit worthy of repentance, as we see the possible end of days approaching. We should be aware of our surroundings, as Christ commanded us “to watch”. We are to be prepared for what could be coming on the earth very soon. We should be living like He will come today, and He just might.
Just think of the world that we may be living in. Even worse than what we are witnessing right now and it’s hard to imagine. The symptoms of the end of the age are piling up quickly, but as the old saying goes, “you ain’t seen nuttin’ yet!”
Jesus warns in Matthew 24:24. “For there shall arise false Christ’s, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.”
We see that happening today, in our news, on our TV sets and publications. Obviously, unless you are well grounded in the Word of God and sound doctrine, a person could be deceived when counterfeit miracles are performed and will lead the person away from the truth. If a true Christian hides the Word of God in his heart and his mind, no manner of lies that mimic God’s truth will fool the redeemed child of God. But we must stay close to God by His Holy Spirit and grounded in His Word. That’s a warning from our God and Savior. (Matthew 24:24)
But what should we be doing as Christians in these last days of the closing Age?
Titus 2: 11-14
11. For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men,
12. teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously and godly, in this present world:
13. Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ:
14. Who gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works.
And at the same time Jesus Christ gave us a command found in Luke 21:36,
“watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.”
Jesus commands us to be watchful, alert, studying to “show thyself approved” (II Timothy 2:15) and not neglectful, sticking our heads in the sand and trying to blend into this world. This should be, for each of us, a time of joyous anticipation of the soon return of our King, our Saviour, and our Redeemer. Not a time to be fearful, but sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ to a dying world.
Jesus gave us hints in the Word of God to the time of the signs of His return. Let us look at Matthew 24:32-33
“Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: as soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out, you know that summer is near. Even so, when you see all these things, you know that it is near, right at the door.”
I have often pondered what Jesus was saying concerning the fig tree. What do you think? Let’s look at examples in the Bible where the fig tree was used, as in these scripture passages to prove a point.
Matthew 21:18-20:
“In the morning, as Jesus was returning to Jerusalem, he was hungry, and he noticed a fig tree beside the road. He went over to see if there were any figs on it, but there were only leaves. Then he said to it, ‘may you never bear fruit again!’ And immediately the fig tree withered up. The disciples were amazed when they saw this and asked, How did the fig tree wither so quickly?”
At first glance, it appears that Jesus was upset and disappointed because He was hungry and no figs were found, but was that all He meant? Jesus knew when He went to the fig tree that He would find no figs, as it was not their season. Jesus never did or said anything that did not have a deeper meaning. Figs are symbols of the nation of Israel and its faith, or the lack thereof. Israel was like the fig tree with full leaves. It looked righteous, and looks like it was following Jehovah, but produced no fruit of righteousness, faith, or obedience.
In other places in the Bible, Israel is compared to either a fig tree or an olive tree. Let’s go to Jeremiah chapter 24
24:1 The LORD shewed me, and, behold, two baskets of figs were set before the temple of the LORD, after that Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon had carried away captive Jeconiah the son of Jehoiakim king of Judah, and the princes of Judah, with the carpenters and smiths, from Jerusalem, and had brought them to Babylon.
24:2 One basket had very good figs, even like the figs that are first ripe: and the other basket had very naughty figs, which could not be eaten, they were so bad.
24:3 Then said the LORD unto me, What seest thou, Jeremiah? And I said, Figs; the good figs, very good; and the evil, very evil, that cannot be eaten, they are so evil.
24:4 Again the word of the LORD came unto me, saying,
24:5 Thus saith the LORD, the God of Israel; Like these good figs, so will I acknowledge them that are carried away captive of Judah, whom I have sent out of this place into the land of the Chaldeans for their good.
The people of Israel are compared to figs here, both good and evil in the mentioned verse above.
When Jesus cursed the fig tree, He symbolically and prophetically placed a curse on Israel for their unbelief. The reason for the curse is straightforward. The fig tree, (Israel) failed to bear fruit (faith) even though its leaves indicate it was in season (the appointed time for the coming of the Messiah). Due to it’s lack of fruit, the fig tree withered,. Likewise, Israel’s lack of faith when presented with her Messiah led to the eventual destruction of the Jewish Temple at the hands of the Romans in AD 70. For 2000 years, the nation of Israel ceased to exist and its people persecuted and cursed. They were sent into exile and dispersed into all the other nations. And Israel was no more.
Let’s look at another parable concerning the fig tree, Jesus speaking:
In Luke 13:6-9. “He spake also this parable; a certain man had a fig tree planted in his vineyard, and he came and sought fruit thereon, and found none..
then said he unto the dresser of his vineyard, Behold, these three years I come seeking fruit on this fig tree and find none; cut it down; why cumbereth it the ground?
And he answering said unto him, Lord, let it alone this year also, till I shall dig about it, and dung it:
and if it bear fruit, well, and if not, then after that thou shalt cut it down.”
For three years, Jesus spread His message throughout Israel performing miracles, exhibiting unprecedented knowledge of the Scriptures, and offering ample evidence of His claim to be the long awaited Messiah. Yet despite three years of testimony, Israel refused to believe in the One whom God had sent.

Continued on Next Page

Monday 29 April 2013







Godless Gatherings: Lust For Life Drives UK Atheists To A Godless Church?! 

“I’m speechless.  The numbers of this movement is staggering.  I’m going to let the video speak for itself.  But I don’t think that they realize that by disowning God, they are in effect worshiping the god of the world, satan.  Remember the Bible prophesies a great falling away, and it also say’s in the last days people will turn from sound doctrine, and seek a different gospel, one that is tickling to the ears.” 
The Greek word αθεοι (atheoi), as it appears in the Epistle to the Ephesians(2:12) on the early 3rd-century Papyrus 46. It is usually translated into English as “[those who are] without God”


Possible reasons for Islamic approval of Third Temple. 

Possible Muslim Approval Of Third Temple Construction.
As reported in The Jewish Press on March 14, 2013, there is a new call for something previously unthinkable. Sinem Tezyapar, a Muslim TV producer in Turkey, has called for the rebuilding of the “Prophet Solomon’s” Temple. She assures her fellow Muslims that they need not be nervous because: “There is a broad expanse of land around the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock. The land there is quite convenient in that respect, and the Temple can be placed just a little way from Qubbat As-Sakhrah, and a little ahead of Masjid el-Aqsa.”
Well, this is an interesting turn of events. I have posted about the possible “Third Temple” being built at some point in the not so distant future. You can go HERE to read all my posts on this topic, they go quite a way back, as has the push to build the temple. What I find interesting is the mention of location.
Some years ago I had heard about the Temple’s location being not directly where the Dome of the Rock sits, but further North of it. I am going to share with you some excerpts from one of my posts that I think you will find to be quite interesting. I have often asked myself about the verse in Revelation stating that the outer court of the temple (court of gentiles) is not to be measure, why isn’t it measured? Will the be key in understanding how the Third Temple will be built? Anyway, here are some of my thoughts from older posts on it…
Rev 11:2 And cast aside the outside court of the temple, and do not measure it. For it was given to the nations (meaning Gentiles), and they will trample the holy city forty two months.
What I found after looking very closely at this verse is that the outer court or the court of the Gentiles is to be cast aside, and is not to be measured at all. I have read many explanations concerning this un-measured outer court. But here’s the best explanation… this outer court of gentiles could possibly include the Dome of the Rock. Perhaps it is not allowed to be measured because of the outrage by the Islamic community? Perhaps this anti-christ temple will be so inclusive that it will include the Dome of the Rock inside the gentile court; the outer court could be so inclusive that it doesn’t NEED to be measured. These are just questions that I have asking myself of late, and I know that they will be answered in time. Here is one explanation concerning the above verse where it speaks about the outer court/court of the Gentiles and gives us further insight.
The court (tēn aulēn). The uncovered yard outside the house. There were usually two, one between the door and the street, the outer court, the other the inner court surrounded by the buildings (Mar_14:66). This is here the outer court, “which is without the temple” (tēn exōthen tou naou), outside of the sanctuary, but within the hieron where the Gentiles could go (carrying out the imagery of the Jerusalem temple).
Leave without (ekbale exōthen). Literally, “cast without” (second aorist active imperative of ekballō.
Do not measure it (mē autēn metrēsēis). Prohibition with mē and the first aorist active (ingressive) subjunctive of metreō. This outer court is left to its fate. In Herod’s temple the outer court was marked off from the inner by “the middle wall of partition” (to mesoitoichon tou phragmou, Eph_2:15), beyond which a Gentile could not go. In this outer court was a house of prayer for the Gentiles (Mar_11:17), but now John is to cast it out and leave to its fate (given to the Gentiles in another sense) to be profaned by them. Robertsons Word Pictures Commentary.
From my research I came across Prof. Joseph Patrich who has acquired maps dating back to 1866 which places the Temple in such a way that the Dome of the Rock will sit in the outer court. Here are some images:
This temple may satisfy the Sanhedrin (time will tell), and the gentile Muslims would still have their Dome. An all inclusive place of worship for Jews, Muslims and for those Kingdom Now Christians who don’t know any better, they will think that the kingdom has arrived with PEACE finally being ushered in between all three major religions.
I emailed Prof. Joseph Patrich and he got back to me and he said the following:
It is outside the temple court, but still within the screen barring gentile entrance.
In reading Jacob Prash’s book called “Shadows of the Beast” he states this…
Dr. Asher Koffman  would place the Temple more than 300 feet north of the Dome on the present location of the Dome of the Spirits (more importantly known as “The Dome of the Tablets”) in a direct line from the present East Gate of Jerusalem, which is constructed upon the Herodian stones of its probable predecessor. If Koffman is correct, or is believed to be correct, it is easily possible to reconstruct a Jewish temple next to the Mosque of Omar with a dividing barrier between the two. This will exactly match the prophecies of Ezekiel 42:20 and would explain the Tribulational Temple of Revelation 11 and the implied Temple of 2 Thessalonians.
This is something to keep an eye on. Keeping in mind that the Temple Mount Institute has most, if not all the Temple vessels ready. I have heard that the they are training the Levitical Priests and that all the masonry for the temple has been made. I have heard that it would only take as little as 6-12 months to build the temple and all of the blueprints have been drawn. It’s just a matter of time when this happens.
Keep your eyes on the Lord people, we are most certainly living in times of the end, where prophecy is being fulfilled at an alarming rate.

Sunday 28 April 2013


Sinkholes and Landslides

J.L. Robb – SOURCE
According to the Good Book the land is going to give way sometime in the future, big time. No one knows exactly, or even inexactly, when this will occur; but it is predicted. Like all Bible predictions, we can assume these will come true when the timing is right.
Mountains are supposed to collapse and disappear, as well as islands. An earthquake that is predicted to come is described as the worst earthquake since the beginning ofEarth, and the worst there ever will be. I guess that’s a small silver lining in an otherwise dismal cloud, knowing there will never be another like it.
What goes up, must come down. When I watch some of the news out of the Mid East, Palestinian celebrations often include shooting all their guns in the air. Numerous deaths and injuries after each celebration prove the saying to be true.
Gravity is a strange thing, never seen or felt but we know it exists or we would float in the air. Of course we have air pressure that holds us down to the Earth, but it would float off too if there was no gravity. Isaac Newton knew gravity existed and proved the strangeness of the invisible force. Newton discovered the constant nature of gravity when he dropped two objects, one heavy and one light-as-a-feather, from a high tower. Thinking the heavier object would hit first, Newton is said to have been shocked when both objects hit at the same time. You can try this for yourself with a wadded up piece of paper and a baseball.
There have been a lot of sinkholes in the news lately, some caused by man and some caused by Mother Nature and her good friend, gravity. Sometimes I think the devil himself must think his roof is falling. I’ve found lately that many people don’t think the devil even exists, much less lives down in the Earth. That has to be one of the greatest sales pitches in the world when that slick Willy convinced people that he was fictional. There are several places in the Bible that mentions those who live in the Earth and travel through the Earth. Here is one example from Revelation:
“And I saw a mighty angel proclaiming in a loud voice, “Who is worthy to break the seals and open the scroll?” But no one in heaven or on earth or under the earth could open the scroll or even look inside it.” (Revelation 5:2,3) NIV (italics added)
One night a few weeks ago, a Seffner, Florida man was in his bedroom sleeping when the house shook. The 37 year old man’s brother ran to the bedroom and nearly fell in the sinkhole that had formed under his brother’s room. The man’s bed fell into the hole along with all his bedroom furniture. He has never been found, nor has the bedroom.
A few weeks later, two more sinkholes opened in the same town. Florida has a plethora of sinkholes because of all the limestone geology. Caverns that were once filled with water are now collapsing.
According the U.S. Geological Survey,
“A sinkhole is an area of ground that has no natural external surface drainage–when it rains, all of the water stays inside the sinkhole and typically drains into the subsurface. Sinkholes can vary from a few feet to hundreds of acres and from less than 1 to more than 100 feet deep. Some are shaped like shallow bowls or saucers whereas others have vertical walls; some hold water and form natural ponds. Typically, sinkholes form so slowly that little change is noticeable, but they can form suddenly when a collapse occurs. Such a collapse can have a dramatic effect if it occurs in an urban setting.”
Yep, I would say the last sentence is an understatement. Gravity.
But sinkholes and sinking houses aren’t just a Florida phenomenon. Most damaging sinkholes in the United States tend to occur in Florida, Texas, Alabama, Missouri, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Pennsylvania.
It seems the Earth has always suffered large collapses, and often the losses were much greater than a single home.
An underwater archaeological survey in the Mediterranean a few miles off the coat of Egypt discovered the remains of two 2,500-year-old cities. Though the 6th century B.C. cities have not been positively identified, scholars believe they were the cities of Menouthis and Herakleion, which served as trading hubs in the Late Dynastic Period. Divers have located well-preserved remains of houses and temples dedicated to the gods Isis, Serapis, and Osiris located on the sea floor less than 30-feet under water. The two cities were known by ancient authors.
According to archeological sources,
“Strabo, who visited Egypt in 26 B.C., described the geographic location of the cities and their opulent way of life. Herodotus, writing four centuries earlier, described the cities of the Nile Delta as looking like the islands of the Aegean set amid a marsh. The Greek historian specifically mentions Herakleion and its temple dedicated to Herakles. Herakleion had served as Egypt’s principal commercial port until the founding ofAlexandria by Alexander the Great in 331 B.C.”
Off the shores of Alexandria, the city of Alexander the Great, ruins of the royal quarters of Cleopatra have been found. Historians believe this site was submerged by earthquakes and tidal waves more than 1,600 years ago. Other discoveries include two statues, one a priest of the goddess Isis and the other a sphinx whose face is said to represent Cleopatra’s father, King Ptolemy XII.
In the waters of Japan, ruins have been found that remain a mystery. Many of the underwater features do not look natural, such as a large, semi-circular structure that looks like a bench. There is a large sculpted head with hair and a head dress carved into it. These structures are 60 to 100 feet below the surface.
In the Gulf of Cambay off the coast of India lie the remains of a huge lost city that could force a radical review and reconsideration of the current concept of ancient human history. The archeological remains, about 120 feet underwater, could be over 9,000 years old. The huge city is five miles long and two miles wide and is believed to predate the ancient Harappan civilization, about 2,000 B.C.
Author and film-maker Graham Hancock told BBC News Online that the evidence was compelling:
“The [oceanographers] found that they were dealing with two large blocks of apparently man-made structures. Cities on this scale are not known in the archaeological record until roughly 4,500 years ago when the first big cities begin to appear in Mesopotamia.
Nothing else on the scale of the underwater cities of Cambay is known. The first cities of the historical period are as far away from these cities as we are today from the pyramids of Egypt,” he said.
Russia has suffered a recent increase in sinkholes, with at least one fatality as roadways open and swallow cars in a flash. The same thing happened in Chicago a couple of weeks ago, and sinkholes are nothing new to Bowling Green, Kentucky.
I’m not sure how God will make mountains collapse and islands disappear, but we certainly have plenty of proof that it can happen. Even a helmet wouldn’t help with a sinkhole.

Saturday 27 April 2013


Summary of DEBKA Exclusives, April 26, 2013

April 19, 2013 Briefs:

Boston terrorist  Dzhokhar Tsarnaev captured

After a day of lockdown, Bostonians came out cheering when their mayor shouted “We got him!”  A massive police operation in Boston ended Friday night with the capture of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 19, suspected with his brother of the twin bombing Monday, April 15, at the Boston Marathon.

Two Dagestani brothers members of Chechen Wahhabi cell identified in Boston
DEBKAfile Special Report
19 April. Two Chechen brothers from Dagestan, members of a Wahhabi cell funded by Saudi al Qaeda, were identified as the terrorists who detonated two bombs at the Boston Marathon last Monday and carried out a bombing-shooting spree at the MIT campus in Watertown outside Boston, Friday, April 19, in which a police officer was killed. Tamerlan Tsarnaev, 26, and Dzhokhav Tsarnaev, 19, escaped in a hijacked a SUV. The police gave chase and as the terrorist the older terrorist was hit by police bullets and died in custody. His brother, “the white-capped suspect” is hunted by the police.
The attack occurred shortly after the FBI released images of the two bombing suspects with an appeal to the public for information to identify them.

April 20, 2013 Briefs:

Three shells from Syria hit Golan
The three mortar shells exploded Saturday morning on the Israeli side of the Golan near a favorite tourist spot at Birket Ram. This is the most distant spot reached thus far in the intermittent firing from the Syrian sector in recent months. No reports of casualties.

The Tsarnaev brothers, were double agents who decoyed the US into terrorist trap
DEBKAfile Exclusive Analysis
20 April. Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev won the dubious distinction of being the first terrorist operatives to import al Qaeda terror to the United States through a route outside the Middle East – the Caucasus. DEBKAfile: The pair were double agents, hired by US and Saudi intelligence to penetrate the Wahhabi jihadist networks which have spread across the Russian Caucasian, with the help of certain Saudi financial institutions. Instead, the two former Chechens betrayed their mission and went secretly over to the radical Islamist networks. This provides the answer to the big questions buzzing about the Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev since they carried out the twin Boston Marathon bombings Monday, April 15, leaving three dead, 180 injured and a police officer killed at MIT.
The two brothers by their movements were obviously trained and whoever trained them trained others. So the pair clearly did not act alone.

April 21, 2013 Briefs:

Hagel: Arms deal with US allies signal to Iran

On arrival in Israel for his first visit as Defense Secretary, Chuck Hagel said Sunday that the $10 bn arms deals for Israel, Saudi Arabia and the UA are “a very clear signal” to Iran that military options remain on the table over its nuclear program. "The bottom line is that Iran is a threat, a real threat," he said “and must be prevented from developing that capacity to build a nuclear weapon and deliver it.”

Boston terror refocuses Hagel’s ME mission on Syria & al Qaeda
DEBKAfile Special Report

21 April: Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel’s Middle East trip was supposed to present the $10 billion US arms sales to Israel, Saudi Arabia and the UAE as a signal for deterring a nuclear Iran. The Boston bombings shifted the onus of his trip to Syria and al Qaeda.
For more than two years, Russian President Vladimir Putin has maintained that sympathy is not his motive for propping up Bashar Assad’s regime in Damascus, but the certainty that his fall will release a swarm of al Qaeda jihadists on Damascus and other Syrian towns. From there, they will spread out through southern Russian Caucasus and then leap on Moscow and other key Russian cities.

April 22, 2013 Briefs:

Canada foils a major terrorist plot on Toronto-New York railway

The two suspects, arrested in Toronto and Montreal, are Chiheb Esseghaier and Raed Jaser who are accused of a plot backed by al Qaeda operatives in Iran to murder people by blowing up a bridge on the railway from Toronto to New York.
Surviving Boston bomber formally charged

Dhzokhar Tsarnaev was charged by federal prosecutors Monday in his hospital room with using a weapon of mass destruction to kill - a crime that carries a possible death sentence.
Ya’alon: Israel reserves right of self-defense on nuclear Iran

Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon: Israel prefers a diplomatic solution of the Iranian nuclear controversy, although as Barack Obama said “Israel has the right to self-defense.” Ya’alon addressed a joint press conference with visiting US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel in Tel Aviv Monday. The Secretary said: “We agreed that the US would supply Israel with the missiles that guarantee its superiority and even improve its capabilities for generations to come to stand up to threats

Two armed Hizballah brigades fighting for Assad near Homs
DEBKAfile Special Report

22 April. While US and Israeli defense chiefs discussed a long-range $10bn American weapons package Monday, April 22, two heavily armed Hizballah combat brigades, numbering 1,000 men each, were fighting Bashar Assad’s battles around Qusayr 35 kilometers south of Homs. As Israel’s defense minister Moshe Yaalon vowed action against the transfer of sophisticated weapons to Hizballah, those brigades were collecting their arms directly from Syrian military arsenals and Iranian and Russian airlifts. 
Meanwhile, air corridors opened up over Jordan presage potential US, Jordanian and Israeli activity against Syria.
April 23, 2013 Briefs:

Two al Qaeda terrorist suspects detained in Spain

One man, an Algerian, was arrested in the eastern province of Zaragoza and the other, a Moroccan, in the southern province of Murcia, after a joint operation between Spain, France and Morocco. They are suspected of plotting terrorist attacks in Spain.
Older Boston terrorist suspected of two-year old murder of three Jews
Boston police are investigating new suspicions that the dead Boston Marathon bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev was involved in the unsolved murders of three Jews found in an apartment in Walthan, Mass. on Sept 12, 2011, with their throats slashed. 
French embassy in Tripoli, Libya targeted in a car bomb attack 
Two guards were wounded, the wall surrounding the property was destroyed and the embassy building badly damaged by a car bomb.

Gantz: Another Afghanistan in store for Syria. Hizballah brigades fight for Assad
DEBKAfile Special Report
23 April Israel’s chief of staff Lt. Gen. Benny Gantz warned Monday, April 22, that the Bashar Assad’s fall would not end the Syrian bloodbath but drag the country even further into tribal and ethnic warfare on the scale of Afghanistan two decades ago. Iran and Hizballah are deeply implicated in this calamity. Strangely enough, Russia backs them.
Also Monday, Israel’s Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon, pledged action against the use of chemical weapons in Syria and promised not to allow sophisticated weapons to reach other nations or Hizballah-type organizations. The Golan border would be well guarded, he said, speaking at a joint new conference with visiting US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel Monday, April 22.

Tehran and Assad mock US and Israeli red lines
DEBKAfile Special Report
23 April. Red lines have been flattened by Iran’s rapid progress toward a nuclear weapon and by Bashar Assad’s mockery, backed by Tehran, of US President Barack Obama’s warning that “proof of chemical weapons use would be a game changer.” By these revelations, two Israeli ex-intelligence chiefs Tuesday, April 23 underlined Israel-US differences on when to strike a nuclear Iran.
Iran has crossed the last red line Israeli prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu laid down before the UN Assembly last September, said the former military intelligence chief Amos Yadlin. By now Iran has certainly have gone past the limit for enriched uranium stocks set by Netanyahu.
Likud lawmaker Tzahi Hanegbi said Israel has no more than a month or two for stopping a nuclear Iran..
Piling on the gloom, Brig. Gen Itay Brun reported that the Syrian army had started using chemical weapons against rebel forces, including Sarin and other paralyzing substances, without the world lifting a finger to stop it.
DEBKAfile: They aimed to stir the US into starting military action against Syria and moving next on Iran.

April 24, 2013 Briefs:

EU: 500 European jihadists fighting in Syria
 The European Union’s anti-terror chief Giles de Kerchove told the BBC that an estimated 500 Eruopeans are fighting with rebel forces in Syria. Intelligence agencies are concerned some could join groups linked to al Qaeda and return to Europe primed for terrorist attacks.

Boston Bombers Had Links to al Qaeda Terrorist Cells
DEBKAfile Video
24 April. Tamerlan Tsarnaev established links with al Qaeda’s Caucasian networks for terrorist attacks in America, starting with the Boston bombings. In 2011, Russian intelligence notified the FBI that he was on their watch list and offered the most promising treasure trove of intelligence about the Tsarnaev brothers’ terrorist associations.

April 25, 2013 Briefs:

The Tsarnaev Brothers Plotted Attack on Time Square, New York
The Boston Marathon bombers Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev planned a row of attacks in New York after Boston, centering on Time Square Manhattan. This new information was disclosed by US security officials Thursday to the Congressional Committee on Homeland Security.
Sen John McCain: Syrian chemical use has crossed our red lines
“ We return to our demand from the start for safe zones, no-fly zones and assistance to rebels who are trusted, said Republican Senator John McCain, now that President Obama’s red lines have been crossed by the Syrian government’s use of chemical weapons. MCain reminded the president that he has called this a game changer.
White House to Congress: Damascus has used chemical weapons against Syrian people
 In a remarkable reversal, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said in Abdu Dhabi Thursday afternoon that the US intelligence community believes the Syrian government has used chemical weapons against its people, determining with "varying degrees of confidence" that Syrian President Bashar Assad's forces have used the nerve agent sarin against civilians and forces fighting to remove Assad from power. Secretary of State John Kerry then said: The Syrian government has launched two chemical weapons attacks.
Prisoner X killed himself, but warders charged with negligence
 Prima facie evidence attests to lapses in surveillance by Israeli prison warders as responsible for Ben Zygier, the Mossad agent who became known as Prisoner X, being able to take his own life, according to a special report cleared by the Rishon Lezion Court President Dafna Blatman-Kardai for publication Thursday. The judge ruled against prosecuting the warders named in the report.
Syrian army breaks Damascus airport rebel siege
The Syrian army Thursday completed its capture of the town of Otaybah which commands the main road to Damascus international airport and continues to push rebels out of the positions they held around the capital. Otaybah also housed an important depot for supplying rebel forces fighting in the South, including the Golan. Its capture has therefore cut off the vital rebel supply line to the south.

Israeli Air Force jets down a Hizballah drone at sea 8 kilometers from Haifa
DEBKAfile Special Report

25 April. Israeli Navy ships are out searching for the debris in the Mediterranean after Israel Air Force F-16 warplanes downed a Hizballah drone Thursday 8 kilometers at sea opposite Haifa. The Israeli army spokesman said the UAV was tracked continuously as it flew past the southern Lebanese coast from Sidon and continued south. DEBKAfile: This was just a step in Hizballah’s plan to force the Syrian war’s spillover into Israel after Lebanon and Jordan. It follows shooting incidents against Israeli locations on the Golan.

Friday 26 April 2013


Barack Hussein Obama Will Be The Last United States President.

The End Of The Line
RELATED STORY: Obama’s Private Army and FEMA Detention Camps
The United States of America was started by Puritans with the Holy Bible who made a covenant with God for the new nation. America at its inception in 1776 was a wonder to behold. James Madison said this:
“”We have staked the whole future of American civilization, not upon the power of government, far from it. We have staked the future of all of our political institutions upon the capacity of mankind of self-government; upon the capacity of each and all of us to govern ourselves, to control ourselves, to sustain ourselves according to the Ten Commandments of God.”
But America in 2013 is not a country that James Madison or any of the other Founding Fathers would even recognize. God and His Commandments have been thoroughly expunged from public schools, courthouses and Washington, DC in general. The murder mill of abortion takes the lives of well over 333,000 unborn babies a year. Right now, President Obama is using the full faith and credit of the United States government to raise money and support for Planned Parenthood.
Obama is so enthusiastically in favor of sacrificing babies on the altar of Planned Parenthood that when he was a state senator he voted 3 times against the “Born-Alive Infants Protection Act”. The bill recognized babies born after attempted abortions as persons and required doctors to give them care.’ Obama voted to withhold that care. 3 times. Under his recently-passed Obamacare bill, abortion is now taxpayer-funded. That means that all America shares in the killing of these babies, their blood is upon all of us.
The lessons from Boston
Last week we watched in shock and horror as two Muslim terrorists planned out and executed the bombings at the Boston Marathon. When it was over 4 lay dead and scores wounded and fighting for their lives in the hospital. But for those who were paying attention, the bombings were not the real story. The real story was the dress rehearsal for martial law that had well over 1,000 armed-to-the-teeth urban police commandos locking the entire city of Boston down while they “searched” for the lone, skinny, 19 year old terrorist who was hiding in a boat.
Boston became paralyzed, not by fear, but by the police. They went from house to house, forcing out people they “deemed a threat” at the point of a gun while making over one million people stay indoors. Why did they do this? Under orders from the Commander-in-chief, the city of Boston used this false flag event to run a real-time exercise in martial law. That is exactly what they did, and was exactly what you saw with your own eyes. They were hiding in plain sight.
By running this exercise – Martial Law 1.0 – they accomplished a variety of things in one event:
  • Got the people used to seeing a massive, over-sized police presence on the streets, much like what an invading army would look like.
  • They were able to gauge how quickly people would respond when ordered, and more importantly, the people who refused to comply. Everything was duly noted and recorded.
  • By using the false flag of the bombings, they were able gauge reaction to the commandeering of cell phone records and social media accounts.
The bombings, the Tsarnaev brothers and the bloodshed were just gruesome decoys for the real event of the single, largest martial law exercise in United States history. And by all accounts it was a rousing success.
What comes next
President Obama has no intention stepping down when his second term is through. But he has no intention of remaining president, either. Barry has much loftier goals than that. Obama sees the presidency as the stepping stone and natural path to complete dictatorship just as Adolf Hitler did before him. The paths of both Obama and Hitler have much in common and are well worth considering.
RELATED STORY: Barack Hussein Obama and the Rise Of Hitler
obama-will-be-americas-last-president-martial-lawObama is going to take your guns, but he will take much more. The plan his handlers have for him involves making a police state out of the entire country. You will soon see why the United States government has purchased 2 billion rounds of ammo and 150,000,000 plastic coffins.
They’re for you.
When the Jewish people no longer wanted God to rule over them, God gave them a king after their own hearts. He gave them the wicked King Saul. America has shown both in word and in deed  that it does not want anything to do with the Holy God of Israel and His Bible, so God has given us a king after our own hearts. King Barack Hussein Obama.
Playtime is over, people. From here on in the noose around America will only be drawn tighter and closer.
As you watch your freedoms and liberties fall to the wayside like the chaff on the summer threshing floor, just remember one thing…
This is what you asked for. Forward.

THE WAY OUT: What YOU can do right now to be protected from all this.



The following teaching from John 20:7 was a great blessing to me. I shared it with others and it also blessed them, so I decided to post this on the blog.

It was sent to me by a friend and there was no link to give credit to the original author.
The amazing teaching that follows is a great example of why every word in the Bible is so important. The modern translations tampered with many verses and to the casual reader of the Bible, the mention of the napkin in this verse, might not seem important. As you will see when you read this teaching, the napkin was left as the Lord’s “calling-card!” It is directly connected with:
John 14:3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.

Why did Jesus Fold the Napkin?

Why did Jesus fold the linen burial cloth after His resurrection? I never noticed this….
The Gospel of John (20:7) tells us that the napkin, which was placed over the face of Jesus, was not just thrown aside like the grave clothes.
The Bible takes an entire verse to tell us that the napkin was neatly folded, and was placed separate from the grave clothes. Early Sunday morning, while it was still dark, Mary Magdalene came to the tomb and found that the stone had been rolled away from the entrance. She ran and found Simon Peter and the other disciple, the one whom Jesus loved. She said, ‘They have taken the Lord’s body out of the tomb, and I don’t know where they have put him!’
Peter and the other disciple ran to the tomb to see.. The other disciple [John] outran Peter and got there first. He stooped and looked in and saw the linen cloth lying there, but he didn’t go in. Then Simon Peter arrived and went inside.. He also noticed the linen wrappings lying there, while the cloth that had covered Jesus’ head was folded up and lying to the side.
Was that important? Absolutely!
Is it really significant? Yes!
The Folded Napkin
The Folded Napkin
In order to understand the significance of the folded napkin, you have to understand a little bit about Hebrew tradition of that day. The folded napkin had to do with the Master and Servant, and every Jewish boy knew this tradition. When the servant set the dinner table for the master, he made sure that it was exactly the way the master wanted it.
The table was furnished perfectly, and then the servant would wait, just out of sight, until the master had finished eating, and the servant would not dare touch that table, until the master was finished.
Now if the master were done eating, he would rise from the table, wipe his fingers, his mouth, and clean his beard, and would wad up that napkin and toss it onto the table.
The servant would then know to clear the table. For in those days, the wadded napkin meant, ‘I’m done’. But if the master got up from the table, and folded his napkin, and laid it beside his plate, the servant would not dare touch the table, because……….The folded napkin meant, ‘I’m coming back!’
He is Coming Back!
The napkin was recorded in the Bible as a sign of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. It was His “calling-card.”

                     Revelation 4:1 

After this I looked, and, behold, a door was opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up hither, and I will shew thee things which must be hereafter.

The Witnessing Prophecy Packet

To order free copies email  daystarwindows @optonline.net
To order free copies email
daystarwindows @optonline.net
I have decided to offer The Last Trumpet, a prophetic newspaper, written 33 years ago with my tract The 666 Surveillance System. The combination of the two are a powerful witnessing tool for the hour in which we live and the soon Second Coming of Jesus Christ.
The Last Trumpet was written and first distributed in 1980. It was written just as a newspaper only with prophetic type headlines and articles. Although it was written decades ago, the articles featured in it, amazingly, are all happening together now! It touches on wars, world economy and national disasters. The newspaper then ties all this together with Second Coming of Jesus Christ. There is also a clear plan of salvation through Jesus Christ.
The newspaper is a great conversational piece and can easily be left in waiting rooms. It is unique and I know of nothing else like it.
The Last Trumpet is sent free of charge, and you can obtain it by emailing: daystarwindows @optonline.net
You can also view it in a printable PDF file at: http://www.defendproclaimthefaith.org/pdf/the_last_trumpet.pdf
Daniel 12:3 And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever.
In addition to The Last Trumpet, I am including The 666 Surveillance System. The two combined are very powerful to show the prophetic hour we are now living in. This tract gives a clear picture of how the explosion in high technology is creating a web around us in which no one can escape. The government will know everything about us and can control every aspect of our life.
The Tract that Issues the Clarion Call to Where Modern Technology is Heading
The Tract that Issues the Clarion Call to Where Modern Technology is Heading
This is exactly what the Bible states is going to happen immediately prior to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, as no one can buy or sell without the knowledge of an evil government and its numbering system. This number being 666.
This tract is great for the younger generation, as they easily relate to it with high technology being so much part of their lifestyle. Once someone reads this tract, they can never forget the link between technology and the Bible.
The tract is printed on heavy gloss paper, which gives it a very professional look. The tract is also in PDF, and to view it go to: http://www.defendproclaimthefaith.org/pdf/666FinalPrint.pdf
It is set up in PDF format, so you can download it and take it to a printer. If you do this, I only ask that you have it printed in heavy gloss paper.
These are unique witnessing tools for the hour we live. No other generation had prophetic tools like these, so use them for God’s glory.
If you want the End-Time Witnessing Prophecy Packet, just state it in your email.
Are you going to shine for ever and ever for turning souls to salvation in Jesus Christ? Time is fast running out.

History of the Muslim Brotherhood Penetration of the U.S. Government 

                        Verse of the Day

Hebrews 9:28 So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation. 


Muslim Brotherhood Morsi, Egypt's President prays for allah to destroy the Jews and supported by Obama!
Muslim Brotherhood Morsi, Egypt’s President prays for allah to destroy the Jews and supported by Obama!
History of the Muslim Brotherhood Penetration of the U.S. Government 04/22/13 This is a great article showing how deep the Muslim Brotherhood’s tentacles are in the American government. No wonder Obama GAVE all those advanced weapons to the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt! I am sure that the Israelis know this and how can they trust Obama? The entire world seems to be lies, deceit and blindness!
The deception is all around us, and we need God’s guidance to discern what is real and truth. It seems that all the governments throughout the world just lie. One of the most serious was Japan lying to its people and the world about the radiation pouring out of the Fukushima power plant.
“This report describes how the Muslim Brotherhood infiltrated and suborned the U.S. government to actively assist, whether knowingly or not, the mission of its grand jihad. Its hard-won position at the forefront of the 21st Islamic Awakening is possible only because of decades of patient infiltration and political indoctrination (Da’wa) in the West, and especially the United States of America, even as the grassroots work of building an organizational structure advanced steadily in the land of its origin as well. It is important to recognize the sophistication of the Brotherhood’s international strategy and how the takedown of U.S. national security defenses from within was critical to the current Middle East-North Africa (MENA) campaign to re-establish the Caliphate and enforce Islamic Law (shariah).”
Boston Bombing Victim Was Involved With Christian Student Ministry 04/22/13 A behind the scene look at one the persons killed by the terror attack.
“Chinese national Lingzi Lu, 23, was one of the three people who lost their lives in last week’s twin blasts that rocked the Boston Marathon, which also injured more than 170 others. “(Lu) was involved with the international student ministry we have at Boston University. She attended a retreat that we sponsored last fall. She was friends with people in the InterVarsity International Student ministry with the graduate and faculty side of our work,”
As Forewarned, The Irish Savers Have Just Been “Cyprus’d”, And There’s MUCH MORE “Cyprusing” To Come 04/23/13 It is so obvious that Cyprus was a trial run to steal the peoples’ money, and it did not take long to turn to Ireland. Now the Irish are going to get wiped out. Remember, the nation of Ireland seems to have a seething hatred for Jews and Israel. I believe that this financial disaster is all part of Ireland coming under the full curse for hating the Jews and Israel. 
The gangsters and banksters seem to have perfected stealing the people’s money. The people seem like sheep being sheared! It is now no longer bailing out the banks but rather “bailing in the banks” as they steal the people’s money.
“As if on cue, a day after my expose on Anglo Irish Bank and its shenanigans (see Global Banking Crisis – How & Why YOU Will Get “Cyprus’d” As This Bank Scrambled For Capital!!!), The Irish Business Post announces senior bondholders will get wiped out. That’s right, a 100% loss! Zilch! Zero! Nada! Now, that’s investing. That’s getting “Cyprus’d”, plus some!!! From Businesspost.ie: IBRC senior bondholders to be burned … this is actually MUCH WORSE than the deal the Cypriots got. These Irish pensioners are facing a total wipeout – 100% LOSS!!!”
If you have any wealth now is the time to act. The window is now closed for Cyprus and Ireland. It is soon going to close for many other European nations. Once this gains momentum, it will hit America. Ask the Lord how to guide you with your finances. I just do not want to see God’s people’s money taken like what is happening to the people of world.
May the Holy God of Israel bless and protect you.