Monday 31 August 2015


New post on Now The End Begins

ISIS Releases Video Showing Plan For New World Order And Return To Gold Standard

by Geoffrey Grider

Islamic State reveals new gold coins in bid to break 'enslavement' of capitalism

"This is the interpretation of the thing: MENE; God hath numbered thy kingdom, and finished it. TEKEL; Thou art weighed in the balances, and art found wanting. PERES; Thy kingdom is divided, and given to the Medes and Persians." Daniel 5:26-28 (KJV)
EDITOR"S NOTE: The Islamic State, like the meteoric rise of Nazi Germany before them, continue to grow exponentially because the powers that could stop them refuse to do so. With the exception of a few pusillanimous air strikes, nothing is being done, and like a hive of inner-city cockroaches, the reach of ISIS has become terrifyingly large. One man, Adolf Hitler, brought the free world to the brink of destruction because no one stopped him when they could have. ISIS has more tangible power right now than Hitler and all his henchmen did in 1932. America, hear what the Prophet Daniel has to say. Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin...
Islamic State, ISIS, revealed its new currency in a one-hour-long video entitled The Rise of the Khilafah and the Return of the Gold Dinar on Saturday, 29 August. The group said that the creation of the currency will help to break the "enslavement" of capitalism underpinned by the US dollar.
The release, which is narrated by an IS fighter with an American accent coupled with Arabic subtitles, shows plans for new gold, silver and copper coins in the group's self-proclaimed caliphate which straddles the Iraqi-Syrian border. The group calls capitalism a "Satanic system" and goes on to condemn interest payments as the "most insidious instrument" of the US economy.
The footage was released by IS' media wing Al-Hayat, and comes after the group announced it had plans to mint a new currency last November. The new currency will free members of IS' caliphate from the "tyrannical monetary system that was imposed on the Muslims and was a reason for their enslavement and impoverishment, and the wasting the fortunes of the Ummah [the community of Muslims worldwide], making it easy prey in the hands of the Jews and Crusaders," the group said in a statement, according to atranslation by jihadi-monitoring company SITE Intelligence.


“Time of Redemption Has Come”:
Prophetic Perspectives on the Iran Nuclear Deal

IAEA Confirms Illegal Construction at Suspected Iranian Nuclear Site

The Destruction of Jerusalem

By Jim Fletcher
Iranian arrogance from the recent win-win for them in Obama’s “deal” shows Iran actually believes they can destroy Israel and capture Jerusalem—a prime element in their zeal to establish a new caliphate.
A Double-Edged Boycott
By Ben-Dror Yemini

Sunday 30 August 2015


NEW Rapture Forums Newsletter for 8/30/2015 -- Updated articles and commentary. unsubscribe | view online
Rapture Forums Newsletter
Rapture Forums
Rapture Forums Newsletter for 8/30/20159
Greetings in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ!
Here is the latest Rapture Forums Newsletter for your reading pleasure. As always, please feel free to forward these emails to all your friends and family as well as to anyone else you think might enjoy them.
I am happy to report that after the website blackout last weekend, we have restored services to Rapture Forums. The short story is that due to website growth, we had to move off shared hosting and onto a "semi-dedicated" hosting account. While this is a significant upgrade for us, I believe that this will enable Rapture Forums to stay up without any service interruptions in the future. I apologize for the downtime last weekend and hopefully we have things resolved now. I have seen a noticable increase in website performance and accessing the site is faster than ever before. Praise the Lord for helping us get this fixed.
God bless.
The Latest Bible Study and Featured Commentary
This is a partial list of recently added article to Rapture Forums for the week. Please view the complete list by clicking here
The Birth Pangs --- click here to read...
Worthy is the Lamb --- click here to read...
Why Prayers For Healing Fail, Part 2 --- click here to read...
Immigration and God's mission for the United States --- click here to read...
Whoa! Obama Cracks Down on 'Gay' Sex --- click here to read...
Iran vs. Obama: Terror Sponsoring State 1, Narcissist 0 --- click here to read...
Isaiah 53 and the Suffering Servant: The Tender Shoot --- click here to read...
The Last Days of Hillary --- click here to read...
Obama, the Jews and the Iran Deal --- click here to read...
To Solidify His Legacy, Obama Moves World Closer to War --- click here to read...
Where Do You Draw the Line? --- click here to read...
Are All Our Sins Forgiven? --- click here to read...
Watch and Pray in 2015 (Part 4 of 4) --- click here to read...
Watch and Pray in 2015 (Part 3 of 4) --- click here to read...
Building an Islamic State in America, One Church at a Time --- click here to read...
How Soon We Forget --- click here to read...
10 Ways the Iran Deal Is Worse than Munich --- click here to read...
Why Christ? --- click here to read...
Watch and Pray in 2015 (Part 2 of 4) --- click here to read...
Traitor Senators Took Money from Iran Lobby, Back Iran Nukes --- click here to read...
Ayatollah Khamenei's Cunning Nuclear Game Exposed --- click here to read...
Matthew 24:34 and "This Generation" --- click here to read...
Pope Francis: An Apocalyptic Figure? --- click here to read...
Allah Is Not Jehovah God --- click here to read...
Fascinating Perspective --- click here to read...
Adulterers, 'Your sin will find you out' --- click here to read...
The Invasion of Europe and America --- click here to read...
Satan Will Soon Get His Comeuppance --- click here to read...
Why Prayers For Healing Fail, Part 1 --- click here to read...
5 Lessons From the Hacking of an Adultery Website --- click here to read...
Watch and Pray in 2015 (Part 1 of 4) --- click here to read...
The Importance of Bible Prophecy (Part 5 of 5) --- click here to read...
The Importance of Bible Prophecy (Part 4 of 5) --- click here to read...
Why Iran is Nuclear Now --- click here to read...
Preterists in Sheep's Clothing: The Growing Plague of End Times Deception --- click here to read...
Jesus is coming soon, are you saved? --- click here to read...
A Kingdom Or A Family Of Kings? --- click here to read...
The Importance of Bible Prophecy (Part 3 of 5) --- click here to read...
The Truth about Mohammed --- click here to read...
Let's call it, A Fireside chat! --- click here to read...
Here is something you really need to know! --- click here to read...
Porn: America's Silent Killer --- click here to read...
Chasing The Wind --- click here to read...
The Importance of Bible Prophecy (Part 2 of 5) --- click here to read...
The Iran Deal is Everything Bad About Obama in One Package --- click here to read... the prayer on everyone's Lips! --- click here to read...
New York Times: Quran Gave ISIS right to Rape --- click here to read...
Apocalyptic Axis in the News --- click here to read...
Black Lives Matter? --- click here to read...
The Importance of Bible Prophecy (Part 1 of 5) --- click here to read...
The Greater Security Threat: ISIS or Iran? --- click here to read...
It Is About Control --- click here to read...
The Plan of Salvation
If you or someone you know needs to be saved. Please click the link below for the Plan of Salvation: Obtaining Salvation and Eternal Life
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Thank You For Being A Part of Rapture Forums!
We hope you have enjoyed this edition of Rapture Forums Newsletter. We have enjoyed watching for the return of the Lord Jesus Christ with you!! 
As always, keep looking up, our redemption is drawing nigh!
God bless you all!
Chris Schang
Rapture Forums


New post on John McTernan's Insights

Obama: A “Man-of-Sin”

by JohnMcTernan

            Verse of the Day

Hebrews 9:28 So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation.


Exodus 9:16 And in very deed for this cause have I raised thee up, for to shew in thee my power; and that my name may be declared throughout all the earth.
A Man-of-Sin
A Man-of-Sin
I believe that just as the LORD God of Israel raised up Pharaoh for judgment that He might make His mighty power known, so has He raised up Obama. The Lord has some special purpose in His prophetic plan to use Obama as he is a "Man-of-sin". No one can act like Obama and promote sin and rebellion as he does without the Holy God of Israel directly dealing with this person. Obama might be a type of modern-day Pharaoh.
Pentagon Not Targeting Islamic State Training Camps 08/29/15 Many people think that Obama is a Muslim, but he is not. It is difficult to get a handle on what he really is, but he is not a Muslim. What he is at his core is total evil and hates anything connected to the God of the Bible.
This explains why on one hand he promotes Islam, not only Islam, but the Muslim Brotherhood type which is closely aligned with ISIS, while on the other hand, he is a rabid supporter of killing babies and the homosexual agenda. This is why he is such an ardent supporter of Planned Parenthood. Because at his core Obama is evil, therefore, he gravitates to and supports whatever is evil. When I call Obama a "Man-of-sin", this is not a religious or political cutting attack. I really believe at the core of this man, he is evil, thus a "Man-of-sin". I do not call him "THE man-of-sin" as this is reserved for the antichrist.
Right now Obama is promoting the antichrist's agenda, but he is not the antichrist. There is the possibility that he might repent of his sin and rebellion against the Lord and confess Christ as his Savior, so please don't refer to him as the antichrist. If you claim that he is the antichrist, it is like damning him to hell.
 Now with this said, when you read this article think of Obama as a "Man-of-sin" for not only helping Iran but also ISIS!!! The current bombing of ISIS is just a window dressing, as he wants to see some form of Islam create a caliphate and destroy Israel.
If you accept my premise that Obama is a "Man-of-sin", then all that Obama does fits nicely together. If this premise is true, just think of how evil this man is by aiding ISIS, when we watched this Islamic group murder, rape and plunder its way in conquest!
Iran is a terrorist nation, but the (a)"Man-of-sin" wants to release $150 billion knowing full well that Iran will use this money to promote terrorism and possibly even kill Americans! We need to be in constant repentance before the Lord that America is so evil that God raised up Obama over us!
"The Pentagon has not conducted airstrikes against an estimated 60 Islamic State (IS) training camps that are supplying thousands of fighters each month to the terror group, according to defense and intelligence officials. The camps are spread throughout Islamic State-controlled areas of Iraq and Syria and are off limits in the U.S.-led international bombing campaign because of concerns about collateral damage, said officials familiar with planning and execution of the yearlong bombing campaign. Additionally, the IS (also known as ISIS or ISIL) camps have been so successful that Islamic State leaders are considering expanding the camps to Libya and Yemen. Both states have become largely ungoverned areas in recent years. The failure to target the training camps with U.S. and allied airstrikes is raising questions among some defense and intelligence officials about the commitment of President Obama and his senior aides to the current anti-IS strategy of degrading and ultimately destroying the terror group. “If we know the location of these camps, and the president wants to destroy ISIS, why are the camps still functioning?” one official critical of the policy asked. The camps are regarded by U.S. intelligence analysts as a key element in the terror group’s successes in holding and taking new territory. The main benefit of the training camps is that they are providing a continuous supply of new fighters."
2Titus 3:13 But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.


New post on Now The End Begins

Courageous Christian Man Loses Job Rather Than Drive An LGBT Gay Pride Bus

by Geoffrey Grider

Calgary bus driver will quit job if forced to take the wheel of rainbow Pride bus

"And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God." Romans 12:2 (KJV)
We live in a day and age where Christians no longer stand on Biblical truths and compromise, but not Jesse Rau from Canada. He is a Calgary bus driver who refused to drive his bus when his company had it decorated in LGBT rainbow pride colors. Lose a job because it violates your Christian faith? Yes, that is exactly the type of stance the Bible calls us to make in these last days.
Stay strong, brother, the Lord will provide a better job for you. We salute your courageous stance and dearly hope it inspires Christians all across America to do likewise.
I’m a Christian so, as a Christian, there are things like homosexuality that I just can’t condone,” Rau told The Canadian Press. “Unfortunately, we live in a culture where if you disagree with someone’s lifestyle, the accusation is that you hate the person.”
Rau said he has a family to support (and his young child can in fact be seen in a CTV Calgary report) and is concerned about being out of work.
However he said “If I’m asked to compromise in such a big way for what I believe to be right, yes of course I have to lose my job, there’s nothing else that I can do,” Rau told CTV Calgary. “I’m put in a corner.”
A Calgary Transit spokesperson said drivers can refuse to drive based on safety issues, but that’s about it.