Tuesday 22 April 2014


Prophecy News Headlines

The United States has constructed a financial neutron bomb. For the past 12 years an elite cell at the US Treasury has been sharpening the tools of economic warfare, designing ways to bring almost any country to its knees without firing a shot. The strategy relies on hegemonic control over the global banking system, buttressed by a network of allies and the reluctant acquiescence of neutral states. Let us call this the Manhattan Project of the early 21st century..............  Click here for full story
Increase In Knowledge/New Technologies 
Google: The Real Superpower
Google is arguably one of the most influential nonstate actors in international affairs, operating in security domains long the purview of nation-states: It tracks the global arms trade, spends millions creating crisis-alert tools to inform the public about looming natural disasters, monitors the spread of the flu, and acts as a global censor to protect American interests abroad. As things stand, Google – and to a lesser extent, Facebook – are in danger of becoming the architects of the law. As Google evolves its role on the world stage, the fundamental question might be less about whether states might regulate Google, but whether states can compete against such a powerful, global technology platform............  Click here for full story
An attempt to slaughter an animal for a Passover sacrifice atop the Temple Mount in Jerusalem has led to the arrest of eight Jews and brought the desire of many Jews for a rebuilt temple back into the spotlight. According to local media, eight Jews were taken into custody Monday as they ascended the mount, considered the holiest site in Judaism where two of God’s temples once stood. They were carrying a goat and were reportedly seeking to slay the animal in accordance with biblical instructions..........  Click here for full story
Increase In Knowledge/New Technologies 
The Internet, Social Media And Evangelism
Over 73% of online adults are now using a social networking site. Social media has dramatically impacted the world in both positive and negative ways. God made everything good, but anything that is not used according to God’s righteous standards can be perverted and used for evil.........  Click here for full story
Christian Worldview/Issues 
Euthanasia Makes Inroads In Canada
Euthanasia is typically branded in socially acceptable euphemisms such as “mercy killing” and PAD [physician-assisted death]. Doctors who specialize in caring for the terminally ill argue in Canada’s leading medical journal that it’s time to move to prepare for a future where sick patients would be granted “the freedom to choose when and how they die”. This may soon become a reality if the Supreme Court of Canada rules this year that laws banning doctor-hastened death violate the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.........  Click here for full story

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