Monday 5 October 2020

Will The 2020 Election Be The Beginning Of The End For Our System Of Government?


Will The 2020 Election Be The Beginning Of The End For Our System Of Government?
In order for our system of government to work, people need to be able to believe that their votes will count and that the outcomes of our elections will be fair. But the current process is not going to be good for our nation no matter who ends up winning as both sides prepare to declare the other stole the election. And once faith in our system is gone, it will be nearly impossible to get back.
Lessons Of The Intifada For Next US Administration
Twenty years later, many Americans are still struggling to understand what the intifada taught Israelis about Palestinian intentions and goals. It would be an outrage if that willful ignorance leads to policy changes that will encourage Palestinians once again to seek to use violence to advance their fantasy of a world without Israel.

600 Earthquakes Rattle California - Is The 'Big One' Coming?
Over the last few days, a swarm of almost 600 earthquakes has shaken southern California, and a lot of people are becoming extremely concerned about what will happen next. In fact, if you go on Twitter right now you will find a tremendous amount of speculation that "the Big One" could be coming.
Shocking Study Shows Majority Of Belgian Doctors Would Support Infanticide
If there's nothing morally wrong with killing a baby on one side of the birth canal, what is so wrong about killing that same baby on the other side? That is a question that abortion supporters have long struggled to answer--and now, it seems, many physicians are simply following their ideology to its logical conclusions.

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