Wednesday 3 July 2024

The Pointlessness Of Pursuing A Two-State Solution


The Pointlessness Of Pursuing A Two-State Solution
The United States, the European Union and others in the West who are fixated on a two-state solution continually exhort Israel and the Palestinians to negotiate a peace agreement. This exhortation confuses a sideshow with the main act, because Iran and its proxies, not Israel and the Palestinians, call the shots.
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10 Signs That Global War Is Rapidly Approaching
A startling new report has revealed that an ISIS-affiliated smuggling network was able to slip over 400 individuals through the U.S. southern border on the Biden administration's watch, with the location of more than 50 of them currently unknown.
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Presbyterian Church's Attack On Christian Zionism: The Last Straw?
The Presbyterian Church (USA) voted on Monday at its biennial meeting to divest from financial bonds in Israel and to denounce Christian Zionism.
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The New Standard for Financial Security in America: $186,000 Per Year
According to a stunning new survey that was just released, an annual income of at least $186,000 a year is required in order to feel financially secure in the United States today.
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