Tuesday 24 September 2024

Pope Francis Crosses All Red Lines With Claim 'All Religions Are A Path To God'


Pope Francis Crosses All Red Lines With Claim 'All Religions Are A Path To God'
Pope Francis has made several questionable statements over the years causing people to debate just what he meant by certain words. However this time he has made it pretty clear what he believes about the exclusivity of the Gospel and now has many Catholics questioning how this man can be Pope while contradicting the core tenets of the faith.
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Middle East Approaching Point Of No Return
The Chinese are telling their citizens to leave Israel, the Biden administration is sending more troops to the region, and the Israeli government has suddenly decided that now is the time to declare a "special situation on the home front" which grants the IDF extensive authority to issue orders to the general public.
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Why Is Hamas So Confident That It’s Winning?
After nearly a year of suffering and grievous losses, most Israelis and Palestinian Arabs will likely observe the anniversary of the war started by Hamas on Oct. 7 with sorrow. But not everyone.
Christian Conservatives Are Slowly Being Purged From America's Military
The Army's long-standing training aimed at discouraging personnel from discriminating against people based on their race and sex is, in the age of wokism, now morphing into a new and bizarre anti-discrimination paradigm reflecting an extreme leftist – and fundamentally anti-Christian – ideology.
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