U.S. Air Force developing terrifying swarms of tiny unmanned drones that can hover, crawl and even kill targets
The 666 Surveillance System
Revelation 13:16-18 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six (666).Introduction (Please read this if it is your first time with this section. It continues to a full teaching article.)
There is not a more spine-chilling chapter in the entire Bible than Revelation chapter 13. This chapter describes the rise to power of a demonically inspired world dictator, similar in nature to Adolph Hitler. He is called “the Beast”, but better known as the Anti-Christ. He uses a world financial system to control the people, as no one can buy or sell unless they are linked by a mark with a number to this system. This is found in Revelation 13:16,17 with the number being 666. It seems that everyone knows about the number 666, even those with little knowledge of the Bible, as it is identified as the devil’s number! This is probably one of the best known verses in all the Bible.For centuries, the fulfillment of these verses was a mystery. The mark was believed to be a tattoo. Christians believed by faith that, just prior to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, a system would be in place where no one could buy or sell without this Mark. However, the understanding of these verses along with the possible fulfillment has really come into focus in the last 25 years. (Continued see: The 666 Surveillance System)
Revelation 13:4 And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him? (7,8) And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations. And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.
U.S. Air Force developing terrifying swarms of tiny unmanned drones that can hover, crawl and even kill targets 02/19/13 After reading this article, I hope that any doubters of what I have been writing will now be convinced of where all this technology in heading. These drones are not operational, but this is where the military is heading. When the 666 Surveillance System is in place, no one can defeat it. Drones like these will be deployed against anyone who opposes this system.
The drones that first were used in Iraq are now being deployed in America! The same will happen with this miniature drones. They will be tested in an overseas battleground and then brought to America. Of course, they will say that it is for our own safety and only used against terrorists. There is no way to stop this technology, until it will all be destroyed at the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.
- Air Vehicles Directorate at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio, is already developing prototypes of tiny drones that can hover
- The Micro Air Vehicles will work in swarms to provide complex surveillance of a battlefield
- They can also be armed with incapacitating chemicals, combustible payloads or even explosives ‘for precision targeting capability’
NYPD and Microsoft build hi-tech crime fighting ‘dashboard’ 02/20/13 It appears that the NYPD is leading the way for the police into the 666 Surveillance System. They are doing it for public safety and protection from crime, so it can never be stopped. As technology advances, it will be applied to the 666 System. Picture what the NYPD is doing, then multiply it around the country, and then picture it all tied together at one massive data center operating in real time! This is what is coming.
“The dashboard,” instantaneously mines data from the NYPD’s vast collection of arrest records, emergency 911 calls, more than 3,000 security cameras, license plate readers and portable radiation detectors and aggregates it into a user-friendly, readable form in the control room.
Eventually, that data will be able to be seen in real time by officers on laptops in their squad cars and on mobile devices as they walk their beat.New York could make millions of dollars under a deal that allows Microsoft to market the software to other law enforcement agencies and civilian companies around the world in exchange for 30 per cent of the revenue.”
God is warning you where this system is heading. The 666 Surveillance System is now on the fast track. There is no stopping it. Are you going to be with Jesus Christ and eternal life, or are you going to take the “666 Mark” and be eternally damned? The stakes could not be higher: eternal life or eternal damnation. Now is the time to repent of sin and trust Jesus Christ as your Savior.
May the Holy God of Israel bless and protect you.
The following verse states what the Bible says happens to all who reject salvation through Jesus Christ and receive the “Mark of the Beast”:
Revelation 14:9-11 And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.
The Mind
Obama Seeking to Boost Study of Human Brain 02/17/13 If anyone following my 666 Surveillance System updates have doubted my projection of where science is heading, this article should quell all your doubts.This is what I have been waiting for. This is a concerted effort by the government and science to master the brain. Of course, they will promote it as a cure for diseases, but the real danger is controlling the thinking process. This is exactly where this is heading. The human thinking process will be tied into the Wi-Fi, and once tied in, there is no escaping this evil system. This is a major part of creating the ultimate “man-trap.” All the advancements in electronics that you now see, will be used in this trap. Day by day this man-trap is being weaved together.
Human Brain Is Divided On Fear and Panic: Different Areas of Brain Responsible for External, Internal Threats 02/04/13 Controlling and use of fear will play a major part in the mind control of the 666 Surveillance System.“The Obama administration is planning a decade-long scientific effort to examine the workings of the human brain and build a comprehensive map of its activity, seeking to do for the brain what the Human Genome Project did for genetics.The project, which the administration has been looking to unveil as early as March, will include federal agencies, private foundations and teams of neuroscientists and nanoscientists in a concerted effort to advance the knowledge of the brain’s billions of neurons and gain greater insights into perception, actions and, ultimately, consciousness. Scientists with the highest hopes for the project also see it as a way to develop the technology essential to understanding diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, as well as to find new therapies for a variety of mental illnesses.Moreover, the project holds the potential of paving the way for advances in artificial intelligence.”
Mapping brain circuits for specific functions Notice how detailed the mapping of the brain is getting. The spots in the brain to control thinking will be identified and used to control thoughts. Once a person joins the 666 Surveillance System, their mind will be seared with no way out. That person will be eternally damned.“In a paper published online Feb. 3 in the journal Nature Neuroscience, the UI team provides proof that the amygdala is not the only gatekeeper of fear in the human mind. Other regions — such as the brainstem, diencephalon, or insular cortex — could sense the body’s most primal inner signals of danger when basic survival is threatened.”
Studying ethical questions as the brain’s black box Is unlocked This is needed to control the thinking process.
“Because there are some new technologies coming where we may be able to enhance cognition and memory with implanted chips. Right now, if you work for a company, when you quit, your boss can take away your computer, your phone, but not your memory. Now, when we come to a point when an employee gets computer chip enhancements of their memory, who will own it? Will the chip manufacturer own it as Facebook owns the data you upload on their products at present?”
14 Incredibly Creepy Surveillance Technologies That Big Brother Will Soon Be Using To Spy On You They are all falling into place to make the perfect surveillance system with NO place to hide.DHS Advances Plan For “Public Safety” Drones This is the same agency that is storing up to 2 billion rounds of ammunition!“The explosive growth of technology in recent years has given governments, spy agencies and big corporations monitoring tools that the despots and dictators of the past could only dream of. Previous generations never had to deal with “pre-crime” surveillance cameras that use body language to spot criminals or unmanned drones watching them from far above. Previous generations would have never even dreamed that street lights and refrigerators might be spying on them.”
Google Now offers glimpse of where the search giant is headed
‘Google for spies’ draws ire from rights groups The private sector has now merged with the government to spy on us. There is no stopping this as the floodgates are now open to create the 666 Surveillance System.
Mobile phone companies can predict future movements of users by building a profile of their lifestyle“A multinational security firm has secretly developed software capable of tracking people’s movements and predicting future behaviour by mining data from social networking websites.A video obtained by the Guardianreveals how an “extreme-scale analytics” system created by Raytheon, the world’s fifth largest defence contractor, can gather vast amounts of information about people from websites including Facebook, Twitter and Foursquare.Raytheon says it has not sold the software – named Riot, or Rapid Information Overlay Technology – to any clients. But the Massachusetts-based company has acknowledged the technology was shared with US government and industry as part of a joint research and development effort, in 2010, to help build a national security system capable of analysing “trillions of entities” from cyberspace.”
Big Brother televisions: Intel is the latest firm to announce TV box that spies on you and selects ads that match your behaviour This is beginning now but wait until it is tied into the 666 System.
Pentagon Wants to Turn Ordinary Smartphones Into Eye-Scanning, Thumbprint-Taking Super Machines
UAE builds world’s largest biometric database All nations will soon have databases like this and they all will be merged into a massive center. The massive center right now is the Utah Data Center.
The ‘Robocop’ headset that lets police see through walls and identify suspects just by LOOKING at them 02/19/13 There will be no hiding from the 666 System.
Smart electricity meters can be used to spy on private homes I reported on this several times. Everything in our house can be used to spy on us!
The tract that exposes where the high tech is heading.
I have just finished a tract titled The 666 Surveillance System. It is set up in PDF format, so you can download it and print it out or take it to a printer. This tract alerts the reader to the dangers of modern surveillance technology, and the direction that it is heading according to the Bible. I am hoping that millions of them are distributed as the warning issued. I am especially hoping that it gets into the hands of the youth who do not have the slightest clue of what is happening. It is possible that many could turn to Jesus and the rest are warned.
Now is the time to act as time is running out. This is a tool that no other generation had, but we see the 666 System all coming together. We can use this knowledge to preach the gospel to the lost and warn them of what is coming. Please do not let this witnessing tool pass you. It is now or never.
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