I have been away from the blog for a few days as I traveled to spend time with my lifetime friend who is very ill.
While with him and traveling, there was nothing on the media reported about Israel and war in the Middle East. It was off the radio and TV. It was all about sensational trials and what happened in Cleveland.
You have to really dig to get what really is happening. I am so delighted to stay on the cutting edge of prophetic events and not sleep like so much of the world.
God will show us what is coming, if we believe the correct Bible doctrine, and are looking for the coming of the Lord Jesus. Why would He show replacement theology adherents what is coming, when they do not believe His prophetic word and many are actively trying to hinder His plan for Israel!
Jerusalem is never far away from being front page news. The world wants to break Jerusalem and Israel says no. It is amazing how the eternal city is the focus of world attention, and all the nations are going to be drawn to it for their destruction.
Bennett: No One Has the Right to Split Jerusalem 05/09/13 In the end, it is all going to come down to Jerusalem. Israel will not give it up and Obama and the world want it divided. From what I read about Bennett, he is exactly what Israel needs and will stand up to America.May the Holy God of Israel bless and protect you.“In recent days we hear about initiatives from the Saudis and from America,” he said. “Some say openly that they are in favor of splitting Jerusalem. I have an argument with them, and I will never give in when it comes to this argument!But there are also these ‘invisible divisors’ – those who say they are against the division of Jerusalem, but they are in favor of a Palestinian state.These ‘invisible divisors’ are against the splitting of Jerusalem, but they freeze construction in our capital city.” “These invisible divisors,” added Bennett, “do not tell us that they will cause us to give up the Temple Mount and the Old City – which are the heart of the Jewish people – and a heart is indivisible.And I ask all these invisible divisors: Excuse me, but where exactly will be the capital of the Palestinian state be? In Jericho? In Bethlehem? In Berlin?”
As the prophetic events begin to close around us, do not focus on them, but rather use this to grow closer to the Lord Jesus. He is coming for His bride and that is the bottom line. We look for the coming of the Lord Jesus and the “Marriage Supper of the Lamb.” The world awaits “AA”: the antichrist and Armageddon.
Revelation 19:15 And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God.
Israel and the Middle East War
Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah and Bashar Assad. I don’t think they have much time left on earth.
The focus is now on Syria. Israel’s attack on Syria has really shaken up Iran and Russia. It is very clear that Israel will attack Syria if Assad crosses the red line which he is doing. This could drag Iran in to save Syria. The Syrian – Israeli border is growing very tense as the rebels and Hezbollah are right now on the border. One incident could trigger the war. How much longer can this last before the war breaks out and the road to Armageddon is opened?
Israel warns U.S. about Russian arms sale to Syria 05/09/13 Russia is going to lose big-time in this coming war only to reorganize for the next war.
Syria: We’ll ‘Choose the Moment’ to Hit Back 05/06/13 Syria will only hit back when it is coordinated with Russia and Iran. A Syrian attack on Israel could ignite the war.
US set to act on Syria, which threatens war of attrition 05/06/13 The stakes are very high with Syria. Israel cannot allow Assad to remain in power and form an axis with Iran and Hezbollah. Iran cannot let Syria fall as it breaks its power against Israel. It is also a war between Sunni and Shiite Islam. We are watching s truly monumental power play take place that is setting the stage for WW3.
“Assad warned Moscow Monday of his plan for a war of attrition against Israel, using Palestinian fighters as cutouts, while Iran, Syria and Hizballah turned their missile batteries around to face Israel.Having taken the calculated risk that Syria would be too busy with its own war to embark on a major reprisal, Israel Sunday night placed the country’s northern borders and region, including the big port town of Haifa – and its early warning systems – on the highest level of war alert, closed its northern airspace to civilian traffic for a couple of days, stationed Iron Dome anti-missile batteries at vulnerable points, and advised local authorities to go on standby.”
Israel says ‘no winds of war’ despite Syria air strikes 05/06/13 This gives good background on the Israeli airstrike into Syria.
Israeli- and Hizballah-controlled enclaves take shape inside Syria 05/08/13 Great information about how Israel and Hezbollah are lining up for the final battle.
“And in the southwest, they are securing a cluster of 30 Shiite villages opposite South Lebanon, not far from the intersection of the Israeli-Syrian-Lebanese borders.
By pouring fighting men into Syria, Hizbballah is gambling on Israel not taking advantage of its heavily diluted strength on home ground to strike Hizballah strongholds in Lebanon or its supply routes from Syria. Both Hizballah and Israeli appear to be in the process of relocating their lines of confrontation from Lebanon to Syria. Israel’s air strike Sunday, May 5, which hit Hizballah and Iranian targets, may have been the first skirmish between them on Syrian territory. It is unlikely to be the last.”
Jordan MPs vote to expel Israeli envoy, recall Jordan ambassador 05/08/13 The issue is Jerusalem and the Temple Mount. There is lots of tension building over Jerusalem that can explode. I still believe that in the coming all-out war, Jerusalem is going to play a key role.
“The MPs said they took the decision due to Israel’s recent aggression against al-Aqsa Mosque in East al-Quds (Jerusalem). Jordan’s Premier Abdalla Ensour has criticized Israel for its systematic deployment of special forces and setting up of military barracks around the holy site. He has vowed to demand the UN Security Council to hold an emergency meeting should Israel refuses to end its aggression.”
Syrian Watch
5 reasons Syria’s war suddenly looks more dangerous 05/09/13 This is a great article loaded with good information of what is taking place in Syria.
Free Syrian Army rebels defect to Islamist group Jabhat al-Nusra 05/08/13 In the end, it looks like Sunni terrorists verses Iranian terrorists. It is like Hitler fighting Stalin during WW2.
Assad: Syria Will ‘Give Hizbullah Everything’ 05/09/13 Israek will never allow it. It would trigger the all-out war.
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