SCROLL DOWN FOR NEWS LINK AND VIDEOS: Recently I have stumbled upon a ravenous wolf that proclaims the love of God, but leads those who believe God to fall and stumble. He whispers sweet words into the itching ear. He appears as a God loving individual, who spreads the word, but is nothing more than self-centered individual rather than God centered. The Cross he preaches is a Bloodless Stick. He is one of the men who preach prosperity teaching and their hearts are trained by greed. His name is Benny Hinn and has a well that has no water to quench the thirst of a believer. These are wells without water, clouds that are carried with a tempest; to whom the mist of darkness is reserved for ever (2 Peter Chapter 2:17).
A recent article written by The Christian Post wrote about this “Prosperity Teacher”.Benny Hinn sent a newsletter via email asking for a seed giving of 1000 dollars. We all know that there are a lot of people out there with that kind of money. How ignorant to believe that if you give money that God will double back to that individual. You basically become favored for all the things you hand out. I hand out money on a constant basis and till this day I have not seen as Benny Hinn says “quick results” that are "nothing short of miraculous, and totally life-changing!" It hasn’t happened to me and I don’t plan on seeing any of it back False Prophet!
Benny Hinn Said, "I've believed in seed-faith giving for decades, and I've seen it work time after time, but where do you get this $1,000 teaching?" Hinn says he asked Coontz during a conference in Dallas. "He showed me from the Bible how Solomon offered a thousand animals to God. He told me there's something very special about the number 1,000 and the miracles he has seen when people cross that line in giving." Let’s see what the Bible says about this Blasphemous wolf that trust in his Idol made out of paper. He that trusteth in his riches, shall fall: but the righteous shall flourish as a branch (Proverbs 11:28).
See How This False Prophet/False Teacher Uses His Followers Money
So after applying Coontz’s miraculous teaching Hinn claims he received from God"quick" results that were "nothing short of miraculous, and totally life-changing!" "Because of what I heard, and responding to his challenge, I stepped into a new dimension of favor and increase," adds Hinn. "And that's the purpose of this email!" He also says that it will "Give God more to work with. Expect more. Greater faith releases the anointing! This man is leading innocent people who see giving money as a way to get reach to a false Gospel that leads them to destruction. Benny Hinn you are nothing more than an ignorant, selfish, self-centered, blasphemous, deceitful, ravenous wolf destroying the soul of a believer in Christ. Come out of him ministry my fellow Christian Brothers and Sisters and follow the true Gospel that leads you to many riches in life. His love for money is a destructive path that will only ensnare you into a false hope. 1 Timothy 6:10 - For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.
I Guess I Am Cursed For Exposing This Fraudster
Please do not take my word for what I am writing about. Open your Bible up and read what it says about these evil ravenous wolves. Search with truth and zeal so that the Lord may give you the truth before you. Ask him and he will give you the truth of his word. Matthew 7:7 - Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. Thank you for visiting These Christian Times and God Bless You
CHRISTIAN POST: Benny Hinn, Christian faith-healing evangelist, has asked supporters to step up to "higher seed-level giving" by donating $1,000 to his ministry, with the suggestion that they would enter a "new dimension of favor and increase" like he did after trying out financial teacher Todd Coontz's "thousand-dollar principle."
Hinn, whose followers number more than 1.7 million on Facebook and Twitter, credited Coontz as inspiration for the higher seed-level giving principle in a newsletter emailed to supporters over the weekend.
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