Video Depicting “Life” Under ISIS Rule Shows Women And Children Walking Past Headless Bodies In The Street Without Raising An Eyebrow
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The “prophet” Mohammed would be proud …
Qur’an Sura 48:29, “Mohammed is [Allah's] apostle. Those who follow him are ruthless to the unbelievers but merciful to one another.”
Qur’an Sura 5:33a, “The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His messenger and strive to make mischief in the land is only this, that they should be murdered or crucified or their hands and their feet should be cut off on opposite sides or they should be imprisoned …”
Revelation 13:18, “This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate [ψηφίζω - "reckon"] the number [ἀριθμός - "multitude" of people] of the beast, for it is the number [ἀριθμός - "multitude" of people] of a man [the "prophet" Mohammed]. That number [ἀριθμός - "multitude" as in people] is [χξς - "In The Name of Allah" in Arabic].”
But footage of life under the rule of ISIS has revealed the lasting effects of the group’s barbarity, with women and children strolling past the decapitated bodies of Syrian soldiers in the city of Raqqa without giving them a second glance.
Unaffected by the sight of the decaying corpses, civilians do not even acknowledge the men’s impaled heads positioned on fences across the city which has become a recruiting hub for extremists.
It is among the most gruesome hallmarks of life under the group’s control since jihadis stormed President Assad’s army and took hold earlier this year.
The video, filmed in July, offers a rare glimpse into civilian life since ISIS launched a campaign of terror against Syria and Iraq.
Scattered corpses lie on pavements and roads with some tied to fencing, their severed heads stuck between their legs, as black-clad ISIS fighters patrol the streets.
In other parts of the town preachers urge children, with black balaclavas disguising their innocent faces, to disobey their parents and join the militant group.
‘I swear to god we will see a caliphate based on the prophecy. Be with the state or you will be the ones who get killed,’ a man threatened one group of silent youngsters to a backdrop of the group’s ominous flag.
While the corpses of President Assad’s troops will be removed within three days, the threat of death is enduring for everyone else, one civilian revealed.” Read more.
Flashback: Iraq: ISIS Reportedly Beheads University Professor In Front Of Her Family For Protesting Against Terrorism – “An Iraqi proffesor who had protested against crimes ISIL commited in Mousel-Iraq has [been] beheaded infront of her children. ISIL terrorists beheaded ‘Hanna Al-Baghdadi’, former university professor thursday morning while her family and also her children were watching this brutal crime. She was accused of posting some notes in her facebook page against ISIL and critised this terrorist group’s activities against innocent people.” Read more.
Flashback: ISIS Caliphate Beheads Hundreds Of Members Of Syrian Tribe, 300 Men Slaughtered In One Day Alone – “The Islamic State militant group has executed 700 members of a tribe it has been battling in eastern Syria during the past two weeks, the majority of them civilians, a human rights monitoring group and activists said on Saturday. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, which has tracked violence on all sides of the three-year-old conflict, said reliable sources reported beheadings were used to execute many of the al-Sheitaat tribe, which is from Deir al-Zor province.” Read more.
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