Interactive Tattoo Instead of a Chip – Will This Ultimately Become the Mark of the Beast?
Step by step we’re progressing toward the mark of the beast. With each small technological improvement, we’re subtly being sold on the increased convenience and improved safety of new upgrades and expanded use, so that we never recognize a giant leap from past to future. It’s all coming about naturally, with improvements so small that they aren’t threatening. But what’s really happening is that we’re being directed to accept something we never would have agreed to in the beginning, before technology became such a fixture of everyday life. It’s the frog in the kettle syndrome.
We first grew accustomed to cell phones, and then to smart phones. The past generation grew up with credit cards as a standard fixture of life. The addition of biometrics to these things feels like the logical next step. Adding school lunches paid for with fingerprint scans, or cards with chips to keep track of where children are going, get around the perennial problems of kids losing lunch money or getting lost themselves. But these ‘improved’ technologies raise new problems of their own.
What happens when the kids give their cards to others who are going where they’re supposed to go, while the owners sneak off to cut class? Well, naturally the next step will be proposed, and that will be actually implanting chips so that they can’t be transferred.
What’s occurring is the Hegelian dialectic – problem, reaction, solution. A familiar quote in recent years is, “Never let a crisis go to waste.” That’s the dialectic. Create a problem or crisis, wait for a public reaction such as cries for a ‘fix’, then propose a solution you wanted all along. Logic isn’t taught any longer, so most of the public doesn’t understand this dialectic is occurring. And because of that, they’re constantly being manipulated through its use. Yet Jesus tells us that we shouldn’t be taken in by schemes of the enemy.
Matthew 10:16 “Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.”
Part of the reason for this blog is so we won’t remain in darkness. With change happening so subtly but rapidly, it’s time to seek that wisdom from the Bible and share it with those around us.
E-Tattoos and Mark of the Beast
The sub-dermal tattoo is just below the thumb knuckle: see the article for designs. Could this eventually become the Mark of the Beast?
Is this interactive tattoo the future of ‘wearable’ technology? Fitbit makers plan interactive inking implanted in the skin Proponents claim that the new wearable tech, the ‘next big thing’ that will hit the market, will make us more ‘human’ and ‘free’. And the most important product to come in that category may be an interactive tattoo, implanted within the skin. This is getting close to the Mark of the Beast.
NewDealDesign recently created a mock-up for Wearables Week in San Francisco. It was called, ‘Project Underskin’. The actual tattoo would be implanted visibly in the thumb knuckle with “a larger invisible tattoo in the palm”.
“The tattoo would interact with everything the consumer touches and would recognize the consumer’s location as well as movements within the body.The sub-dermal tattoo will run off of the body’s electro-chemical energy and will have the ability to monitor blood sugar, exchange information through a simple handshake, unlock front doors, protect credit card information by allowing use only when the card is in the owner’s hand, glow when holding hands with a loved one and more…Gadi Amit, the CEO of NDD, said in a CNet interview that electronics ‘will become inherent to our existence,’ he used mobile phones as an example and described them as ‘the most personal object you have.’‘They won’t be gadgets. they’ll be who we are and what we are,’ Amit told CNet. ‘People immediately jump to the conclusion that we’ll be cyborgs. Actually, my goal in designing is that we won’t be cyborgs. We’ll actually become more human and more free from the technology.’“When we started working on it, everyone was a little squeamish about implanting something…’ Yoo said, ‘Obviously tattoos, piercings–people are implanting birth control. This stuff is going on now. It’s not a huge step forward to implant something likeUnderskin.”
TOP 10 Useful Body Modifications & Implants This is an interesting blog post that covers what the title indicates. It is a series of 10 short videos covering areas such as RFID chips, toothbrush tongue piercing, pierced eyeglasses, a camera implanted inside the head and more. I’m uncertain about how ‘practical’ any of these may be but they are an indication of where the world rapidly is going. As usual, each is hyped as a wonderful new innovation with no down side.
“Body modifications, piercings and tattoos can be seen as a useless artistic intrusion into the body but its not always the case, sometimes it can be useful and extremely clever, almost sci-fi.”
Summit Europe: Chip Implants Easy as Piercings While speaking at Singularity University’s Summit Europe on the “human genome, drag-and-drop genetic engineering, garage biohacking” and other topics, department chair Raymond McCauley chipped himself in front of the crowd. The focus of this particular session was cyborgs, and McCauley was trying to dispel qualms about it being “repellant or unnatural”. He argued that many people are cyborgs already because of vaccinations, which have added something to us, making us different than we otherwise would be “as just baseline humanity”.
“[N]ear-term uses of RFID implants might be smooth interaction with the Internet of Things. We could use our hands to unlock doors, start the car, and pay for coffee. McCauley says we might keep contact information on our chip, swap said information by shaking hands—like an embedded business card.Currently, health monitoring is a prime argument for incorporating technology into our bodies. Known as quantified self, it’s thought that the more we know (thanks to sensors), the more we can do to prevent disease before it’s too late.Perhaps the next steps are implantables and insideables. The fact is, if it’s a matter of better health, staying outside the hospital, maybe even living longer—people are likely to be more amenable to the idea of putting tech in their bodies.”
Wearable devices to fuel second wave of biometric adoption:
Global wearable biometric technology users to hit 604 million by 2019
Global wearable biometric technology users to hit 604 million by 2019
“Goode Intelligence founder Alan Goode said: “We believe that smartphones and tablets will be the first wave of consumer devices to be biometrically-enabled and this will quickly be followed by wearable technology.“What will be truly transformational about the use of biometrics on wearable devices is the birth of the universal authenticator – a device that intuitively knows who we are, where we are, what we want to do and can open doors – both physically and virtually.”“This industry will continue to witness high growth and widespread adoption around the world for the foreseeable future.”
New Wearable Thync Device Promises To Alter Your Mood, So Welcome To The FutureA new company named Thync has developed a prototype device which “can alter your mood and change the way your mind and body feel….” Eventually they see people using this device to get to the same state they would with coffee, alcohol and/or drugs, but without the risk, expense or side effects. It will be worn on your head and controlled by a smartphone app. They expect to have it on the market some time in 2015.
“So how exactly does this strange contraption work, you ask? The algorithm that’s used is called neurosignaling… Basically, it will provide electric stimulation waveforms to alter your brainwaves and help you achieve new moods, like feeling more energetic, calm, or focused. These methods are known to the non-scientific community as “magic.”
Cashless Society
‘First Card of Its Kind’ Uses Biometric Payment TechnologyA new type of credit card has just been announced, making passwords and pins obsolete and ensuring that no one but you can use your card, at least in person.
“MasterCard and the biometric payment company Zwipe announced plans Friday to develop a payment card that allows you to make purchases by waving it over a payment terminal while placing your unique thumbprint on the card’s biometric sensor.Once a customer activates their fingerprint, it’s then used as a PIN replacement, allowing them to make purchases of any amount. And because the card will tap into the power from payment terminals, it won’t require a battery, Gizmodo reported.Slated for release in 2015, MasterCard and Zwipe said this is the first card of its kind to use biometric data together with contact-less application.”
The Mind
“Scientists have produced the first integrated computational model of reading, identifying which parts of the brain are responsible for such sub-processes as parsing sentences, determining the meaning of words and understanding relationships between characters. They based their results on brain scan of people reading a Harry Potter book.”
“As you read this, your neurons are firing – that brain activity can now be decoded to reveal the silent words in your head.“If you’re reading text in a newspaper or a book, you hear a voice in your own head,” says Brian Pasley at the University of California, Berkeley. “We’re trying to decode the brain activity related to that voice to create a medical prosthesis that can allow someone who is paralysed or locked in to speak.”[C]ertain neurons in the brain’s temporal lobe were only active in response to certain aspects of sound, such as a specific frequency. One set of neurons might only react to sound waves that had a frequency of 1000 hertz… The team hypothesised that hearing speech and thinking to oneself might spark some of the same neural signatures in the brain. They supposed that an algorithm trained to identify speech heard out loud might also be able to identify words that are thought.The team have also turned their hand to predicting what songs a person is listening to by playing lots of Pink Floyd to volunteers, and then working out which neurons respond to what aspects of the music. “Sound is sound,” says Pasley. “It all helps us understand different aspects of how the brain processes it.”
Total Surveillance
The FBI Is Very Excited About This Machine That Can Scan Your DNA in 90 Minutes This machine, which is about the same size as a desktop printer and costs $250,000, is making identification virtually foolproof in numerous law enforcement situations and at the same time it’s advancing the collection of personal information for a national data base.
The RapidHIT 200 “can unravel your genetic code in the time it takes to watch a movie.” Dropping a cotton swab with a sample from the inside of a cheek, a cigarette butt, or even some fabric into a plastic cartridge is all it takes, and 90 minutes later, the DNA is sequenced. The machine even will check to see if there is a match in the data base. Normally such testing must be done in a lab and results take at least two days. Although it just has been developed, several states and a number of foreign countries already are using this technology. It is a further step toward the man/mousetrap: the data base of the Beast system.
“The US government will soon test the machine in refugee camps in Turkey and possibly Thailand on families seeking asylum in the United States… “We have all these families that claim they are related, but we don’t have any way to verify that,” he says. Miles says that rapid DNA testing will be voluntary, though refusing a test could cause an asylum application to be rejected.The FBI is the only federal agency allowed to keep a national DNA database. Currently, police must use a lab to upload genetic profiles to it. But that could change. The FBI’s website says it is eager to see rapid DNA in wide use and that it supports the “legislative changes necessary” to make that happen. IntegenX’s Heimburger says the FBI is almost finished working with members of Congress on a bill that would give “tens of thousands” of police stations rapid-DNA machines that could search the FBI’s system and add arrestees’ profiles to it.”
“DARPA wants to fund research into technologies that could be built into the genome of microorganisms and keep track of any changes made to the organism’s genes, according a call for proposals the agency made earlier this month. In other words, DARPA wants to “turn on Track Changes” in certain viruses and bacteria.This genetic surveillance technology would help safeguard intellectual property, DARPA says. (See this PDF for the full description of the request.) Patenting genes has proven controversial enough on its own, so high-tech policing of these patents is unlikely to go down easy.Second, this technology could be used for “providing secure access” to dangerous pathogens or “proprietary microorganisms.” In other words, they want it to password-protect bugs, for reasons of health and/or commerce.“
Rap Sheets, Watchlists and Spy Networks Now Available With Single Click The information in this article may not seem like much of a technological advancement. But it is a giant step toward closing the trap on man by making everything known about him available to authorities with a single click. It will underlie the Beast system, where there’s nowhere to run and nowhere to hide.
In the past, police departments and agencies like Homeland Security have each had separate data bases, accessible to their members and unrelated to one another. The next step is linked information through the use of only a single search query.
The linked search capability will encompass unclassified data bases from Homeland Security, “a key exchange between state-run intelligence fusion centers and the federal government”, the Justice Department’s Regional Information Sharing Systems, tracking local crime and gangs, Interlink, the internal network of intelligence agencies, and “the FBI’s Law Enforcement Enterprise Portal, the gateway to background check data, facial recognition tools and other criminal records.”
“The new arrangement is expected to save taxpayer money over the long run. “What we’re doing here isn’t building something new,” Paul said. “We’re interconnecting existing systems. That’s a really cost-effective way to go.” That streamlining, however, could expedite the flow of false or protected information that harms innocent people, some privacy advocates said in reaction on Friday.“These systems often include unreliable information about supposedly suspicious activity that is protected by the First Amendment and entirely innocuous,” American Civil Liberties Union attorney Hugh Handeyside. “Law enforcement officials have themselves raised privacy concerns about these systems. Making that information available to more people, with greater ease, erodes our privacy while doing nothing to make us safer.”
God has warned in the Bible where this world system is heading. The 666 Surveillance System is now on the fast track. There is no stopping it. Are you going to be with Jesus Christ and eternal life, or are you going to take the “666 Mark” and be eternally damned? The stakes could not be higher: eternal life or eternal damnation. Now is the time to repent of sin and trust Jesus Christ as your Savior.
Make sure that you use The 666 Surveillance System brochure as it is a great witnessing tool. I also offer the Prophecy Packet which includes that 666 brochure. If you would like a copy, please email Dave at: and ask for the packet along with giving your name and mailing address. Now is the time to use prophetic information to share the gospel. and ask for the packet along with giving your name and mailing address. Now is the time to use prophetic information to share the gospel.
The following verses state what the Bible says happens to all who reject salvation through Jesus Christ, and receive the “Mark of the Beast”:
Revelation 14:9-11 And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand,
The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:
And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.
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