Tuesday 6 January 2015


Islam’s Signature of Trampling and Crushing Brought Out In Video

Thanks go to one of my readers who has given us a link to a very interesting 45-minute video on the history of Islam and its realm.  It can be seen on YouTube or below.  It is titled Why We Are Afraid, A 1400 Year Secret, by a Dr. Bill Warner. In making his own point about why he thinks western civilization is cowering before Islam, he presents a fairly complete account of how Islam expanded, and was and is relentlessly stomping out everything that is not of Islam. His viewpoint is secular but he inadvertently shows Islam as being the fulfillment of Daniel 2:40 (in the past) and Daniel 7:7,19 (in the end times). He brings up many of the same points that I did in Daniel Revisited, Chapters 1 and 5.
Dr. Warner is trying to wake up the west in this video.  The idea that we must treat Islam as the religion of peace comes from an erroneous theory, and as he says at 44:40, if the “data does not support a theory then the theory is wrong.”  He says this in regard to the idea that we must treat Islam as the religion of peace.  But it applies equally well to the wrong theory that Rome is the source of the Antichrist.  The historical data overwhelmingly shows Islam is the crusher and trampler.  Those who say we need to wait until something happens to prove either Islam or Rome is the true source for the Antichrist need to wake up and do their homework.  For when it actually happens it will be too late.
One thing that struck me about this educational video is that it really makes the obsolete belief that Rome is the realm which tramples the world, and Persia, and Babylon, and everything, so completely laughable (no disrespect intended to our brothers and sisters who do not know) and shows it to really be a myth.  Dr. Warner is right – the history of Islam is mostly unknown to the west.  It becomes obvious that Jerome living in 400 AD, and theologians today have in common a complete ignorance of Islam.  But at least Jerome had a valid excuse having lived 200 years before Islam emerged.
Dr. Warner likens Islam’s assault on the world for 14 centuries as an abuser to an abuse victim or abused animal, where the victim is cowering and being docile before the abuser.  I can’t help but think that the Church’s ignorance of Islamic history has not only caused it to look to Rome for the emerging evil, but to look to the Rapture as the means to rescue from this encroaching threat.  A Pre-Trib or Post-Trib timed Rapture doesn’t matter – we have three more Signposts to live through.  He was also speaking at 44:10 to the west in general about facing our fears, but I can’t help but think his statement applies to the Church in the west as well.
The video also highlights the fact that much of what we now know of ancient and medieval history is from archaeological studies, where people had to travel and find these sites.  Through these digs and studies, knowledge of true history increased.  I believe this is what God meant when he told Daniel “But you, Daniel, close up and seal the words of the scroll until the time of the end. Many will go here and there to increase knowledge.” (Daniel 12:4, my emphasis)  The meaning of that last sentence in Daniel 12:4 is made clearer.  It is by people travelling and studying to increase knowledge that has unsealed Daniel.  We, the Church, only need now to open our eyes and benefit from it.
I urge everyone to watch this video while keeping Daniel 2:40 and Daniel 7:7,19 in mind.  Get your friends, brothers and sisters and pastors to watch this.  It is rare to find a secular video that supports the Islamic Antichrist theory so well (even if inadvertently) and the opportunity should not be wasted.

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