Sunday 26 April 2015


A Memorial Day to Remember
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Christians Accept Execution Rather Than Renounce Christ for Islam

By: Raymond Ibrahim
The Islamic State (IS) has just released another video where it executes more Christians, this time for not paying jizya—extortion money demanded of the “People of the Book” according to Koran 9:29.

Islam Boldly Infiltrating America at
Alarming Rate

By: Earl Cox
It’s not just a matter of interpretation.  It’s a matter of understanding the game, the players and the field. Perhaps Obama isn’t at war with Islam, but Islam is certainly at war with America, Israel and the West.

Shabbat Shalom Book

Get inspired each week by the Torah portion with this book by Sondra Oster Baras of CFOIC, who has been teaching Scripture to Christians from a Jewish point of view for over a decade. Edited by Rabbi Tuly Weisz, with beautiful photographs of the heart of Biblical Israel.

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American Jewry's Moment of Decision

By: Caroline Glick
President Barack Obama threw down the gauntlet. Either the Jews of America will rise to the challenge or they will allow Obama to marginalize them. It is their choice, and now is the time for them to decide.

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A Memorial Day to Remember

By: Jonathan Feldstein
Israel is a small country and it's rare to find an Israeli who is not directly touched by the loss of a relative or loved one.  They are our sons, daughters, parents, neighbors, students, teachers, and even rabbis.

Saving Democracy from Itself

By: Noah Beck
Every democracy must defend itself against those who exploit its liberties to destroy it from within. The West must realize that naïvely open societies are the meals of plotting wolves, and totalitarian ideologies will exploit every freedom and benefit of the doubt that they are given. 

Why Arabs Loathe Hezbollah

By: Khaled Abu Toameh
Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah, Iran's protégé and partner in the Middle East, seems to be leading the Lebanese people into another catastrophe. As Iran's chief puppet in the Middle East (along with Syria's Bashar Assad), Nasrallah wants to see Iran take over most of the Arab countries.

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