The World Council of Churches has announced a joint venture with the Vatican to co-host a meeting next September on “migration, xenophobia, and politically motivated populism.”
"And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues." Revelation 18:4 (KJV)
EDITOR'S NOTE: As Israel was becoming a nation again back in 1948 in fulfillment of Bible prophecy, Billy Graham was asked: "What do you expect the World Council of Churches to do this August when they visit Copenhagen?" He replied: "I believe they are going to nominate the Antichrist!" That was back when Billy was mostly a Bible believer and had no issue with drawing the line in the sand when it came to exposing and preaching against false religions and movements like the WCC. But by 1952 and all into the 1960's , Graham left his strong doctrinal stance and made alliances with not only the WCC but with the Vatican as well. Today we rightly recognize Billy Graham as the father of the Laodicean eccumenical movement. In 2018, the globalist group World Council of Churches is a proud partner with the Whore of Babylon as they seek to preach the George Soros gospel of open borders and forced migration of illegals. You can find dozens of articles and videos showing Pope Francis preaching on climate change, prosperity, nuclear war, wealth redistribution, or any other social justice topic you can think of. But you will never hear him preach the gospel of the grace of God that lost people might be saved. Not one time. But you will hear Francis say that a 'personal relationship' with Jesus Christ is 'www.nowtheendbegins.com/antichrist-pope-francis-tells-1-4-billion-catholics-personal-relationship-jesus-dangerous-harmful/ '.
The World Council of Churches said it is partnering with the Vatican department for
Promoting Integral Human Development in preparing the conference to be held September 17-20 as part of ongoing work toward “peace-building and migration.” The General of the WCC, Rev. Olav Fykse Tveit, said the
meeting would be a “very useful and significant workshop to dig a bit deeper” into the problems of xenophobia as an expression of populism, as well as its links to racism, conflict, and violence in countries around the world.
Last September, the Vatican launched a two-year campaign to change people’s minds about migrants and to encourage a more welcoming attitude toward them worldwide.
“Brothers, we mustn’t be afraid to share the journey! We mustn’t be afraid to share the hope!” Francis said in his weekly General Audience on September 27, in which he inaugurated the new
project, titled “Share the Journey.”
Watch And Listen As Billy Graham In His Own Words Shows Steady Slide Into Laodicean Apostasy
The global Catholic charities network
Caritas Internationalis spearheaded the campaign in its aim to promote awareness and action on behalf of migrants and refugees, assisting them in building connections with local communities. According to Caritas, the project was launched as a
response to Pope Francis’s frequent summons for a “culture of encounter.”
Our world “faces not a migration crisis, but a crisis of global solidarity,” Caritas said on its
website. “Be part of a worldwide campaign to reach out to migrants, change perceptions, open hearts and minds, and strengthen the bonds that unite us all.”
The stated goal of the project is to shed light on both the challenges and effects of migration at every stage of the journey to provoke a “shift in thinking” on the issue.
Part of this shift in thinking involves dispelling common “
myths about migration,” the organization declared, before laying out “some common myths around migration and the facts behind the myths.”
Caritas said these myths include the idea that there are more migrants than ever before, that migrants live off welfare benefits and steal jobs from citizens, that closing borders will stem migrant flows, and that “people from poor countries migrate to rich ones.”
The pope himself has lent his moral weight to the pro-immigration crusade, often speaking about the positive side to migration. Last Thursday, Francis called for a “change in mindset” regarding immigration, insisting in a message that migrants are not a threat to society but, rather, a source of enrichment.
The pontiff also sought to counter a negative narrative on mass
migration, calling for a shift in priorities and mentality.
“This demands a change in mindset,” he said. “We must move from considering others as threats to our comfort to valuing them as persons whose life experience and values can contribute greatly to the enrichment of our society. For this to happen, our basic approach must be to encounter the other, to welcome, to know and to acknowledge him or her,” he said.
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