Jorge Bergoglio, also known as 'Pope Francis', led Roman Catholics on Tuesday in the observance of the feast day called “The Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God,” during which he expressed the hope that Mary would “protect” the people for the new year, and claimed that in times of trouble, men should not only “lift their eyes to our lady” but to also let Mary gaze upon them, for she is “our life, our sweetness and our hope.”
Let me just start by saying that before I got saved, I was a Roman Catholic for 30 years of my life. I attended 12 years of Catholic School where I was taught by nuns and priests, was an altar boy for 3 of those years, and faithfully attended mass and worshipped Mary and Jesus, in that order, as I was instructed to do. Then I got saved, filled with the Holy Spirit, opened the Bible and the sickening feeling of realized I had been lied to all those years swept over me.
"Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." John 14:6 (KJV)
Look at the photo of Pope Francis worshipping before the "mother and child" statue, take a good look at it. The Roman Catholic "jesus" is presented as a weak little baby who needs his mother to function. Mary is shown to us as the "
mediatrix of all graces", and nothing could be further from the truth. Not one, single person in the Bible ever prayed to Mary, ever asked for her help on anything, not one time. Furthermore, Mary was present in the Upper Room on the day of Pentecost, but as a silent observer. She had no recorded input of any kind.
The only place you will find the Mary that Pope Francis demands his 1.4 billion followers worship is in the writings of the Catholic Church. According to the Bible, Mary
cannot hear you, cannot help you, and unless Jesus lied in John 14, she has
zero power to save you. Worshipping Mary will lead you to one place and one place only - the fiery
pits of Hell. As a former Roman Catholic, though I have nothing but disgust for the Roman Whore of Revelation 17 and 18, I have nothing but empathy and compassion for the 1.4 billion lost souls trapped in her vicious net.
To all the Roman Catholics who write in to tell me that "we don't worship Mary, we venerate her", you can stop saying that now. Pope Francis has
already declared that to be not true, and has obviously reaffirmed that yesterday. First step in solving a problem is admitting that it exists. The pope is absolutely instructing his followers to
worship Mary, and it's time to stop doing that. The Bible only shows us one Saviour, Jesus, and He outside of the Father and the Holy Spirit, He needs no assistance of any kind.
‘Pope Francis’ Asserts During New Year’s ‘Mary, Mother of God’ Mass: She Is ‘Our Life, Our Sweetness and Our Hope’
FROM CHRISTIAN NEWS: “May Mary, Mother of God, protect and accompany us during this new year and bring the peace of her Son into our hearts and the world,” Bergoglio
tweeted this morning, generating over 62K likes as of press time.
Bergoglio delivered further remarks during mass at St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome, where he provided a message for the feast day, which is observed every Jan. 1 as the
octave of Christmas on the Roman Catholic liturgical calendar.
“The eyes of our lady know how to bring light to every dark corner; everywhere they rekindle hope,” Bergoglio continued. “As she gazes upon us, she says, ‘Take heart, dear children; here I am, your mother!’”
He stated that the maternal gaze of Mary helps men to “grow in faith,” and keeps them “rooted in the Church, where unity counts more than diversity.”
“How much dispersion and solitude there is all around us. The world is completely connected, and yet seems completely disjointed. We need to entrust ourselves to our mother,” Bergoglio said. “Mary is a cure for solitude and dispersion. She the mother of consolation. She stands with those who are alone. She knows that words enough are not enough to console; presence is needed. And she is present as a mother.”
“Our lady is not optional; she has to be welcomed into our life,” Bergoglio said to those gathered. “She is the queen of peace, who triumphs over evil and leads us along paths of goodness.”
He pointed to the Salve Regina, also known as the “Hail, Holy Queen,” which refers to Mary as “our life.” He acknowledged that the words of the Marian tune might seem exaggerated because Christ is life, but said that Mary is “so closely united” to Christ and His people that “we can do no better than to put our hands in hers, and to acknowledge her as our life, our sweetness and our hope.”
“Hail, holy queen, mother of mercy/hail our life, our sweetness and our hope/to thee do we cry,” Catholics recite in the Salve Regina, which is also stated to be the last prayer in the rosary.
He then presented a prayer to Mary for his closing remarks.
“Take us by the hand, Mary. Clinging to you, we will pass safely through the straits of history,” Bergoglio prayed. “Lead us by the hand to rediscover the bonds that unite us. Gather us beneath your mantle in the tenderness of true love, where the human family is reborn. We fly to thy protection, holy mother of God.”
As previously reported, the feast of The Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God was initially the feast of The Circumcision of Christ until being replaced in 1974 by Pope John VI.
“This celebration, assigned to January 1 in conformity with the ancient liturgy of the city of Rome, is meant to commemorate the part played by Mary in this mystery of salvation,” John XI wrote. “It is meant also to exalt the singular dignity which this mystery brings to the ‘holy mother … through whom we were found worthy … to receive the Author of life.’”
“It is likewise a fitting occasion for renewed adoration of the newborn Prince of Peace, for listening once more to the glad tidings of the angels, and for imploring from God, through the queen of peace, the supreme gift of peace,” he said.
The day is also known as the “World Day of Peace” for this reason.
tweeted on Sunday, “May Jesus, Mary and Joseph bless and protect all families around the world, so that love, joy and peace may reign within them.” The tweet generated 72K likes.
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