Saturday 31 August 2019

Israel Facing Possible War On Multiple Fronts

Israel Facing Possible War On Multiple Fronts
Hamas and Islamic Jihad in the Gaza Strip show no signs of reining in their efforts to attack Israel. At the same time, the Lebanese border could explode at any moment, depending on the actions of Iran and Hezbollah, while the situation in Syria continues to remain tense amid the Iranian buildup there.
The Convergence Of Prophetic Signs & Connecting The Prophetic Dots
I loved Connect the Dots because at first it just looked like a bunch of random dots on a page. But as we drew lines from each numbered dot to the next one, a picture would begin to emerge. What at first seemed like unconnected and completely random dots formed into a very clear picture right before our eyes.
Netanyahu To Make Pro-3rd Temple Politician Top Official
Moshe Feiglin's Zehut was the only party head in the current elections who openly calls for building the third Temple and has placed it on his party's platform.
Parental Rights Under Fire: Gender Transitions Easier Than Tonsillectomies
Teenagers need permission from parents for nearly any medical procedure, and even before getting a tattoo or body piercing. However, whenever a choice has to do with sex and gender, increasingly parents are being left out in the cold.

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