Tuesday 19 May 2020

Solar Minimum Could Bring Drastic Changes To Our Planet

Solar Minimum Could Bring Drastic Changes To Our Planet
At a time when the world is already being hit with major crisis after major crisis, our sun is behaving in ways that we have never seen before. For as long as records have been kept, the sun has never been quieter than it has been in 2019 and 2020, and we are being warned that we have now entered "a very deep solar minimum".
Palestinians Continue To Learn The Wrong History Lesson
Palestinian Arabs continue to learn the wrong history lesson. On May 15, as they do every year, they relive the sorrow of 1948, when they remind themselves of all the terrible things that happened to them as a result of the creation of modern-day Israel.
Army Chaplain Faces Court Martial For Sharing Christian Book On Coronavirus
Asking a chaplain to do his job without his faith is like asking an Army sergeant to go to war without a weapon. But thanks to a handful of atheist activists, that's exactly what the military's asking.

The Rise Of Homeschooling - The Battle Over Education Is Just Getting Started
For the far-Left, who's desperately trying to keep kids in the grip of their radical curriculum, the surge in homeschooling is their worst-case scenario. They know as well as we do: the future of the liberal agenda depends on generations of children living under the daily drumbeat of extreme indoctrination.

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