Friday 5 February 2021

Biden: Fundamentally Trans-Forming America


Biden: Fundamentally Trans-Forming America
Joe Biden insisted that his administration would "look like America." If that's true, most Americans are ready for an extreme makeover. A week and a half in, the majority would agree: nothing this White House has done comes even close to resembling their values.


Proposed National Database To Track Gun Owners Every Move
If a new bill that has been introduced in Congress eventually becomes law, the 2nd Amendment will still be in the U.S. Constitution, but for all practical purposes the rights that it is supposed to guarantee will be dead and gone.
Dry Bones Live: Jewish Growth In The West Bank To Approach One Million
Those that call for erasing the Jewish presence in the West Bank are disconnected from reality. The facts on the ground are irreversible. The percentage of Jews in the West Bank is equivalent to 33 million Americans.
Biden Administration Pursues Israel/Palestinian Peace With Misguided Ideology
It took less than a week for the Biden administration to return to the Obama-Biden policy of moral equivalency, or what I prefer to call immoral equivalency--the policy of viewing Israel and the Palestinian Authority, and their respective actions, as being on the same moral plane.

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