Monday 8 February 2021

The End Times Forecaster With "The 2/11/21 Sign of the Cross"


The 2/11/21 Sign of the Cross

Posted: 07 Feb 2021 10:46 AM PST

Where are we, on the end times Bible prophecy timeline? That is the question that everyone wants to know the answer to. In the near future another very important sign in the heavens--the sign of the cross--may offer a clue to where we are in the end times.  

The Sign of the Cross  

The sign of the cross occurs in the heavens on 2/11/21 and was discovered by a prophecy researcher who goes by the name of Igo2slo4u2Seeme. This sign and its importance are discussed in this video. (Note: I do not agree with several aspects of his timing theory.)

As you heard in the video the researcher believes the odds of this sign are as great as the odds of the 2017 sign—about 3 million to one. And the odds that the two would occur within 3.5 years of each other is about 9 trillion to one. He also brought forth that there was a similar cross sign at Christ's birth. 

Therefore I agree with him that this is a significant sign and must be incorporated into any end times scenario. Here is an image of the sign from Stellarium.

Now the question is what does this sign mean? That is a great question, realizing its rarity and that it will occur after the sign of the woman clothed with the sun, and after the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction, and after the sign of the infernal trio, it is highly possible, that due to its rarity, this sign will herald major end times events.

When the cross sign first appeared it heralded the birth of Jesus and Saturn/satan was not involved. The 2021 cross sign involves Saturn/satan, so maybe this will be a sign of an antichrist Hoover dam birthing ritual and or the antichrist head wound death/fake resurrection event or some other ac related event. 

Other end times events that I see pending are an antichrist UFO event, the abomination of desolation event, and an antichrist take over the world event. A satanic event I see pending is a satan being thrown down to earth event.

Remember; if the 70th Week began on 11/9/2017 then the midpoint--day 1260--when the antichrist takes over the world will be on 4/21/2021. And 2/11/21 is 70 days from 4/21/21.  1/12/21 is 100 days (144,000 minutes) from election day. (Note: An alternative midpoint date is in 2023)

BTW; 2/11/21 is day #42 of the year. 42 is an antichrist number as he will reign for 42 months. The next day is 2/12/21 and on that day there are 322 days left in the year. 11 days later is 2/22/21, 222 is encoded on the dollar bill. 2/11/21 is 233 months past 9/11/01

So in light of this sign and its associations I believe a satanic/antichrist related event may accompany and or follow the sign at an esoteric number of days afterward.

So where are we in the end times? This sign at the very least says we are close to seeing major end times events occur, and could possibly indicate they are imminent. And all of those ac events mentioned above will occur before the rapture.

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