Wednesday 3 February 2021

With The Tables Turned - Christians Who Voted For Biden Have Some Hard Questions


With The Tables Turned - Christians Who Voted For Biden Have Some Hard Questions
For the last four years, Christians who voted for Trump have been asked incessantly, "How could you vote for him? If you truly believe in what is written in Scripture, how could you vote for a man like Trump?" Now, the tables are turned, the same must be asked of those Christians who voted for Joe Biden.

Incredible Growth Of Christianity In China Has Government Leaders Worried
As Christianity rapidly grows in China, Chinese president Xi Jinping and the Chinese Communist Party are clamping down, fearing that the size of the Christian church may eventually force them to share power.
Biden Allows LGBT Flags To Be Raised Over US Embassies Worldwide
The Biden administration proudly announced a commitment to public displays of “gay pride” as newly appointed Secretary of State Anthony Blinken lifted a ban on rainbow “gay rights” flags being displayed at US embassies.
Archaeological Breakthrough: Royal Purple Fabric Found From Time Of King Solomon
What did a fashionable King in Israel wear 3,000 years ago? The color purple as well as red and blue were prominent in their wardrobes.

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