Sunday 14 July 2024

"Zechariah - A Biblical Overview, Part 1"by John Little from "Revelation Six"


Revelation Six - When The Four Horsemen Ride

Hey, I got Covid. And, it wasn't very fun. Then, I got one of those nice, big sinus-splitting, lung-filling bacterial infections. And, I'm not sure that the second infection waited for Covid to finish. And, I have no idea where I got any of that.

The good news is that it didn't keep me from publishing the First Draft of the website where I will be hosting the unfulfilled prophecies spoken by God to the prophets of the Hebrew Scriptures. The site still needs work, but the core of it is up, running, and usable.

The Unfulfilled Prophecies of the Hebrew Scriptures

Has anyone ever sat down and weighed the prophecies about the Last Days?

Not me. I was too busy trying to figure out where things fit to... well ...look at just how important the Redemption of Israel is to the Last Days.

It's right at the center. In fact, you don't have the Last Days without the Redemption of Israel. And, it's amazing to me that no one is paying attention to that. And when I say no one, I literally mean that I have yet to meet a single pastor, bible teacher or bible scholar who is willing to admit that God's plan to redeem the Children of Jacob is vital to the Last Days.

I have had running battles with 'theologians' from every eschatology you could name. And, I have yet to find a single one that will talk about the central role the Salvation of Israel plays in the Last Days.

Yet, we have 109 passages from the prophets of the Hebrew Scriptures who are screaming from the pages of our Bibles that Israel must be saved before ANYTHING can happen. In fact, it will be Israel that sets things in motion.

Yes, I think that there are some things that must happen before Gog and Magog come down against Israel. But, we're already starting to see how that could happen even within a decade.

But, we aren't paying attention.

Do I hafta tell you how stupid that is?

Who do you think is actually running the show?

No, no, no, Satan is NOT running the Last Days. God is. But, everyone is running around with their hair on fire, yelling about what they think Satan is up to. And, they forgot that God is All Powerful and making sure that events occur according to plan.

Well, it's time to start paying attention to the plan, and stop worrying what Satan is up to. The Devil has already lost the war, but there are still some final battles to fight - like that whole Great Tribulation thing. And, we have our place in some of those, although we won't see the Great Tribulation for quite some time. Decades, at least.


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