Apocalypse — the unveiling and uncovering of the strange kind…

It is with much trepidation that I write this post, but I feel that I must. Several demonic things have been happening around the globe and I am not sure how many of you are aware of them. The first one I want to bring to your attention are the strange attacks that are happening to people, the Zombie attacks. Have you heard of them? Some call this the Zombie Apocalypse, or the Black Awakening (a few google terms for you to check out).
Certain people have attacked others and have tried to eat them, these people exhibit strange behavior like being naked and having super human strength. These attacks have been blamed on drugs (one in particular called ‘bath salts’) but when further tests have been done on some of these so called ‘zombies’, there has been no trace of ‘bath salts’. It sounds purely demonic to me, even if there are drugs involved, it’s still demonic.
But there is an interesting thing about ALL of this… before these attacks have had any media attention at all, there was a release by the Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response in May 2011 concerning Zombie attacks. The PDF file on the zombie attack is a cartoon that speaks about a horrible virus outbreak (a zombie virus) and the importance of a survival kit. It goes on to speak about the necessity of being prepared for any eventuality, vaccines are mentioned, and the need to perhaps meet at safe zones to get the necessary vaccine and food for any kind of virus outbreak, no matter what the virus outbreak consists of.
This is all rather strange. Just google any of this and do your own research to see if you think if this is just a wee bit too coincidental.
Second thing of interest, there has been lots of strange hype concerning the London Olympics over the past year of so. Some have suggested some kind of ‘false flag’ to bring in greater world wide governmental control. Some say the opening ceremony will have some kind of holographic image, I won’t say much more than that, but google is your friend. Others say there could be some kind of terrorist attack.
In fact, I have a few links concerning this. One is from the Rockefeller foundation that put out some kind of dossier of future potential scenarios, one of which concerns the London Olympics. In this PDF file it says that there will be a terrorist attack, and what the reactions, how to respond and how this could affect society and governments. Check that one out!
But this is just the tip of the iceberg. In an article called “Olympics Whistleblower Fears For Safety, Reveals Identity“ Paul Joseph Watson writes about someone who infiltrated the security for the London Olympics and disclosed some information that may raise an eyebrow or two. I am not going to say that something is DEFINITELY going to happen, but I am just putting it out there for interests sake.
This is part of the article:
- Fellows was able to get the job of a security officer via a simple application process. No background checks were carried out and his personal references were not checked.Anyway, all this is rather strange to say the least, and as always, we have to be vigilant and keep our eyes on the Lord, for His time is drawing near.
- Fellows was successful in taking guns, knives and explosives through both metal detectors and body scanners on numerous occasions during dummy runs.
- Fellows was told that metal detectors and body scanners would be deactivated at peak times in order to get crowds into the Olympic venue quicker.
- Fellows was also informed that 200,000 casket linings that can hold four dead bodies each have been shipped into London in preparation for the Games.
Posted By "Vee" at http://www.livingjourney.wordpress.com/
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