Friday 11 January 2013


John McTernan's Commentary.

Antidepressants are Now Filling the Void of God in Millions of Americans’ Lives
Is the United States Mentally Unstable?12/21/12 I reject the modern psychiatric doctors and their treatments. They deny sin and man’s sin nature and then promote sin like homosexuality. They promote drugs that are dangerous like Prozac. What is interesting is these”doctors” identified a real problem with the American people. The country is becoming mentally unstable.  Of, course these “doctors” are adding to the problem with their drugs. This national mental instability is because the people are no longer under the authority of the Bible. The Bible was rejected, so now the thinking is being filled with vanity. Added to this is rock music with drugs and all the other teachings, it all adds up to Americans needing Prozac to survive! This is all the bitter fruit of rejecting God. It is a very hard road to go down for a nation that rejects God. We are now seeing this all around us, as America comes under the full judgment of the Holy God of Israel.
“First off, the government estimates that one in five adult Americans suffered from some sort of diagnosable mental illness in the past year, according to the 2012 Survey of Mental Health by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.
Young people from 18 to 25 had the highest rate, nearly at 30 percent. But about 5 percent of the U.S. population suffered from a serious mental health problem that “resulted in serious functional impairment, which substantially interfered with or limited one or more major life activities.”
All the blessings are now being removed from America and the nation is becoming a hell. What is so shocking is the speed at which it is happening.
Psalm 9:17 The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.
Your mind can be protected as you stay in the word of God. Enrich your mind through reading, studying, and meditating in the Bible along with prayer. This will protect you from those destructive thoughts that are consuming so many Americans. I highly recommend the King James Bible as this has God’s power which the modern translations are lacking. Live with the Blessed Hope, looking for the coming of the Lord Jesus for His church, as this will keep you from fear which is about to overcome America and the world.
May the Holy God of Israel bless and protect you.
Philippians 4:6,7 Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.  And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
(8) Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

Hard Left

Planned Parenthood Touts over 333,000 Babies Aborted in 2011  Wholesale murder of babies and Obama does everything he can to promote this terrible group. Think of this, that one organization killed 333,000 babies in ONE year. This legalized killing brings the wrath of God on the nation. Right now America is pushing about 60 million legally aborted babies. The death of these babies must be paid for by the American people.
“And the American genocide continues, with 333,964 murders in 2011. That’s the figure proudly released by Planned Parenthood Federation of America in their report delineating how many abortions they performed in fiscal 2011. Doing some simple math reveals that the number of abortions performed equates to one abortion every 94 seconds.”
Marine Corps Requires Spouse Clubs to Allow Same-Sex Members 01/10/13 More national disgrace and destruction of the military. A male sodomite is now recognized as a “wife” and a female as a “husband”! How much longer is the holy God of Israel going to allow this?
Obama Chooses Cuban-American Gay Man As Inaugural Poet 01/09/13 This is perfectly fitting for Obama! This is like icing on the cake.
First Antibiotic-Resistant Gonorrhea Cases Detected in North America 01/08/13 This is exactly where sexual immorality leads. There are many more diseases that will be incurable.
“The fears of major health organizations have come true: Gonorrhea that is immune to the last remaining effective oral antibiotic has been detected in at least nine North American patients, meaning the era of “incurable” gonorrhea could be close.”
Calif. Boy Scouts Challenge National Organization’s Ban on Gay Leaders 01/08/13 The homosexuals want to get at the young boys in the Scouts. Look what happened to the Catholic Church when they opened the priesthood to homosexuals!
National Cathedral will start performing homosexual ‘weddings’ 01/08/13 More defilement of the nation and thus more judgment to follow.

Israel and the Middle East War

As Fatah, Hamas meet, PM vows not to cede land 01/09/13 He is saying the right words about not dividing the land of Israel.
“We see the dangers clearly,” Netanyahu said. “Today Abu Mazen (Abbas) is in Cairo together with the head of Hamas. They are looking into a possible unity deal between Fatah and the terrorists who have been trying to annihilate the state of Israel, and who have fired rockets at our cities.” He continued: “We know that any territory we evacuate will be seized by Hamas and Iran, and we will not let that happen.”
Are America and Russia Set for a Showdown in Syria? 01/06/13 This is a great article loaded with lots of information.
‘Global jihad forces have replaced Syrian army across border,’ PM warns 01/06/13 When the Jihad forces are in control of Syria, their desire to destroy Israel will take over. They will not be able to restrain themselves for long. The next country will be Jordan.
No Hebrew, Please — This Is Europe 01/07/13 This is just like Europe 1938. Jew hating is in the Europeans’ DNA.
Anti-Semitic rhetoric increasing in Tunisia under MB 01/06/13 Tunisia will be part of the Islamic caliphate that attacks Israel.
Report: Iran oil revenues drop 45 percent in 9 months because of sanctions on nuclear program 01/08/13 Iran is now coming under the curse of poverty for trying to destroy Israel.
Hezbollah sent 5,000 fighters to help Assad 01/08/13 What a hellish fight that must be between the Hezbollah and Muslim Brotherhood! What horror to be captured in this battle.
“According to Al-Watan, a government daily, four “support battalions” comprising at least 1,300 soldiers each had succeeded in killing some 300 rebel soldiers in recent weeks as battles raged between government and opposition forces around the capital Damascus. The fighters reportedly entered Syria through the border town of Madaya, located northwest of Damascus.”
Fears grow over Syria uranium stockpile 01/08/13 This could ignite an Israeli attack on Syria or Hezbollah.
Arab Spring’s side effects 01/08/13
Bernard Fellay, Head Of Traditionalist Catholic Sect, Says Jews Are ‘Enemies Of The Church’ 01/08/13 They will never say the Muslims are the enemy. The Catholic church wants Jerusalem just like the Muslims do.

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