Tuesday 5 February 2013


The nomination of Chuck Hagel as secretary of defense is just the latest “the sky is blue” piece of evidence that the American president is unlike anything any of us have ever seen. Radio host Mark Levin is one of the few very public people who has the guts to slap people with the truth. On his show this week, Levin said the following:
“Well, the Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated our government, it's called Barack Obama. No, he's not a formal member, he's a sympathizer. There, I said it. Prove otherwise….What kind of commander-in-chief would nominate somebody like Chuck Hagel to be Secretary of Defense? I'll tell you what kind of commander-in-chief, the kind of commander-in-chief that arms the Muslim Brotherhood, Islamonazi regime in Cairo while he's hollowing out the greatest military force on the face of the earth under his direct command, the United States military -- that's what kind of commander-in-chief. Chuck Hagel, who’s a sympathizer with the most radical elements in the Middle East, and an Israel hater. So why would a president nominate somebody like Chuck Hagel? Because the president is Chuck Hagel. He's a sympathizer with the most radical elements in the Middle East and he's an Israel hater. That's why he nominated Hagel.”
Dude, you’re now on a list!
And, though this is a conversation for another time, contrast Levin’s remarks with those of one Andy Stanley, uber-pastor from Atlanta and poster-boy for the New Evangelicals.
When Stanley caught some flack (but it’s okay, the tide has now turned and the majority of people are with him, so true accountability is just a punch line) for referring to Obama as our “Pastor-in-Chief,” he gave an interview to a safe, friendly source, Christianity Today editor Mark Galli:
“We get to choose our President. So the reason President Obama is the President is because America chose him. There's really no reason to be upset with President Obama. He is who he claimed to be, and he believes what he told us all along he believes. Fifty-one percent of the American people elected him. I think he takes the blame for what the majority of our nation decided was the right thing to do. So [the criticism] is misdirected.”
Galli white-washing Stanley, who was white-washing a truly, obviously radical president is breathtaking. For those of you interested, I invite you to read the entire interview and see for yourself just how clintonian the New Evangelical leaders have become; the spin from Andy Stanley is astonishing:
What does all that have to do with the price of tea in Tel Aviv?
Just that Israel will get no help (but rather opposition) from the highest levels of U.S. political and religious circles the next four years. Think back to the days of Jerry Falwell and Ronald Reagan. The Israelis at least were speaking with people who understood them and valued their friendship.
Obama’s selection of Hagel, who does not like Israel (and, apparently, Jews in general) is deeply disturbing. Levin put the finer point on it.
Let me be clear on something, however: as I have been saying for some time, I am not raising these issues because I fear for Israel. The Lord of History has it under control and while this view would amuse Enlightenment thinkers like Obama and Stanley, I stand by it.
It isn’t Israel that’s in trouble; it’s everybody else that’s in trouble.
Obama’s decisions flow from his worldview, which is Marxist. For Stanley to claim that Obama is “who he claimed to be” reveals either a gasping naiveté, or complicity in the move to transform this nation into another slave to totalitarianism.
You read that correctly.
While there have always been unfriendly elements to Israel in our nation’s capitol (see Weinberger, Cap, or Harry Truman’s cabinet), we are now seeing wholesale sell-out of the Jewish state.
I was interviewed on the Janet Mefferd Show this past week, and we discussed change-agents in the church, such as Stanley. I’m glad some see it.
Hagel will no doubt be confirmed. After all, with an embarrassment in office (Joe Biden) and a Saul Alinsky disciple in office (Obama), what red-lines remain to be obliterated?
On some level, I can understand a politician’s agenda. Craven power grabs are part of it. But when we see America’s leading “Evangelical” lights white-washing evil, we know that, well, night is coming.
And Israel’s glory is ahead of her.

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