Monday 2 December 2013



The Assyrian is the Antichrist!

Halfway to Armageddon
verse by verse through Isaiah 10

By Craig C. White

Assyria was a world empire. Its capital city was Nineveh, located in the same area as northern Iraq. The ruins of Nineveh can still be seen today across the Tigris River from the modern day city of Mosul.
In 734 BC Assyria conquered Syria and then turned southward into northern Israel. Assyria took captives from both Syria and Israel.
Assyria invaded Israel a second time in 701 BC. This time the Assyrian army made it all the way into southern Israel just outside the city limits of Jerusalem.
Two Assyrian kings led these invasions. The first invasion in 734 BC went into Syria and northern Israel and was led by the Assyrian KingTiglath-pileser. The second invasion in 701 BC went into southern Israel and was led by the Assyrian King Sennacherib. In bible prophecy these two kings are often referred to as “the Assyrian”. The Assyrian is also a term that applies to the Antichrist because he will do the same things that the original Assyrian kings did.
God used the Assyrian to judge the disobedient nation of Israel. God will again call on a northern invader to judge Israel.
Isaiah chapter 10 predicts the wickedness of the ancient Israeli leadership, the overthrow of the nation of Israel by the Assyrian KingSennacherib and finally God’s restoration of Israel.
But there is a catch! Immediately after the Assyrian invades Israel in Isaiah chapter 10 we are introduced to the Messiah on earth! That is to say, Jesus Christ sets up his everlasting throne in Jerusalem. In other words this passage also predicts a future event. The Assyrian will once again invade Israel, and then Jesus Christ will come back to earth to defeat the Assyrian and to rule forever!
OK now listen up; the future invader of Israel called the Assyrian in Isaiah 10 is the same person that is commonly known as the Antichrist! The Antichrist will persecute Israel during the coming seven yearTribulation period just as the Assyrian persecuted Israel long ago.
But wait there is more! I think that Ezekiel chapter 38 and 39 tell us that the primary ruler of Turkey will lead an invasion into Israel in the end time just like Assyria did long ago. As a matter of fact, I think that Ezekiel predicts two separate invasions, both led by the primary ruler of Turkey. Also like the Assyrian invasions of old, the future invasions of Israel will happen in two similar but separate battles.
So the Assyrian is the Antichrist! Also the Assyrian is the primaryleader of Turkey! Therefore the primary leader of Turkey is the Antichrist! Is this too much for you?

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