Wednesday 25 February 2015


Preparations for Psalm 83: Yes, Jordan Too

Things seem to be much further along than I first thought.  In my last post Preparations for Psalm 83? I wrote,
“What of the remaining four peoples – Ammon, Moab, Edom and the Hagrites?  Today these are all peoples of western Jordan.  If we are in fact seeing the Psalm 83 war preparations come to pass right in front of our eyes, we should expect that Iran manages to have a working relationship with people in Jordan.  Since Jordan and Iran have cut off relations, there would need to be a significant change in the status of Jordan.  This could either happen by these peoples taking leadership of the country away from the monarchy (i.e., a coup d’état) or these people working silently behind the scenes with Iran, like Shia groups do in eastern Saudi Arabia.”
A reader thankfully pointed to a rather astonishing news development in Jordan that I had missed.  I confess I have not been watching Jordan closely because of the lack of news headlines coming out of what up to now has been a rather stable Arab nation; that is, stable for the Mideast.  This façade is also reflected in this article where it states,
“Bordering the attention-grabbing countries of Israel, Syria, Iraq and Saudi Arabia, Jordan is sometimes overlooked by the media and by policy experts because of its peace with Israel, its close alliance with the United States, and its relatively liberal socio-economic system.”
There is a man named Mudar Zahran who is working for the overthrow of the monarchy in Jordan.  He is secular and unfortunately has to ally with more radical elements in Jordan.
Digging deeper into the situation in Jordan, I ran across this article from the Middle East Quarterly dated from two years ago.  It seems to be a fairly good summary of what is going on in Jordan, and interestingly is written by Mr. Zahran.  The following caught my eye in the article:
“The Hashemites’ discriminatory policies against the Palestinians have been overlooked by the West, Washington in particular, for one main reason: the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) was the beating heart of Palestinian politics, and thus, if the Palestinians were empowered, they might topple the Hashemites and transform Jordan into a springboard for terror attacks against Israel. This fear was not all that farfetched.”
Wow.  It seems that underneath that façade of relative calm enforced by the Hashemite monarchy in the country that is Jordan (see what a nice place Jordan is in Wikipedia) there is a bubbling cauldron.  This makes sense.  Many governments that have suppressed a majority population treated as second-class citizens end up being overthrown.  One needs to look no further than the former apartheid government of South Africa.
I give the Jordanian monarchy a break though – the monarchy did not come to power unfairly and start ruling the Palestinians, no, the monarchy ruled its own people, the Bedouins, and it is the Palestinians who came over as refugees from Israel following the Arab-Israeli wars and flooded Jordan.  In fact, the current king is the great-grandson of Abdullah I who was the ruler of Mecca under the Ottoman Empire and then was given Jordan to rule as a prize by the British.  That family has been ruling Jordan for almost a century.
King Abdullah II of Jordan addressing the Jordanian parliament in November 2014.  Reuters photo.
King Abdullah II of Jordan addressing the Jordanian parliament in November 2014. Reuters photo.
The takeaway from what the ME Quarterly article shows is that, yes, indeed if the Palestinians did take over the government in Jordan, the last pieces of preparations for Psalm 83 would fall into place.  Jordan would be wholly Palestinian, allied with and receiving aid from Iran.  Just imagine an enemy of Israel like Fatah or Hamas, but ruling a country that borders Israel entirely across its eastern border.  With this development in Jordan being quite possible, it is also truly astonishing that each and every people in Psalm 83 is taking its place piece-by-piece allied with Iran and against Israel.  And if the Second Signpost begins later this year, than the transformation of Jordan would have to take place this year in 2015.
But God has declared in Psalm 83 that Israel would win a stunning victory against the enemies that surround her.  Let us pray for Israel; that this scenario is indeed the Psalm 83 war – for Israel will be given a great victory such that many will learn who the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is.  And if all this is so, this would likely mean an Israel with enlarged territory and an emboldened sense to build the Third Temple.  This would be the Israel that would later enter the Tribulation.

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