Sunday 14 June 2015


ISIS: A Four-Letter Household Word
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Born in Jerusalem? Where's That?

By: David Rubin
By a 6-3 majority, the U.S. Supreme Court has invalidated a law of Congress from 2002 that would have forced the State Department to alter its long-standing policy of not listing Israel on passports as the birthplace for Jerusalem-born Americans, instead listing only “Jerusalem.”

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Verbal Jousting

By: Ira Sharkansky
In the background of this note is the recent one about the misadventures of great powers, and producing unintended outcomes.

The New Government's War on BDS

By: Caroline Glick
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s new government is less than a month old, but it’s already apparent that it is different from its predecessors.

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ISIS Won't Find Nuclear Weapons in Iraq or Syria, Thanks to Israel

By: Louis RenĂ© Beres
As President Obama continues to legitimize a nuclear Iran with his surrender-based negotiations, he also worries incongruously about regional nuclear proliferation.

When a Piece of Paper Meant Life or Death

By: Dr. Rafael Medoff
“It is a fantastic commentary on the inhumanity of our times,” journalist Dorothy Thompson wrote at the height of the 1930s European Jewish refugee crisis, “that for thousands and thousands of people a piece of paper with a stamp on it is the difference between life and death.”

ISIS: A Four-Letter Household Word

By: Jonathan Feldstein
Unfortunately ISIS has become a four-letter household word with which most westerners and Arabs are quite familiar.

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