Tuesday 31 May 2016


As the beloved, late Jack Kelley was often fond of saying, "I think people should get raptured according to their eschatological view".   Seems only fitting after all...at least the 'post-toasties' who think they can weather the storm of the 70th Week with an underground bunker and some survival gear can get their money's worth.  But I fear my prayers for eschatological-justice will most likely proceed no higher than my ceiling.  And much to their chagrin, all these vehemently anti-Pre-Trib Christian's are just going to have to settle for being Raptured prior to the start of the Tribulation, whether they like it or not.
I don't get what the attraction to this view is.  That goes for Pre-Wrath and Mid Trib views as well.  Any view that places the Church inside the seven year period known as Daniel's 70th Week, has some major eschatological and ecclesiological issues.  Jesus stated that this period of time would be the most horrifying in all of human history, (Matt. 24:21-22) and we have huge swaths of Christians today who think we are either already in it (but they can't say for sure when it started), or they think we have to go through it (because we deserve it).  The good thing about our God is that He is merciful beyond any human definitions of the word.  If we all got what we truly deserved, we'd all be doing head stands in the lake of fire.

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