Tuesday 21 June 2016


As We See the Day Approaching - Pete Garcia -http://www.omegaletter.com/articles/articles.asp?ArticleID=8260
The Holy Bible expends a great deal of energy and effort, explaining both God and man's relationship to time.  God declares of Himself that He alone is omnipotent, omnipresent, and knows the end from the beginning.  The Bible declares for man, that he is but a vapor or blade of grass compared to time, and that we are here for one fleeting moment, and gone the next. 
God, having created time for man, has existed in power and majesty for all of eternity, and if you were to compare our current existence, whether you believe our world to be only 6,000 years, or a billion, is still all relatively short compared to the total existence of God.  We simply have no way to mentally reconcile the concept of eternity, yet, at the moment of our death, we are immediately thrust into it.  You see, although we cannot comprehend it while living as finite beings with finite minds, we were made with eternity built into our hearts.
He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also He has put eternity in their hearts, except that no one can find out the work that God does from beginning to end.  Ecclesiastes 3:11 NKJV
God has existed since eternity-past and will on into eternity future.  Where does God come from?  What did God do before He built our universe?  What will we do for the rest of eternity once the timeline God lays out in the Bible plays out to its total culmination?  We don't know.  But perhaps this is why the Bible (courtesy of God the Holy Spirit) spends an inordinate amount of time speaking to God's eternal characteristics.  So, although we don't have all the answers now we can trust that God is holy, righteous, loving, and just.  We know that God is a Creator God, and I would assume, that for the rest of eternity-future, we (believers from all ages) will be in perfect fellowship with Him and doing things that He has in store for us.

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