Saturday 3 December 2016


A Cosmic Battle for Jerusalem - Alf Cengia -
The destruction of Jerusalem and the Second Temple occurred way back in 70AD. Yet the desire for Zion has continuously burned in the hearts of the Jews throughout the centuries in exile. One might even say that Jerusalem is written in their DNA. Though Jerusalem was rebuilt as a Roman city in 135AD - and except for the crusade periods - it has lain fallow, largely forgotten by the world for centuries. Photos of the Temple Mount taken at Israel's recapturing of Jerusalem during the 1967 Six Day War attest to its desolation under Islamic jurisdiction. It was only after Israel's historic victory that the world cast its collective eye on Jerusalem once again. I rather imagine a vision of Sauron sitting in his Dark Tower discovering the location of the Ring and suddenly turning all his attention to it.
From a secular viewpoint it is remarkable that in recent years it has become such an intense focal point of conflict, drawing global attention. Why would western nations bother about what happens in a far away place? Why does the United Nations conspire to remove Jewish history from Jerusalem? We know why. The United Nations is an Islamic devotee. Despite the terrorism associated with Islam, its demands are appeased, and it seeks to purge Israel from the region. It is because of the Jewish presence that Jerusalem has once again become a precious jewel to be protected from the Jew.

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