Tuesday 18 September 2018


Dear Pamela,
In May, I was thrown in prison for 13 months for contempt of court, because I reported the news from outside a Muslim rape gang trial in Leeds.
In August, after I served two and a half months in solitary confinement, the Court of Appeal threw out that conviction and set me free, because of outrageous errors made by the judge in Leeds. 
But I’ve never told anyone the full story of what happened that day in Leeds, after I was thrown in the back of a police van, and driven away. 
But now I want to tell you everything — from the kangaroo court hearing, to being sent to prison in Hull, to being transferred to HMP Onley, the prison with the highest Muslim population of any C-category prison in the UK.
It’s the most candid interview of my life. And you can watch it here:
I describe things I haven’t told anyone before:
  • how a Muslim terrorist named Sayful Islam sent a threat to my prison door
  • how I was transferred to a dangerous prison run by Muslim gangs, and I was called “racist" when I complained
  • how I was “arrested” in prison for criticizing Islam
  • how I was put in a wire cage, and not allowed to exercise, visit the prison church or meet other prisoners
  • how prison starved me, and refused to let me buy more than one can of tuna a day (from my own money)
  • what I wrote in a letter to my wife and children — a letter prison guards seized, and wouldn’t deliver
  • and so much more.
The facts in this interview — and the documents I show on screen — will outrage you. The only consolation I take from this whole situation is that seeing it unfold has made many more people speak up. Our support grows, and we are succeeding in winning peoples’ hearts and minds.
Please watch my interview hereand share it with your friends and family. Post it on social media. Tell your friends about it.
It’s not just my story — it’s your story, too.
Yours truly,
Tommy Robinson
P.S. As I explain in the interview, the Attorney General insists on sending me back to trial again for contempt of courtUnfortunately, that means I have to hire my lawyers again, and I’ve just received a new invoice from them for tens of thousands of pounds.
That’s part of the government’s plan to break me — physically, psychologically and financially.
Your continued support is what drives me on. Please click here to help if you can — thank you.

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