Wednesday 4 November 2020

A Globalist Joe Biden Win Greatly Accelerates Emmanuel Macron’s Dream Of An European Union Army With Himself As EU Commander-In-Chief


New post on Now The End Begins

A Globalist Joe Biden Win Greatly Accelerates Emmanuel Macron’s Dream Of An European Union Army With Himself As EU Commander-In-Chief

by Geoffrey Grider


US Democratic candidate Joe Biden's victory could speed up the dream of Emmanuel Macron to form a European Union army alongside NATO, a political expert has warned.

Funny thing, just yesterday a reader wrote to me with a link to the Muslim terror attacks in Europe, showing the current trouble Emmanuel Macron is having with all that and told me "sorry, he's not your guy." Amazing how much things can change in a day or two, isn't it? You can rest assured that nothing will stop the upward path of Emmanuel Macron as he negotiates, plots and strategizes his way exactly into the spot the bible declares is waiting for the 'man of sin'.

"Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God." 2 Thessalonians 2:3,4 (KJB)

Now you know me, I don't want Joe Biden to win, I am a Trump supporter all the way, and I am hoping and praying he wins big today. God has used Donald Trump to do big things for Israel, and it's been exciting to watch the end times timeline advancing as much as it has since he has been president. But God is able to advance His timeline no matter who is president, Trump or Biden, and something tells me that the end times timeline is going to skyrocket in the aftermath of this election. Joe Biden is a globalist, and globalism is a requirement for the establishment of the New World Order, something Donald Trump has famously been against. Buckle up, kiddies, either way this thing is gonna go.

To God be the glory!

Your Head Will Spin After You Realize That Emmanuel Macron Has Both Jewish Ancestry And Inexplicable Ties To Rome And The Assyrian Empire



Emmanuel Macron European Union Army Dream On Path To Approval If Globalist Joe Biden Wins US election

FROM THE EXPRESS UK: Speaking to, Professor of National Security and Political Science at the University of New Haven Matthew Schmidt said Democratic candidate Joe Biden will be "wholeheartedly embraced" by European leaders across the Brussels bloc. Professor Schmidt argued anyone different from incumbent President Trump would have looked better in the eyes of EU leaders as they look to reinstate their powerful "before-Trump" status across the world.  But the American expert admitted that regardless of who wins this month's crucial election in the US, the United States will remain an unchallenged military power.

"And in his estate shall stand up a vile person, to whom they shall not give the honour of the kingdom: but he shall come in peaceably, and obtain the kingdom by flatteries. And with the arms of a flood shall they be overflown from before him, and shall be broken; yea, also the prince of the covenant." Daniel 11:21,22 (KJB)

Asked if he believed that a Biden victory could speed up French President Emmanuel Macron's dream of setting up an EU army to replace NATO, he replied: "Yes and there's a rationale for having that.

"And generally people have spoken to that in terms of a European rapid reaction force, which is something significantly less than an army. It's something like a much smaller Marine Corps in the US sense of things that would be quickly deployed to hotspots, but it wouldn't be large enough or capable enough to maintain the fight very long, more than a few weeks, say, without having to call in NATO troops or Americans as allies. And so to that effect, I think that that's important for the EU to have, and I don't think it particularly weakens NATO. In fact, a rapid reaction force could be easily integrated as a unit into NATO, because remember we don't have NATO troops. We have different countries that contribute troops to NATO and so why couldn't the EU act in that way and contribute as a rapid reaction force to NATO, but still have independent control over it and be able to send it to places that the EU decides to send to for security reasons, that NATO wouldn't go to."

Euro zone bond yields rose on Tuesday with markets increasingly confident challenger Joe Biden would win the US presidential election, although trading was quiet as investors refrained from taking on new large positions before the outcome.

The rise in yields also followed Monday's drop as investors rushed for safer assets in the wake of new lockdown restrictions imposed by governments across Europe to fight the spread of COVID-19. Market participants expect a volatile day on Wednesday when the results of the United States presidential election become clear. But on Tuesday stock markets rose as investors sold out of safer bonds and bet on a clear win for Biden, the Democratic Party candidate.

President Donald Trump and Biden made a last-ditch push for votes in battleground states on Monday as their campaigns prepared for post-election legal disputes that could delay a clear outcome. The benchmark German 10-year yield was last up 3 basis points at -0.609 percent, while other core euro zone bond yields rose more modestly.

"There is an expectation that there will be a Biden victory," said Jan von Gerich, an analyst at Nordea. But he said that there was a "preparedness that there could be some big moves" on Wednesday should the result be unclear. READ MORE

Watch Joe Biden Call For A New World Order As United States Vice President Back In 2013

Emmanuel Macron knows that globalist Joe Biden would be a very willing partner in the New World Order, and that means it's 'go time' for the creation of a European Union Army with Macron at the helm. And wait until you get to the part in the video where he talks about how "China must prosper". Tick, tock, people, tick, tock...

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