Friday 13 November 2020

Iran Already Saying No To Joe Biden


Iran Already Saying No To Joe Biden
Well, that didn't take long. Iran is already refusing to renegotiate the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), also known as the Iran nuclear deal, in expectation of a Biden presidency. President Trump abandoned the plan in 2018 in favor of tougher sanctions.

Lessons For Today From The Early Church Under Caesar
We have been blessed with many liberties here in America, many of them unknown throughout human history. At the same time, as followers of Jesus, it's easy for us to lose our perspective because of those very liberties and freedoms. It's easy for us to become dependent on the government. Or to put our trust in a worldly system.
This Group Wants A Muslim Caliphate And They Are Making Inroads In Jerusalem
The 15,000 Muslims who crowded into the courtyards of the Temple Mount mosque was organized by Hizb ut-Tahrir (the Islamic Liberation Party), about which the Israeli public has heard little if anything but whose influence worldwide is growing.
Christian Zionists Fear A Biden Presidency Will Divide Israel
Once you understand the consequences for dividing the land of Israel, you will never look at foreign policy the same way again.

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