Friday 6 November 2020

The New York Times Is Thrilled That ANTIFA And Black Lives Matter Militants March While Chanting ‘Burn It Down’ Across Major American Cities


New post on Now The End Begins

The New York Times Is Thrilled That ANTIFA And Black Lives Matter Militants March While Chanting ‘Burn It Down’ Across Major American Cities

by Geoffrey Grider


You need to understand and fully comprehend that these people are not your 'fellow citizens', they are domestic terror militants who seek to do you harm. They are anti-God, they are anti-Christ, and they are possessed with a legion of evil spirits.

The New York Times has devolved into little more than a mouthpiece for the Communist Party, even more so in the years since 2018 when George Soros plunked down millions to give himself a voice there to spread his filth and hate. Today on Twitter, the New York Times proudly posted a mashup of ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter domestic terror groups, wearing black hoods and marching under the anarchist flag of fascism, storm trooping their way across America cities, and issuing a call-to-arms to 'burn it down'. To date, nearly $3 billion dollars in damages have resulted from ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter led riots.

"Saying, Go unto this people, and say, Hearing ye shall hear, and shall not understand; and seeing ye shall see, and not perceive: For the heart of this people is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes have they closed; lest they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them." Acts 28:26,27 (KJB)

As far back as 2010, we here at NTEB warned you that the new America Civil War was coming, and it is now here. At some point, you will come face to face with these militants who are bent on the overthrow of this nation, and you need to resolve in your mind now what you will do when that happens. First and foremost, be a witness for Jesus Christ, these people are as lost as lost ever gets, and headed for the fires of Hell. If you can, give them the gospel that they might be saved. Just keep in mind that if you do, there may be a price to pay for your witness.

What a DISGUSTING group of anarchists.

— Now The End Begins (@NowTheEndBegins) November 5, 2020

At the same time, you need to understand and fully comprehend that these people are not your 'fellow citizens', they are domestic terror militants who seek to do you harm. They are anti-God, they are anti-Christ, and they are possessed with a legion of evil spirits. We are truly on the front lines of the end times, and war has finally arrived. That war is real, the battle hot, and the time is the FIGHT!!!

Tucker: Florida Is The Future Of The Country

I love living here in Florida, best state I have ever lived in. 

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