Saturday 23 January 2021

Revelation Has Been Unsealed - But Many Churches Teach Different Revelation Meanings


Many Churches Teach Different Revelation Meanings

Revelation Has Been Unsealed

Two Verses in the Last Chapter Explain the Message

Many churches have Revelation seminars and Revelation study groups.  Yet they all teach something different!!  What is the true message?  Revelation could not be understood until God unsealed its' true meaning.  You can explain Revelation to your friends, skeptics and pastors with just two verses.  Time is now short to understand the meaning.

To understand Revelation--read the last chapter (22) first.  Just two verses (18 and 19) are the keys. 

First, Jesus tells us words will be added--specific words that bring the Revelation plagues.  What plagues?  Plagues for worshiping the beast and his image, and following the teachings of the false prophet.  So the added words after Revelation was written must have something to do with worshiping the beast and its image, and taking his mark.

Second, Jesus tells us words will be taken away.  Which words are taken away?  Jesus says the words taken away are those that give salvation to enter the Holy City and the Tree of Life.  Since Jesus is the only path to the Father (John 14:6), the words taken away after Revelation was written must try to take away the atoning sacrifice of Jesus.  

Revelation was given in 95 AD.  Just some 525 years later (610-632) the twin warnings of Jesus came to pass in the Qur'an.  The Qur'an adds the specific words that give the revelation plagues, and the Qur'an takes away the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and our mediator.  No other religious book does both.

Key #1 Revelation 22:18--Recognize the Added Words that Bring the Revelation Plagues


"I warn everyone who hears the words of
the prophecy of this book: 
if anyone adds to them, God will add
to him the plagues described in this book"
Revelation 22:18
Examples of Added Words that Bring the Revelation Plagues

The Bible is very specific.  Revelation 22:18 says the added words bring the specific plagues of Revelation.  Not just any words--but words about the false prophet, the spiritual beast, his image and his mark, or his statement of faith.  Not just any plagues--but the plagues of Revelation.

The added text warnings in Revelation 22:18 are fulfilled in the Qur’an!  Here is how the Qur’an adds the very actions that bring on the specific Revelation plagues from God!  The Qur’an adds the teaching of the false prophet Mohammad, it adds his mark (the Islamic Shahada), a statement of faith to a false god, and the Qur’an adds words requiring prayer direction and worship to the image Mohammad sets up to honor the beast. This image is the Kaaba in Mecca, the House of Allah.
Full Article At: 
The Message from Jesus in Revelation Is in Two Verses

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