Heavenly Warning of Imminent War in Israel a Wakeup Call from God to Repent
Rabbi Amram Vaknin giving a blessing. (Photo: Gil Nachman)
A recent heavenly warning of imminent war in Israel is being hailed as a major wakeup call from God to repent.
In August, Rabbi Amram Vaknin, a mystical rabbi from the port city of Ashdod, warned of a fast approaching war in Israel after receiving a divine prophetic message. Breaking Israel News reported on Rabbi Vaknin’s warning, leaving many frightened and wondering what can be done to avert the decree of war.
Speaking with Rabbi Vaknin’s English spokesperson, Gil Nachman, Breaking Israel News followed up on the rabbi’s heavenly message, wanting to know how people around the world should respond to the threat of war.
“When Hashem (God) doesn’t see that people are waking up, He has to wake them up,” Nachman explained to Breaking Israel News. “The rabbi is here to ensure that the message comes in rachamim (mercy), not din (strict judgement). Rabbi Vaknin is the messenger. He’s the message of rachamim on Am Yisrael (the Jewish people).”
According to Nachman, the importance of repentance cannot be overstated. Rabbi Vaknin is urging the Jewish people to repent for four things in particular.
The most urgent things to repent for are “the inner sins that you hide away from people and the sins that people see. And kibud av v’eim (honoring your father and mother) is one of the most important things. And always say the truth of what’s in your heart. Be real. It’s all about emet (truth).”
In light of the divine message of war, Rabbi Nachman called on his followers to attend a special prayer gathering, scheduled for Thursday, Sept 17, which falls during the spiritually significant period between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, known as the Ten Days of Repentance.
“Any decree can be changed. It depends on Am Yisrael’s teshuva (the repentance of the Jewish People). The people in Israel are really scared of what’s coming, Hashem (God) wants us to do a prayer gathering of everyone who’s really in fear,” Nachman explained.
The Book of Proverbs (14:28) states, “Barav am hadrat melech – The King’s glory is in a multitude of people.” According to Nachman, “If there are at least 100 men, we can change the decree. We will ask Hashem for rachamim (mercy) and ask Hashem to bring Moshiach (Messiah).”
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