Tuesday 13 August 2019

Liberal Activist Group PETA Is Oddly Silent As Muslims Around The World Slaughter Over 10 Million Animals In Celebration Of Eid al-Adha

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Liberal Activist Group PETA Is Oddly Silent As Muslims Around The World Slaughter Over 10 Million Animals In Celebration Of Eid al-Adha

by Geoffrey Grider

PETA silent as Goats, sheep and cows are slaughtered as Muslims mark festival of Eid around the world

Muslims around the world are celebrating Eid al-Adha, the feast of sacrifice, the second of two Islamic holidays celebrated worldwide marking the end of the annual pilgrimage or Hajj to the Saudi holy city of Mecca. But PETA is oddly silent.

In typical Islamic style, the celebration of Eid is a gruesome and barbaric ritual where animals are killed in a horrifically painful manner as Muslims laugh and cheer their death. It truly is an unwatchable event, even if you love to eat meat. But my question is why is PETA suddenly struck, pardon the pun, hoarse? Here is abject and overt animal cruelty on a global scale, with the blood running through the streets like after a heavy rain, and the organization that cannot bear to allow you to wear a fur coat is suddenly silent?
"For it is not possible that the blood of bulls and of goats should take away sins. Wherefore when he cometh into the world, he saith, Sacrifice and offering thou wouldest not, but a body hast thou prepared me: In burnt offerings and sacrifices for sin thou hast had no pleasure." Hebrews 10:4-6 (KJV)
PETA is silent because they don't really care about the suffering of the poor, helpless animals. If they did, then then wouldn't be putting tens of thousands of animals downand then lying about it, would they? No, PETA is a Far Left and ultra-liberal politicalorganization created to push an ultra-liberal political agenda. PETA is against Conservatives and Christians, but when it comes to Islam they have no problem because creating Sharia Law in America is all part of the agenda. Just ask Ilhan, she'll tell you.

Goats, sheep and cows are slaughtered as Muslims mark festival of Eid around the world

FROM DAILY MAIL UK: Across the world men, women and children prayed and sacrificed animals as part of the celebrations. Eid al-Adha is the holiest of the two Muslims holidays celebrated each year. Photos from Pakistan show men in the street slaughtering goats, camels, cows and sheep as of the festivities.
As many as 10 million animals worth up to $3 billion are sacrificed during the festival, the Pakistan Tanners' Association says.
Prayers were held in Myanmar, Azerbaijan and Iraq, while in India police frisked worshippers as they entered mosques amid growing criticism of the treatment of Muslims under Prime Minister Modi's right-wing Hindu nationalist regime.
Some Muslims slaughter a sacrificial animal and split the meat into three parts, one for the family, one for friends and relatives, and one for the poor.
The act is done to honour willingness of Ibrahim to sacrifice his son as an act of obedience to God's command, as told in the Quran. However, before he was able to sacrifice his son, God provided him with a sheep to kill instead.
This year's celebration comes amid escalating tensions in Kashmir, Indian's only Muslim majority region. The Pakistani government has called for the festival to be observed in a 'simple manner' this year, to express solidarity with Kashmiris living on the Indian side of the divided region.
On August 5, India dropped a constitutional provision that had allowed its only Muslim-majority state, Jammu and Kashmir, to make its own laws, and also broke up the state into two federally administered territories.
The changes are the most sweeping in the nearly 30 years that India has been battling a revolt in its portion of Kashmir, parts of which are claimed by Pakistan and China. READ MORE

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