Friday 9 August 2019

Temple Institute To Jews Worldwide: Build The 3rd Temple


The Temple Institute has released a powerful new video to awaken world Jewry and reframe the traditional period of mourning this Ninth of Av into one of preparation for the rebuilding of the Third Holy Temple.
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Not a day goes by without one media outlet or another pushing a story that treats the transgender ideology as fact. The LGBT movement is not simply seeking acceptance - they are demanding a particularly totalitarian form of power.
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Most major cities increasingly demand a set of life choices that is sometimes called "workism"--delaying marriage and family in favor of intense, high-paying jobs that go largely to support adult-centric lifestyles. In other words, we're "swapping capital for kids."
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Erdoğan's ideologues keep on portraying the U.S. as an "enemy country," and many Turks increasingly buy that line. Seven out of 10 Turks now report feeling threatened by U.S. power, an increase of 28 percentage points since 2013 -- a higher jump than in any country recently polled.
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