Wednesday 14 August 2019

The Pedophiles At Drag Queen Story Hour Are Now Teaching Toddlers To Twerk, And It’s All Being Promoted By The American Library Association

New post on Now The End Begins

The Pedophiles At Drag Queen Story Hour Are Now Teaching Toddlers To Twerk, And It’s All Being Promoted By The American Library Association

by Geoffrey Grider

Drag Queen Story Hour Teaches Toddlers How to 'Twerk' at Library Story Time

In case you were under the impression that Drag Queen Story Hour was some sweet event where guys in dresses read cute stories to little children and then everyone goes home, think again.

Perhaps you've pondered a time or two on just how it would be possible for a group of pedophiles who call themselves Drag Queen Story Hour could be able to perform their end times villainy at so many public libraries across the country. Well, have you? Because there is an easy answer to this questions. The Drag Queen Story Hour is made possible by the American Library Association, which is the oldest and largest library association anywhere in the world., and founded in 1876. The ALA is happy to provide toolkits and webinars to show your local library how they too can have pedophiles come and amuse their toddlers. Here is but a brief sample:

ALA Articles & Websites Promoting Drag Queen Story Hour:

For a full listing of all ALA-related materials promoting and defending the Drag Queen Story Hour, click here. This article urging workers to be a 'secret librarian advocate operative' is especially disgusting, but it shows you just how hard the rich and powerful ALA is pushing this filth. 

Contact The American Library Association And Tell Them How You Feel

American Library Association (Google Map)
50 East Huron Street
Chicago, Illinois  60611-2795
Telephone: Toll free 800-545-2433 | Direct line 312-944-6780 | Fax 312-440-9374

We are in a war, people, a war for the souls of men, and it is a war that the Christian Church is losing because we remain silent. We have become the fulfillment of Jesus' prophecy of the professing Church becoming the lukewarm church of Laodicea that He will spue from His mouth.
"I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth." Revelation 3:15,16 (KJV)
Have you ever wondered that perhaps one reason for the Pretribulation Rapture of the Church is because we have become so weak and so powerless that we are no longer any good to the Lord here on Earth? Just a thought, just a random opinion, but just maybe there's something to it. Yes, Jesus will indeed judge this sin sick, cursed world, don't you worry about that. But end times judgement begins in the house of God first, as Jesus tells us in Revelation 3. What temperature are you?

Drag Queen Teaches Toddlers How to 'Twerk' at Library Story Time

FROM PJ MEDIA: Videos keep surfacing of drag queens doing stripteases, rolling around on the floor with children, and now... twerking. Oh yes, twerking. In case you don't know what twerking is, there's an entire genre on YouTube that will enlighten you (or sully your soul with degeneracy, to be more accurate). Twerking, for the uninitiated is the simulation of sex in dance form. There's no other way to see it. I don't recommend looking it up, but if you must, don't say I didn't warn you. But this is what libraries think is okay for toddlers now. Welcome to Twerk Time, little ones!
Children are being taught to twerk by drag queens
— Raheem Kassam (@RaheemKassam) August 11, 2019
Ignoring for a moment the incredibly bad fake accent, what in the fresh hell is this? Who thought this was a good idea? The American Library Association, for one. They've been pushing this program all over the world. The Federalist reported:
The world’s largest library association’s annual conference this year featured more than 100 workshops with an “equity, diversity, and inclusion” theme, according to the American Library Association’s conference catalog. That included workshops with these titles (some shortened): “Creating Queer-Inclusive Elementary School Library Programming,” “Developing an Online Face for a Lesbian Pulp Fiction Collection,” and “Telling Stories, Expanding Boundaries: Drag Queen Storytimes in Libraries.”
It's time to defund these people. READ MORE

Drag Queen Story Hour At The New York Public Library

Drag Queen Story Hour has been partnering with the New York Public Library for over two years. DQSH offer inclusive, gender-affirming programs with storytime favorites and new LGBTQ reads for our youngest patrons, with lots of songs and glitter along the way.

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