Wednesday 11 August 2021

Accused Serial Molester And Alleged Nursing Home Killer Of 17,000+ Elderly Democrat Andrew Cuomo Forced To Resign As Governor Of New York


New post on Now The End Begins

Accused Serial Molester And Alleged Nursing Home Killer Of 17,000+ Elderly Democrat Andrew Cuomo Forced To Resign As Governor Of New York

by Geoffrey Grider


Democrat Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced on Tuesday that he will resign his office in 14 days after an investigation found he sexually harassed multiple women.

Well, times and tides have finally caught up with 'killer' Andrew Cuomo, and he is resigning in abject disgrace from his combined scandals of molesting his employees, and his executive order that caused the death of thousands of elderly in nursing homes. I hope the women get justice, but I also hope the families of the 17,000+ dead elderly get justice, too.

"Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil." Ecclesiastes 8:11 (KJB)

It funny how Democrats like Andrew Cuomo love and embrace a culture of death, so much so that all those people killed by Cuomo's executive order barely even raised an eyebrow. In 2019, when New York passed what was then the nation's most-horrific pro-abortion legislation, Andrew Cuomo and his ilk were so overjoyed that they celebrated by lighting up the Empire State building. Truly the work of devils, but even devils reach their end and today Cuomo has reached his. Pray for his soul, pray that he gets saved before he winds up in the hell he doesn't believe in.

new-york-governor-andrew-cuomo-signs-pro-abortion-reproductive-health-act-killing-babies-at-birth-holocaust2019: IT’S PARTY TIME! NEW YORK GOVERNOR ANDREW CUOMO CELEBRATES AS HE SIGNS REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH ACT BILL AUTHORIZING KILLING OF BABIES UP TO THE MOMENT OF BIRTH

Andrew Cuomo Announces Resignation as Governor of New York

FROM BREITBART NEWS: Cuomo thanked “the women who came forward with sincere complaints,” and said that “In my mind, I’ve never crossed the line with anyone. But I didn’t realize the extent to which the line has been redrawn.”

“The best way I can help now is if I step aside and let government get back to governing,” Cuomo said in a noon press conference. “You taught me and you taught others an important lesson,” he concluded.

The third-term governor’s decision, which will take effect in two weeks, was announced as momentum built in the Legislature to remove him by impeachment and after nearly the entire Democratic establishment had turned against him, with President Joe Biden joining those calling on him to resign. The move came a week after New York’s attorney general released the results of an investigation that found Cuomo sexually harassed at least 11 women.

Investigators said he subjected women to unwanted kisses; groped their breasts or buttocks or otherwise touched them inappropriately; made insinuating remarks about their looks and their sex lives; and created a work environment “rife with fear and intimidation.” Lt. Gov. Kathy Hochul, a 62-year-old Democrat and former member of Congress from the Buffalo area, will become the state’s 57th governor and the first woman to hold the post. “I agree with Governor Cuomo’s decision to step down. It is the right thing to do and in the best interest of New Yorkers,” Hochul tweeted.

The #MeToo-era scandal cut short not just a career but a dynasty: Cuomo’s father, Mario Cuomo, was governor in the 1980s and ’90s, and the younger Cuomo was often mentioned as a potential candidate for president, an office his father famously contemplated seeking. Even as the scandal mushroomed, Cuomo was planning to run for reelection in 2022. Cuomo may still face the possibility of criminal charges, with a number of prosecutors around the state moving to investigate him. At least one of his accusers has filed a criminal complaint against him.

The string of accusations that spelled the governor’s downfall began in news reports last December and went on for months.

As the scandal grew, Cuomo called some of the allegations fabricated, forcefully denying he touched anyone inappropriately. But he acknowledged making some aides uncomfortable with comments he said he intended as playful, and he apologized for some of his behavior. He portrayed some of the encounters as misunderstandings attributable to “generational or cultural” differences, a reference in part to his upbringing in an affectionate Italian American family.

As a defiant Cuomo clung to office, state lawmakers launched an impeachment investigation, and his allies deserted him — not only over the accusations, but also because of the discovery that his administration had concealed thousands of COVID-19 deaths among nursing home patients. The harassment investigation ordered up by the attorney general and conducted by two outside lawyers corroborated the women’s accounts and added lurid new ones. Investigators also said the governor’s staff retaliated against one of his accusers by leaking confidential personnel files about her. READ MORE

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