President Joe Biden was filmed seemingly ignoring the direction of a Secret Service agent tried to direct him to a path leading to the White House.
Joe Biden made a deal with the Devil after prostituting himself in Washington for nearly half a century, his soul in exchange for the ultimate power - president of the United States of America. Yesterday, Joe Biden was seemingly unable to follow the simply instruction of his Secret Service detail to walk into the door to the White House, instead wandering nonsensically over the lawn and into the bushes, as his guards exchanged "what tha...???" looks with each other.
"For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? Matthew 16:26 (KJB)
That Joe Biden has a cognitive mental condition that's rapidly deteriorating can no longer be debated, the only question is how much longer will his handlers allow this sad and pathetic show to continue before installing Kamala as president? Remember, we told you last year that this was the plan all along, to use Biden as a Trojan Horse to sneak in ultra-Progressive Kamala Harris to do the real damage. Biden knew he'd never make it, but honestly didn't care, all he's ever wanted was to be the president of the United States, even at the cost of his own soul. That's not gonna age well.
Where are you going, Joe? Another 'senior moment' as confused President Joe Biden ignores Secret Service agent directions into White House and bizarrely walks onto lawn
FROM THE DAILY MAIL UK: President Joe Biden was filmed seemingly ignoring the direction of a Secret Service agent tried to direct him to a path leading to the White House. In Biden's latest bizarre gaffe, the president was filmed returning to the White House after spending time in Wilmington, Delaware when the agent points for him to follow the sidewalk path into the White House.
Instead, Biden is seen following the agent up the lawn and through the garden into the presidential estate. The video has left shocked critics of the 78 year-old president once again surmising whether Biden is suffering the effects of cognitive decline. Twitter personality Kambree Kawahine Koa, who has penned op-eds for Daily Caller , brought up Biden's status as the oldest president ever elected.
'He looks old there,' Kawahine Koa tweeted.
Biden, 78, surpassed Donald Trump as the oldest president ever elected - beating out his predecessor, the second oldest president ever elected, by eight years at the times they took office.
Sean Spicer, who served as press secretary under Trump, tweeted: 'Watch. This. Video. Closely.'
Frank Fleming, a senior writer for the satirical conservative website The Babylon Bee, claimed that he had written the same events described in the video earlier in the day for a fictional satirical article - a near premonition of the gaffe.
'Oh man; I wrote this in a The Babylon Bee article this morning before seeing this video,' Fleming tweeted.
He had written in the article: 'President Biden also spoke about the program's success, yelling, 'What's TikTok?' to reporters before getting lost on the way back to the front door of the White House.' Josh Barnett, an Arizona Republican running for Congress in 2022, tweeted that Biden was 'lost' and 'clueless.' 'They literally pointed the walkway out to him and he still went the wrong way,' tweeted Human Events editor Jack Posobiec. READ MORE
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