Wednesday 14 February 2024

A Met Police officer threatens to arrest a Christian preacher who was accused of a hate crime - weeks after a gospel singer was threatened with arrest for singing religious songs.

 A Met Police officer threatens to arrest a Christian preacher who was accused of a hate crime - weeks after a gospel singer was threatened with arrest for singing religious songs.

In yet another incident of police officers appearing to threaten Christians with arrest, the evangelists can be heard protesting their innocence in a video posted to YouTube.

The clip was filmed by the missionaries on Uxbridge High Street in west London outside the entrance to the Pavilions shopping centre after a member of the public complained to police about allegedly homophobic comments. 

The person who is videoing the officers says: 'All we're doing is preaching our religion. We've been preaching about the gospel and Jesus Christ [and what] the Bible says in the book of John, chapter three verse 16.

'For God's love of the world he gave his one and only son so that whoever, whatever person - homosexual, drunk, liar or a prostitute - believes in him shall not perish and have everlasting life.' 

However, as the preacher continues to ask for clarification regarding the situation, two separate officers threaten to arrest him unless he provided his details. 

One officer can be heard at the beginning saying: 'Currently there's allegations of a hate crime, a public order offence, section 4a [and] allegations of homophobia.

'I've not heard anything, I'm not saying I've heard anything. Someone's called us. It might be completely untrue or true.

'[But] if I do walk away and I see offences, and the victim wants to press charges... I could have failed a potential victim.' 

They add: 'If you don't give me your name or address I have grounds to arrest you. It's code of practice.'

A second officer similarly says there has been an allegation of a hate crime which has caused 'alarm or distress in a public space'.

They then demand: 'Provide me your name now or you will be arrested. You can spend the night in a cell and we can do it that way.'


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