Tuesday 13 February 2024

Approaching Hoofbeats: The Signs Of The Times Rapidly Accelerate


Approaching Hoofbeats: The Signs Of The Times Rapidly Accelerate
I purchased Billy Graham's book, Approaching Hoofbeats, not long after its publication in 1983. I cannot remember all that I thought as I read it forty years ago but as I recently skimmed its chapters, the stark differences between then and now leaped off the pages.
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Biden Can't Have It Both Ways On The Gaza War
At a time when the destruction of Hamas is, if not imminent, at least a real possibility after several months more of hard fighting, Biden's apology to his left-wing critics may offer the terrorists a lifeline.
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America's Epic Crime Wave Shows No Signs Of Slowing Down
All over the nation, law enforcement is losing control and violent criminals are getting the upper hand. We have never seen anything quite like this before, and I am entirely convinced that this crime wave is only going to get worse as economic conditions deteriorate.
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Conservative Leaders Denounce WHO Agreement: Health Care 'Tower of Babel'
An international global governance group has launched "a global power grab" in its efforts to influence the way the world's governments respond to global health emergencies -- and suppress those who dare to dissent.
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