Wednesday 7 February 2024

Biden's 'Two-State Solution' To Reward Palestinian Terrorism, Destroy Israel


Biden's 'Two-State Solution' To Reward Palestinian Terrorism, Destroy Israel
In the span of two days, both the US administration and the British government came out with similar statements that they are considering recognizing a Palestinian state. The statements send a message to the Iran-backed Hamas terrorist group and other Palestinians that the Americans and British want to give them a prize for the October 7 attack on Israel.
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Has The Final Meltdown Of The U.S. Consumer Now Begun?
Americans are increasingly turning to their credit cards to cover everyday expenses, with debt hitting a new record high at the end of December, according to a New York Federal Reserve report published Tuesday.
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School Assignment Asks Children To 'Declare Independence'... From Their Parents
A government schoolteacher in Maine asked students to confess their "unconscious biases" and gave a homework assignment asking them to write a "Declaration of Independence" from "something problematic" in their lives such as ... parents.
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Turning Tide? New York Times Offers Detransitioners' Testimony
One of the mainstream media's flagship publications appears to be reversing course on gender transitions for children and finally listening to the warnings issued by detransitioners.
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Religious Freedom Erodes In The West
Last year, an ostensibly evangelical college in England sacked a professor over a February tweet advocating a biblical view of sexuality and marriage. The incident was only one occurrence of religious persecution in Western democracies in 2023.
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