Saturday 17 February 2024

US & Arab States Plotting Imposed Peace Plan Upon Israel?


US & Arab States Plotting Imposed Peace Plan Upon Israel?
A scheme has been uncovered that apparently would involve announcing - unilaterally - a Palestinian state right away, and it is drawing a chorus of objections.
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An Open Border Is An Open Invitation To Terror
Nineteen people. That's all it took to completely upend our world on 9/11. Yet almost 300 people from our Terror Watch List have already been caught at our Southern Border. Imagine what 300 could do?
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The WHO's Transgender Trojan Horse
The World Health Organization is poised to promote extreme transgender ideology as a college of 21 experts will gather (16 of whom are gender ideology activists) to develop global guidelines governing how doctors respond to people who identify as transgender.
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All Of The Elements Are In Place For An Economic Crisis Of Staggering Proportion
From the federal government on down, our entire society is absolutely drowning in debt, and now it appears that our economic problems are about to go to the next level. In early 2024, there are all sorts of signs that economic activity in the U.S. is really starting to slow down.
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