Wednesday 14 September 2016


Pastor Greg Laurie points out people no longer mock 'mark of the beast' scenario!
History, as we know it today, will end where it basically began - not on the battlefields of the United States or Asia or Europe, but in Israel. The final battle that will be fought between the nations of the world will take place in Israel. This battle will rage around one city, where more wars have been fought than any other on earth: Jerusalem. Its very name, ironically, means "city of peace."
Known as the Battle of Armageddon, it will bring to a conclusion the horrible time known as the Great Tribulation period. And it's all going to come down in the Middle East. During the Gulf War, I happened to be teaching through the book of Revelation at the church where I pastor. This fascinated a few members of the media, who came to the church to do stories about it. The question I was asked repeatedly was, "Is this Armageddon?"
I told them, "No, but it could be a dress rehearsal." Watching how quickly the events unfolded in the Middle East shows us how quickly the last day's events God describes actually will begin to happen.
In my understanding of Bible prophecy, the next event on the prophetic calendar is the rapture of the church, that time when the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a shout, and Christians will be caught up to be with him in the air. Then the Antichrist will come onto the scene.

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