Friday 22 May 2020

Liberal Elites Trying To Stop Organic Covid-19 Vaccine Opposition Groups From Growing As Distrust Of The American Media Reaching All-Time High

New post on Now The End Begins

Liberal Elites Trying To Stop Organic Covid-19 Vaccine Opposition Groups From Growing As Distrust Of The American Media Reaching All-Time High

by Geoffrey Grider

Liberal Elites Trying To Stop Organic Covid-19 Vaccine Opposition Groups From Growing As Distrust Of The American Media Reaching All-Time High

“I would take Trump’s hydroxychloroquine . . . before I would be vaccinated by the left’s new covid-19 vaccine!” read a meme posted Tuesday in a pro-Trump Facebook group with more than 82,000 members.

When Brett Kavanaugh was accused of sexual assault a few years ago, the Liberals demanded and got a televised and sensationalized 'trial-by-media' investigation that dragged him and his family through the mud. "Believe all women!" went the rallying cry. Kavanaugh was assailed by the Liberal media around the clock, right up to the moment he was found not to be guilty of what he was charged with. Recently, Joe Biden was accused of sexual assault, and the Liberal media promptly ignored all of it, deeming it unworthy to even report on it. "Believe all women" does not apply when it is Democrats who are being accused, only Conservatives.
It is the same with "my body, my choice!" that Liberals use to justify the slaughter of unborn babies in the womb. "You can't tell a woman what to do with her body", they say on one hand, but then they turn right around and say that if you refuse to allow the government to inject you a COVID-19 vaccine, you're one of those oddball fringe conspiracy theory people.
Hey, have you been wondering why Bill Gates has been so quiet lately? He went from being on nearly every talk show, bragging about how he "predicted" the COVID-10 pandemic outbreak, to not saying hardly a word. Do you wonder why that is? Let me tell you why. Bill Gates got exposed for the New World Order fraud that he is, and websites like this one have turned such a glaringly-bright spotlight on him and "his work" that he has been forced to take a little break. He posted on Twitter last month and got over 75,000 comments with nearly all of them negative. Take a look for yourself:
Halting funding for the World Health Organization during a world health crisis is as dangerous as it sounds. Their work is slowing the spread of COVID-19 and if that work is stopped no other organization can replace them. The world needs @WHO now more than ever.
— Bill Gates (@BillGates) April 15, 2020
People are standing up and saying "no!" to the COVID-19 vaccine before it is ever released, and the Liberal elites are not happy about that as you will see in today's article from the Washington ComPost decrying the rights of American citizens to refuse to become indoctrinated and vaccinated. But be warned, the New World Order elites don't play fair or nice, and they will take serious action to force you to take the COVID-19 vaccine when it is available. Make your mind up now what you will say then when it all hits the fan. Because it will.
FUN FACT: I have never taken a flu shot, why? Because I have worked for some of the biggest big pharma companies in the world and I know what they put in there is poison. I won't take the COVID-19 vaccine no matter who makes it, and not even the United States military can change that.

Trump’s promise of ‘Warp Speed’ fuels anti-vaccine movement in fertile corners of the Web

FROM THE WASHINGTON POST: The question was posed bluntly to the nearly 100,000 members of a Facebook group devoted to ending Pennsylvania’s stay-at-home orders, with a user writing, “if there was a vaccine for coronavirus would you be likely to take it.”
“Absolutely not.”
The resoundingly negative answers streamed forth, generating 1,700 comments and providing a window into brewing resistance to a potential coronavirus vaccine that experts say offers the surest path back to normal life. Some of the same online activists who have clamored to resume economic activity, echoing President Trump’s call to “liberate” their states from sweeping restrictions, are now aligning themselves with a cause on the political fringe — preemptively forswearing a vaccine. To further their baseless claims about the dangers of vaccines and to portray the scientific process as reckless, they have seized on the brisk pace promised for the project, which the Trump administration has branded “Operation Warp Speed.”
“We’re looking to get it by the end of the year if we can,” the president said Friday.
Both movements represent the views of a small minority of Americans. But leading medical experts fear that the ability of their adherents to spread misinformation online could plant seeds of confusion and distrust in the broader public — and undermine future efforts to distribute a vaccine.
H.R. 6666 is a Mark of the Beast COVID-19 government surveillance plot
Anthony S. Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said he has grown increasingly concerned that the name of the initiative has led to misconceptions about what is being put at risk by speeding up the effort — only financial investments, not safety or efficacy.
“People don’t understand that, because when they hear ‘Operation Warp Speed,’ they think, ‘Oh, my God, they’re jumping over all these steps and they’re going to put us at risk,’ ” Fauci said in an interview Wednesday with The Washington Post.
No steps would be eliminated, he vowed. Rather, multiple steps — from collecting data to preparing to scale up the number of potential doses — would be pursued at once, creating “risk for the investment” but not for the patient or the “integrity of the study.”
“You’re doing things in a totally unprecedented way, and you’re going really fast but not compromising safety because you haven’t cut out any of the steps you would have done had you done it the traditional way,” Fauci said.
But such guardrails have gone unmentioned on some of the most active platforms for coordinating opposition to measures designed to slow the spread of the virus. One participant in a 2,000-member reopening group on Facebook suggested Trump was “pandering to the left” by speeding a vaccine to market. Another, addressing more than 26,000 fellow users, called the effort “mad,” linking to a video outlining a conspiracy theory about Bill Gates.
Michael Caputo, a longtime Trump adviser tapped to lead communications for the initiative as the freshly minted head of public affairs at the Department of Health and Human Services, said he was responsible for the branding. He drew the name “Operation Warp Speed” from the terminology scientists were already using internally to describe their efforts, he said, after initially toying with names from Greek and Roman mythology but struggling to find a fitting title.
Of efforts to paint the process as overly hasty, Caputo said, “This is a concern that everyone in the operation is taking to heart.” A White House spokesman declined to comment. The protests against a possible vaccine extend far beyond the group focused on Pennsylvania. A similar question appeared in a Facebook group dedicated to reopening Arizona, where a user suggested that resisting a vaccine was a reason “to keep this Facebook group strong and going,” even as states begin to lift their stay-at-home orders. “Will you take it?” she asked. Among answers spouting debunked theories about the dangers of vaccines, one user weighed in to say she was newly skeptical, in light of how the development process was proceeding.
On Twitter, more than three-quarters of posts since Monday using the hashtag #OperationWarpSpeed have pushed conspiracy theories about the effort. Others suggested hydroxychloroquine was a more suitable option, even though the Food and Drug Administration has warned of the antimalarial drug’s possible side effects. Trump on Monday said he was taking the drug as a preventive measure, prompting some of his supporters to double down on the unproven drug, which has been linked to increased risk of death for certain patients.
“I would take Trump’s hydroxychloroquine . . . before I would be vaccinated by the left’s new covid-19 vaccine!” read a meme posted Tuesday in a pro-Trump Facebook group with more than 82,000 members.
Misinformation about vaccines is still rampant on the platform, said Kolina Koltai, a postdoctoral scholar at the Center for an Informed Public at the University of Washington who has been studying anti-vaccine groups on Facebook for five years. She first learned about the coronavirus in January, she said, because the online communities she tracks were already portraying the outbreak as a tool of government control.
The conspiracy theories that sow distrust of immunization rely on some well-founded concerns about profit and the role of industry, she said. READ MORE

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