So why do all the Liberal comedy sites like Buzzfeed feel complete liberty to mock and belittle Christians and our Saviour Jesus?
In the article, there were 19 memes and statements mocking just about every aspect of the Bible, Christianity, and their favorite target, Jesus of Nazareth. They even had a real belly-laugher about comparing the majesty and solemnity of the Last Supper to a card trick by occult magician David Blaine.
Was I insulted? Not when I considered the source, no, I wasn't really. Buzzfeed was just doing what lost, Hell-bound sinners do. But the thought that went through my head was why don't these same 'comedians' ever do the same type of hatchet job on Mohammed who created Islam? Certainly a whole lot there to poke fun at. But they never do.
In fact, if some site did an article like '19 Jokes About Mohammed Having Sex With A 9 Year Old Girl' progressive groups like the ACLU, the LGBTQ and the Democratic Socialists of America would instantly petition the courts to have the site closed, the offending parties sued into bankruptcy, and then jailed for an indeterminate period of time. There would be 24-hour per day outrage on every one of the fake news media outlets, and you would never hear the end of it. Ever.
So why do all the Liberal comedians feel
complete liberty to mock and belittle Christians and our Saviour Jesus? Because they know that instead of suing them, we will pray for them. Instead of seeking revenge, they know we are willing to allow God to exact the ultimate Justice. But there's another reason, too. Fear.
Liberals at their core are cowards, always have been and always will be. They know that Muslims are not as forgiving as Christians are, and that their god Allah demands justice here and now, not in the future. They know that there will be an earthly price to pay for mocking Islam in general or Mohammad in particular. So Liberals not only keep their mouths shut, they form alliances with Islam in the hopes of currying their favor and being spared from terror attacks. That's why you see pro-Islam banners at an LGBTQ rally, even though Islam calls for the execution of homosexuals.
So here's my open challenge to the comedy writers at Buzzfeed.
I'm going to visit your site every day, and every day I am going to be eagerly looking for the same type of comedy piece on Mohammed and Islam as you have done on Jesus and Christianity today.
And to help get you started, here's a few side-splitting article ideas:
- "72 Ways To Satisfy Your 72 Virgins While Eating A Ham Sandwich"
- "What Every Muslim Kid Remembers About Ramadan-A-Ding-Dong Growing Up"
- " 10 funny Things Mohammed Told His Soldiers About Raping The Wives Of Soldiers Who Lost In Battle".
- "15 Great Pickup Lines Every Muslim Needs While Looking For Love At A Preschool".
What? You mad, bro? That wasn't funny to you? Hmm, I was so sure it would be, because that's
exactly the same level at which you
all attack Jesus Christ, the Holy Bible and Christians worldwide. Come on, Buzzfeed, let's yuck it up.
Can't wait to read your upcoming excellent comedy piece on Islam and Mohammed. But I have a feeling I'll be waiting quite awhile.
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