Thursday 4 April 2013


The Ecumenical Path That Leads To Rome…rome

The election of Bergoglio, now known as Pope Francis, has polarized many evangelicals over whether Christians should be joining forces with those whose doctrine is diametrically opposed to Scripture. For one, regarding Joseph as the protector of mankind and Mary as the mother and co-redemptrix of all is a major concern for many Christians, including those who are former Roman Catholics.
Evangelist Louis Palau, author and megachurch leader Rick Warren, former presidential candidate Gary Bauer and others have enthusiastically welcomed Pope Francis, while others such as Pastor John McArthur and Southern Baptist Seminary President Al Mohler have released strong warnings against ecumenicism.
Mike Gendron of Proclaiming the Gospel Ministries agreed. He noted other significant widespread efforts.
“One of the accords, the Manhattan Declaration, is asking Catholics, Orthodox and evangelicals to come together to fight for religious freedom,” he outlined. “We need to be looking at these accords and realize it’s Rome’s attempt to unite all of Christianity under the power and the influence of the pope. It’s been their strategy for over 500 years, ever since the Reformation.” [read all about it HERE]

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